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So also is it with someone who has sex with his neighbor's wife; anyone touching her will not remain unpunished.

but when he is discovered, he must restore seven-fold, forfeiting the entire value of his house.

Keep my commands and you'll live. Guard my teaching as you do your eyesight.

Look! A woman makes her way to meet him, dressed as a prostitute and intending to entrap him.

Now she is in the street, now in the plazas, she lurks near every corner.

until an arrow pierces his liver. As a bird darts into a snare, he doesn't realize his fatal decision.

Listen, because I have noble things to say, and what I have to say will reveal what is right.

For my mouth speaks the truth wickedness is detestable to me.

Everything I have to say is just; there isn't anything corrupt or perverse in my speech.

Everything I say is sensible to someone who understands, and correct to those who have acquired knowledge.

because wisdom is better than precious gems and nothing you desire can compare to it."

By me leaders rule, as do noble officials and all who govern justly.

My fruit is better than gold, better than even refined gold, and my benefit surpasses the purest silver.

"Let whoever is naive, turn in here." To anyone lacking sense, she says,

Don't rebuke a mocker or he will hate you. Rebuke a wise person, and he will love you.

The foolish woman is loud, undisciplined, and without knowledge.

"Whoever is naive, turn in here!" And to anyone lacking sense, she says,

Wisdom characterizes the speech of the discerning, but the rod is for the backs of those lacking discernment.

What the righteous person says is like precious silver; the thoughts of the wicked are compared to small things.

To the upright, the way of the LORD is a place of safety, but it's a place of ruin to those who practice evil.

Righteous lips know what is prudent, but the words of the wicked are perverse.

The righteous person is delivered from trouble; it comes upon the wicked instead.

The city rejoices when the righteous prosper, and when the wicked perish there is jubilation.

The desire of the righteous is to seek good, but the hope of the wicked results in wrath.

A man is praised because of his wise words, but the perverted mind will be despised.

The wicked desires what evil people gain, but the foundation of the righteous is productive.

A truthful saying is trusted forever, but the liar only for a moment.

One person pretends to be wealthy, but has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet is rich.

The life of a wealthy man may be held for ransom, but whoever is poor receives no threats.

The light of the righteous shines, but the lamp of the wicked is extinguished.

Someone whose conduct is upright fears the LORD, but whoever is devious in his ways despises him.

Won't those who plot evil go astray? But gracious love and truth are for those who plan what is good.

The crown of the wise is their wealth, but the stupidity of fools is just that stupidity!

A truthful witness saves lives, but the person who lies is deceitful.