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And, the daughter of any priest, when she profaneth herself by unchastity, Her father, she, doth profane, with fire, shall she be consumed.

And, as for the high priest from among his brethren upon whose head is poured the anointing oil, and who is installed, by putting on the garments, His head, shall he not bare, And, his garments, shall he not rend;

And, out of the sanctuary, shall he not go forth, so shall he not profane the sanctuary of his God, - for the consecration of the anointing oil of his God is upon him - I, am Yahweh.

So shall he not profane his seed, among his kinsfolk, - For I - Yahweh, do hallow him.

Only, unto the veil, shall he not come in and unto the altar, shall he not approach - because, a blemish, is in him, so shall he not profane my sanctuaries, For, I - Yahweh, am hallowing them.

No man soever of the seed of Aaron who is a leper, or hath a flux, shall eat of the holy things, until he be clean, - And as for him who toucheth anything that is unclean by the dead, or a man whose seed goeth from him;

When the sun tooth in, then is he clean, - and thereafter, he may eat of the hallowed things, for, his food, it is.

Therefore shall they keep my charge, and shall not bear, for it, sin, and die therein, when they profane it, - I - Yahweh, am hallowing them.

nor cause them to bear guilty iniquity, when they eat their hallowed things, - For, I - Yahweh, am hallowing them.

whatsoever hath in it a blemish, shall ye not bring near, - for it shall not he accepted for you.

Whether an ox or a lamb long or short limb, as a free-will offering, thou mayest offer it, but, for a vow, it shall not he accepted.

Even at the hand of the son of a stranger, shall ye not bring near the food of your God of any of these, - for, their damage is in them, a blemish, is in them, they shall not be accepted for you.

Speak unto the sons of Israel and thou shalt say unto them, As for the appointed seasons of Yahweh, which ye shall proclaim as holy con-vocations, these, are they - my appointed seasons: -

And ye shall offer on the day when ye wave the sheaf, a he-lamb without defect, the finest of its year for an ascending-sacrifice unto Yahweh;

And the priest shall wave them, with the firstfruits bread, as a wave-offering before Yahweh, with the two he-lambs, - holy, shall they be unto Yahweh, for the priest.

And, when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not wholly clear the border of thy field when thou reapest, and, the gleanings of thy field, shalt thou not glean, - for the poor and for the sojourner, shalt thou leave them. I - Yahweh, am your God.

And, no work, shall ye do, on this selfsame day, - for a day of propitiation, it is, to put a propitiatory-covering over you before Yahweh your God.

For, whosoever be the person that shall not be humbled on this selfsame day, then shall he be cut off from among his kinsfolk.

Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying: - On the fifteenth day of this seventh month, shall be the festival of booths, for seven days, unto Yahweh.

These, are the appointed seasons of Yahweh, which ye shall proclaim, as holy convocations, - for bringing near as an altar-flame unto Yahweh, an ascending-sacrifice, and a meal-offering, a sacrifice and a drink-offering, each day's appointment on its own day: -

Command the sons of Israel, That they bring unto thee - pure oil olive, beaten, for giving light, - to cause the lamp to burn up continually.

so shall it be for Aaron and for his sons, and they shall eat it in a holy place, - for most holy, shall it be unto him from among the altar-flames of Yahweh, a statute age-abiding.

And he that by smiting taketh away the life of a beast, shall make it good, - life for life.

fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, as he inflicteth a blemish upon a human being, so, shall one be inflicted upon him.

So shall the sabbath of the land be unto you for food: unto thee, and unto thy servant and unto thy handmaid, - and unto thy hireling, and unto thy settlers that are sojourning with thee;

and unto thy tame-beasts, and unto the wild-beasts that are in thy land, shall belong all the increase thereof for food.

For, a jubilee, it is, holy, shall it be unto you, - out of the field, shall ye eat her increase.

So then ye shall not overreach one another; but thou shalt stand in awe of thy God, - for, I - Yahweh, am your God.

And, when, any man, selleth a dwelling-house in a walled city, then shall his right of redemption remain until the completion of a year after he sold it, - for, a year of days, shall his right of redemption remain.

But as for the houses of villages which have no wall round about them, with the fields of land, shall it be reckoned, - a right of redemption, shall belong to it, and, in the jubilee, shall it go out.

And as for the cities of the Levites, the houses of the cities of their possession, an age-abiding right of redemption, shall pertain unto the Levites.

And, if one of the Levites should not redeem, then shall the sale of the house and the city of his possession go out in the jubilee; for, the houses of the cities of the Levites are their possession, in the midst of the sons of Israel.

But the field of the pasture-land of their cities, shall not be sold, - for an age-abiding possession, it is unto them.

Thy silver, shalt thou not give him on interest, - neither, for profit, shalt thou give him thy food.

For, my bondmen, they are, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt, - they shall not sell themselves with the sale of a bondman.

And as for thy bondman and thy bond-maid which thou shalt have, of the nations that are round about you - from them, may ye buy bondman and bond-maid.

and ye may take them as an inheritance for your sons after you to inherit as a possession, unto times age-abiding, of them, may ye take to be bondmen, - but, over your brethren the sons of Israel - a man over his brother, ye shall not rule, over him with rigour.

Then shall he reckon with him that bought him, from the year that he was sold to him, unto the year of the jubilee, - and the silver for which he was sold shall be by the number of years, according to the days of a hired servant, shall he be with him.

For, unto me, are the sons of Israel, bondmen, my bondmen, they are, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt. I, Yahweh, am your God.

Ye shall not make unto you idols, - neither image nor pillar, shall ye set up for yourselves, nor sculptured stone, shall ye place in your land, to bow yourselves down thereunto,-For, I Yahweh, am your God.

I also, will do this unto you - I will set over you, for terror, consumption and fever, Causing the eyes to fail and the soul to pine away, - And ye shall sow, in vain, your seed, for it shall be eaten by your foes.

And, if even with these things, ye will not hearken unto me, Then will I yet further correct you seven times, for your sins.

Then will, I also, go in opposition to you. And, I, even I, will plague you seven times for your sins;

Then will I go in a rage of opposition to you, - And I, even I, will correct you seven times for your sins;

And as for such as are left of you, Then will I bring faintness into their heart, in the lands of their foes, - So that the sound of a driven leaf shall chase them, And they shall flee as though fleeing from a sword And they shall fall, when no one is pursuing;

For, the land, shall be left of them, And shall be paid her sabbaths, while she lieth desolate without them, They also, accepting, as a payment, the punishment of their iniquity, Because, yea because, my regulations, they refused, And my statutes, their soul abhorred.

And yet even so when they are in the land of their foes I have not refused them Neither have I abhorred them To make an end of them, To break my covenant with them, - For, I - Yahweh, am their God.

then shall, thine estimate be for the male from twenty years of age even to sixty years of age, yea thine estimate shall be - fifty shekels of silver by the shekel of the sanctuary;

And, if it be from five years of age even unto twenty years of age, then shall thine estimate be for the male, twenty shekels, - and, for the female, ten shekels.

And, if it he from a month old even unto five years old, then shall thine estimate be - for the male, five shekels of silver, - and, for the female, thine estimate shall be three shekels of silver.

And if it be from sixty years of age and upwards, if a male, then shall thine estimate be fifteen shekels, - and, for the female, ten shekels.

But if he be, too poor, for thine estimate, then shall he present himself before the priest, and the priest shall estimate him, - according to that which the hand of him who would vow can attain to, shall the priest estimate him.

He shall not alter it, nor change it - good for bad or bad for good, - but if he, do, change beast for beast, then shall, both it and what was given in exchange for it be holy.

And, as for all the tithe of the land whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the trees, unto Yahweh, it belongeth, - as something holy unto Yahweh.

And, as for all the tithe of herd and flock, all that passeth under the rod, the tenth, shall be holy unto Yahweh.

He shall not examine whether it be good or bad neither shall he change it, - or, if he do in anywise change, it, then shall both, it and what is given in exchange for it, be holy, it shall not be redeemed.

These are the commandments which Yahweh commanded Moses for the sons of Israel, - in Mount Sinai.

and with you, shall be one man for each tribe, - each man, head of his ancestral house, shall be.

such as were numbered of them as belonging to the tribe of Judah, seventy-four thousand and six hundred.

such as were numbered of them as belonging to the tribe of Issachar, fifty-four thousand and four hundred.

such as were numbered of them as belonging to the tribe of Zebulun, fifty-seven thousand and four hundred.

such as were numbered of them as belonging to the tribe of Benjamin, thirty-five thousand and four hundred.

such as were numbered of them, as belonging to the tribe of Naphtali, fifty-three thousand, and four hundred.

These, are they who were numbered, whom Moses and Aaron and the twelve princes of Israel did number, the princes acting each one for his ancestral house.

For Yahweh spake unto Moses saying:

and his host, even they who are numbered of them, - seventy-four thousand and six hundred,

and his host even they who are numbered of them, - fifty-four thousand and four hundred.

and his host, even they who are numbered of him, fifty-seven thousand and four hundred.

All they who are num-bered to the camp of Judah. a hundred and eighty-six thousand four hundred, by their hosts, shall first set forward.

All they who are num-bered to the camp of Reuben, - a hundred and fifty-one thousand and four hundred and fifty, by their hosts, and they in the second rank, shall set forward.

and his host, even they who are numbered of them, - thirty-five thousand and four hundred.

and his host, even they who are numbered of them, - fifty-three thousand and four hundred,

But Nadab and Abihu died before Yahweh when they brought near strange fire before Yahweh in the desert of Sinai, and sons, had they none, - so then Eleazar and Ithamar ministered as priests, in the presence of Aaron their father.

for, mine, is every firstborn, in the day when I smote every firstborn in the land of Egypt, hallowed unto myself every firstborn in Israel, both of man and of beast, - mine, did they become, and belong unto me, Yahweh.

And, the charge, of the sons of Gershon, was over the tent of meeting, the habitation, and the tent, - the covering thereof, and the screen for the entrance of the tent of meeting;

and the hangings of the court, and the screen for the entrance of the court which was near the habitation and near the altar, round about, - and the cords thereof, as to all the laborious work thereof.

then shalt thou take the Levites for me, me Yahweh, instead of every firstborn among the sons of Ishmael, - also the cattle of the Levites, instead of every firstling among the cattle of the sons of Israel.

and put thereupon all the utensils thereof wherewith they minister thereupon - the fire-pans, the flesh-hooks - and the shovels and the tossing-bowls, all the utensils of the altar, - and shall spread over it covering of badgers skin and put in the staves thereof.

This, therefore, do ye for them, so shall they live and not die when they approach the most holy place, - Aaron and his sons shall enter and set them man by man over his labour, and unto his burden;

but they shall not enter to see, for a moment, that which is holy, else should they die.

and the hangings of the court, and the screen for the entrance of the gate of the court which is near the habitation and near the altar round about, and their cords, and all their articles of service, and all that is to be done to them when they shall do their labour,

As for the sons of Merari, - by their families by their ancestral house, shall ye number them;

then shall the man bring in his wife unto the priest, and shall bring in her offering for her, the tenth of an ephah of the meal of barley, - he shall not pour thereon oil, nor put thereon frankincense, for a jealousy gift, it is, a reminding gift bringing to mind iniquity.

then shall the priest put the woman on oath with an oath of cursing, and the priest shall say unto the woman, Yahweh give thee up for a curse and for an oath in the midst of thy people, - in that Yahweh shall give up thy thigh to fall away, and thy womb to swell:

All the days of his vow of separation, no razor, shall pass over his head, - until the days are fulfilled for which he shall separate himself to Yahweh hallowed, shall he be, letting the locks of the hair of his head grow long.

All the days for which he hath separated himself unto Yahweh to no dead person, shall he go in.

Neither for his father nor for his mother nor for his brother nor for his sister, shall he make himself unclean-not even for them, should they die, - because, his separation unto God, is upon his head,

and the priest shall make, of one a sin - bearer and of one an ascending-sacrifice, and so put a propitiatory-covering over him, for that he sinned in respect of the dead person, - thus shall he hallow his head on that day.

then shall he bring near as his offering unto Yahweh. - one he-lamb a year old, without defect for an ascending-sacrifice, and one ewe-lamb a year old without defect for a sin-bearer, - and one ram, without defect for a peace-offering;

Then shall the Separate One shave, at the entrance of the tent of meeting, his head of separation, - and take the hair of his head of separation, and put upon the fire, which is under the peace-offering.

Then shall the priest take the shoulder far boiling from the ram, and one unleavened round cake from the basket, and one unleavened thin cake, - and place them on the hands, of the Separate One after he hath shaven off his hair of separation;

and the priest shall wave them as a wave-offering before Yahweh, hallowed, it is for the priest, besides the wave breast, and be-sides the heave leg, - and, afterwards, may the Separate One drink wine.

yea then brought they in as their offering, before Yahweh - six covered waggons, and twelve oxen, a waggon for every two of the princes and an ox for each one, - yea they brought them near before the habitation.

Take them of them, so shall they be for doing the laborious work of the ten of meeting, - and thou shalt give them unto the Levites, to every man according to the need of his laborious work.

two of the waggons and four of the oxen, gave he unto the sons of Gershon, - according to the need of their laborious work;

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