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and Yahweh single him out for calamity, out of all the tribes of Israel, - according to all the oaths of the covenant that is written in this scroll of the law.

therefore did the anger of Yahweh kindle upon that land, - to bring in upon it all the curse that is written in this scroll;

and therefore hath Yahweh rooted them out, from off their own soil, in anger and in wrath and in great indignation, - and cast them into another land as at this day.

And Yahweh thy God will make thee pre-eminent, in every work of thy hand - in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy cattle and in the fruit of thy ground, for good, - for Yahweh will again rejoice over thee for good, as he rejoiced over thy fathers:

For as touching this commandment, which I am commanding thee to-day, it is not, too wonderful, for thee, neither is it far off.

It is, not in the heavens, - that thou shouldest say - Who shall ascend for us into the heavens that he may fetch it for us, that we may hear it, and do it?

Neither is it, over the sea, - that thou shouldest say, Who will pass over for us to the other side of the sea, that he may fetch it for us, that we may hear it, and do it?

But, near unto thee, is the word, exceedingly, - in thy mouth and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it.

to love Yahweh thy God, to hearken unto his voice, and to cleave unto him, - for, he, is thy life, and thy length of days, that thou mayest abide upon the soil which Yahweh sware to thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob, to give unto them.

Yahweh thy God, is passing over before thee, he, will destroy these nations from before thee so shalt thou dispossess them, - Joshua is passing over before thee, as Yahweh hath spoken.

So will Yahweh do unto them as he did unto Sihon and unto Og, kings of the Amorites, and unto the land of them whom he destroyed.

But, Yahweh, it is who is going before thee, he will be with thee, he will not fail thee nor forsake thee, - thou must not fear nor be dismayed.

Call together the people - the men and the women and the little ones, and thy sojourner who is within thy gates, - that they may hear, and that they may learn, so shall they revere Yahweh your God, and observe to do all the words of this law;

Then will mine anger kindle upon them in that day, and I will forsake them and will hide my face from them and they shall be consumed, and many calamities and misfortunes shall find them out, - and they will say, in that day, Is it not because my God is not in my midst, that these calamities have found me out?

And it shall come to pass, when many calamities and misfortunes shall find them out, then shall this Song respond to their face, as a witness, for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouth of their seed, for I know their imagination, which they are forming to-day, ere yet I bring them into the land of which I sware unto their fathers.

Take this scroll of the law, and put it at the side of the ark of the covenant of Yahweh your God, - so shall it be there in thy midst as a witness.

For I know that after my death, ye will break faith, and turn aside out of the way which I have commanded you, - and calamity will befall you in the afterpart of the days, because ye will do the thing that is wicked in the eyes of Yahweh, to provoke him with the work of your own hands.

Let my teaching drop as the rain, Let my speech distil as the dew, - As copious rains on tender grass, As myriad drops on seeding plants.

He met him in a desert land, And in the howling waste of a wilderness, - He encompassed him watched over him, Shielded him as the pupil of his own eye.

As, an eagle, stirreth up his nest, Over his young ones, fluttereth, Spreadeth abroad his wings, taketh one, Beareth it up on his pinions,

Curds of kine and milk of sheep, - With fat of well-fed lambs, Yea rams bred in Bashan, and he-goats, With the white of the kernels of wheat, - And, the blood of the grape, thou didst drink as it foamed.

Then Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked: Thou wast fat, Thou wast thick, Thou wast gorged, So he forsook the GOD who made him, And treated as foolish his Rock of salvation.

So he said: - I will hide any face from them, I will see what will be their hereafter, - For a generation given to intrigue, they are, Sons, whom there is no trusting;

For, a fire, is kindled in mine anger, And shall burn as far as hades beneath, - And consume the earth with her produce, And set ablaze the foundations of the mountains:

Were it not that the taunt of the foe, I feared, Lest their adversaries should mistake, - Lest they should say - Our own hand, is exalted, It is not Yahweh, therefore who hath wrought all this!

If they had been wise, they would have understood this, - They would have given heed to their here-after!

For, not like our Rock, is their rock, Our enemies themselves, being judges;

For of the vine of Sodom, is their vine, And of the vineyards of Gomorrah, - Their grapes, are grapes of gall, Clusters of bitter things, are theirs:

The poison of large serpents, is their wine, - Yea the fierce venom of asps.

Is not, that, stored up with me, - Sealed up amongst my treasures;

Unto the days of vengeance and requital: Unto the time their foot shall totter? For, near, is the day of their fate, And their destiny speedeth on.

For Yahweh will vindicate his people, And upon his servants, will have compassion, - When he seeth that strength is exhausted, And there is no one shut up or at large,

Shout for joy O ye nations with his people, For the blood of his servants, he avengeth, - And, vengeance, he returneth unto his adversaries, And is propitious unto the soil of his people.

for it is not, too small a thing, for you, for, it, is your life, - and, hereby, shall ye prolong your days upon the soil whereunto ye are, passing over the Jordan to possess it.

Get thee up into this mountain of the Abarim, Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, which is over against Jericho - and behold the land of Canaan which I am giving unto the sons of Israel, for a possession;

and die thou in the mount whither thou art going up, and he withdrawn unto thy kinsfolk, - as Aaron thy brother died in Mount Hor, and was withdrawn unto his kinsfolk;

Now, this, is the blessing wherewith Moses, the man of God, blessed the sons of Israel, - before his death.

A law, did Moses command us, - A possession, for the convocation of Jacob.

Thus became he in, Jeshurun, a king, - When the heads of the people gathered them-selves together, As one man, the tribes of Israel. Reuben -

And, this, is for Judah, when he said, Hear, O Yahweh, the voice of Judah, That unto his own people, thou wouldst bring him home, - Let, his own hands, suffice him, And, a helper from his adversaries, do thou become.

And, of Gad, he said: Blessed, be he that hath made room for Gad, - As a lioness, hath he laid himself down, And hath torn an arm likewise the crown of the head;

And, of Dan, he said, Dan, is a lion's whelp, - He leapeth out of Bashan.

There is none like GOD, O Jeshurun, - Riding upon the heavens to thy help, - And for his own majesty, on the skies;

How happy art thou, O Israel! Who is like unto thee, O people victorious in Yahweh? Thy helpful shield, who also is thy majestic sword, - So that thy foes come cringing unto thee, And, thou, upon their heights, dost march along.

So then Moses went up, from the waste plains of Moab into Mount Nebo, the head of Pisgah, which is over against Jericho, - and Yahweh showed him all the land - even Gilead as far as Dan;

and all Naphtali, and the land of Ephraim and Manasseh, - and all the land of Judah, as far as the hinder sea;

and the South, - and the circuit of the valley of Jericho, the city of palm trees as far as Zoar.

And Yahweh said unto him - This, is the land which I sware to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying, Unto thy seed, will I give it. I have let thee see with thine own eyes, But thither, shalt thou not pass over.

But, Joshua, son of Nun, was full of the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands upon him, - so the sons of Israel hearkened unto him, and did, as Yahweh commanded Moses.

Moses my servant, is dead, - Now, therefore, arise, pass over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, into the land which I am giving unto them - unto the sons of Israel.

Every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread, unto you, have I given it, - as I spake unto Moses.

No man shall stand before thee, all the days of thy life, - as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee, I will not fail thee, neither will I forsake thee.

This scroll of the law must not cease out of thy mouth, but thou must talk to thyself therein, day and night, that thou mayest take heed to do according to all that is written therein, - for, then, shalt thou make thy way prosperous, and, then, shalt thou have good success.

Pass ye through the midst of the camp, and command the people, saying: Make ready for yourselves, provisions, - for, in three days more, are ye to pass over this Jordan, to go in and possess the land which Yahweh your God is giving you, to possess.

Remember the word which Moses the servant of Yahweh commanded you, saying, - Yahweh your God, is granting you rest, and doth give you this land.

until that Yahweh shall grant rest unto your brethren, as unto you, so shall, they also, possess the land which Yahweh your God giveth them, - then shall ye return unto the land of your possession, and possess it, which Moses the servant of Yahweh hath given you over the Jordan, towards the rising of the sun.

Then responded they to Joshua, saying, - All that thou hast commanded us, will we do, and, whithersoever thou shalt send us, will we go:

As in every thing we hearkened unto Moses, so, will we hearken unto thee, - only let Yahweh thy God be with thee, as he was with Moses.

Then did Joshua son of Nun, send out from The Acacias, two men to spy out silently, saying, Go view the land, and Jericho. So they came, and entered the house of a harlot, whose name was Rahab, and lay there.

and it came to pass, as the gate was about to be shut in the darkness, that, the men, went out, I know not whither the men went, - pursue them quickly for ye shall overtake them.

So, the men, pursued them by way of the Jordan unto the fords, - the gate being shut as soon as they who pursued them had gone forth.

and said unto the men, I know that Yahweh hath given unto you the land, - and that the terror of you hath fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land, have melted away, from before you.

and, when we heard, then did our heart melt, and there rose up no longer any spirit in any man because of you, - for, as for Yahweh your God, he, is God - in the heavens above, and upon the earth beneath.

And the men said unto her, Our souls in your stead unto death, if ye utter not this our business, - so shall it be, when Yahweh shall give us the land, that we will deal with thee in lovingkindness and in faithfulness.

And the men said unto her, - Free, will we be from this thine oath which thou hast made us swear:

Lo! when we are coming into the land, this cord of crimson thread, must thou bind in the window by which thou didst let us down, and, thy father and thy mother and thy brethren and all the household of thy father, must thou gather together unto thee unto the house.

Or, if thou utter this our business, then shall we be free from this thine oath which thou hast made us swear.

and they said unto Joshua, Yahweh, hath delivered, into our hand all the land, - moreover also all the inhabitants of the land, have melted away, from before us.

So then Joshua rose early in the morning, and they brake up from The Acacias and came as far as the Jordan, he and all the sons of Israel, - and they lodged there before they passed over.

Then said Yahweh unto Joshua: This day, will I begin to magnify thee in the eyes of all Israel, - who shall know, that, as I was with Moses, I will be with thee.

Thou, therefore, shalt command the priests who am bearing the ark of the covenant, saying, - When ye are come as far as the edge of the waters of the Jordan, in the Jordan, shall ye stand.

And Joshua said, Hereby, shall ye know, that a Living GOD is in your midst, - and that he will, certainly dispossess, from before you, the Canaanite and the Hittite, and the Hivite and the Perizzite, and the Girgashite, and the Amorite, and the Jebusite.

Lo! the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth, is about to pass before you into the Jordan.

then, as the bearers of the ark came as far as the Jordan, and, the feet of the priests who were bearing the ark, were dipped in the edge of the waters, - the Jordan being full over all his banks, all the days of harvest,

that the waters which were coming down from above, stood - rose up in one mound, a great way off, by the city Adam, which is beside Zarethan, and, they which were going down to the sea of the waste plain, the salt sea, failed - were cut off, - and, the people, passed over, right against Jericho.

And the sons of Israel did so, as Joshua commanded, and took up twelve stones out of the midst of the Jordan, as spake Yahweh unto Joshua, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Israel, - and carried them with them unto the place where they lodged, and laid them down there.

And so it was, as soon as all the people had made an end of passing over, - then passed over the ark of Yahweh, and the priests, in presence of the people.

Also the sons of Reuben and the sons of Gad and the hall tribe of Manasseh, passed over, armed, before the sons of Israel, - as Moses had spoken unto them:

On that day, did Yahweh magnify Joshua in the eyes of all Israel, - and they revered him, as they revered Moses, all the days of his life.

And it came to pass, when the priests who were bearing the ark of the covenant of Yahweh came up out of the midst of the Jordan, and the soles of the feet of the priests were withdrawn unto the dry ground, then returned the waters of the Jordan unto their place, and went, as before, over all his banks.

in that Yahweh your God dried up the waters of the Jordan, from before you, until ye had passed over, - as Yahweh your God had done unto the Red Sea, which he dried up from before us, until we had passed over:

that all the peoples of the earth might know the hand of Yahweh, that, firm, it is; that they might revere Yahweh your God, all the days.

Now, this, is the cause why Joshua did circumcise, - all the people who came forth out of Egypt, who were males, all the men of war, died in the desert, by the way, after they came forth out of Egypt.

Because, for forty years, did the sons of Israel journey in the desert, until all the nation who were men of war, who came forth out of Egypt, were consumed, because they hearkened not unto the voice of Yahweh, - unto whom Yahweh sware that he would not let them see the land, which Yahweh sware unto their fathers, that he would give unto us, a land flowing with milk and honey.

Then said Yahweh unto Joshua, To-day, have I rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you. Wherefore the name of that place is called Gilgal unto this day.

And it came to pass, while Joshua was at Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes, and looked, and lo! a man standing over against him, with his sword drawn, in his hand, - so Joshua went unto him, and said to him, For us, art thou, or for our adversaries?

And he said - Nay, but, I, as prince of the host of Yahweh, have, now, come. So Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and worshipped, and said unto him, What is my lord speaking unto his servant?

Then said the prince of the host of Yahweh unto Joshua - Slip off thy sandals from thy feet, for, as for the place whereon thou art standing, holy, it is. And Joshua did so.

And it shall be, that, as for the city, devoted, shall it be and all that is therein unto Yahweh, - nevertheless, Rahab the harlot, shall live, she and all who are with her in the house, because she hid the messengers whom we sent.

But, in any wise, do, ye, beware of what is devoted, lest ye should covet, and then take of what is devoted, - and so cause the camp of Israel to be devoted, and bring trouble upon it.