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But for virgins I have not an order of the Lord: and I give an opinion as compassionated by the Lord to be faithful.

I think therefore this to be good for the present necessity, that it is good for a man to be thus.

And they weeping, as not weeping; and they rejoicing, as not rejoicing; and they buying, as not possessing.

And she is happier if she so remain, according to my opinion: and I also think to have the Spirit of God.

But not in all, knowledge: and some with consciousness of the idol even till now eat as a sacrifice to idols: and their consciousness being weak is contaminated.

Or does he say altogether on account of us? For it was written on account of us: that he ploughing ought to plough upon hope; and he grinding upon hope, to participate with his hope.

And I was to the Jews as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews: to them under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them under the law;

I became to the weak as weak, that I might gain the weak: I have been all things to all, that altogether I might save some.

What do I say therefore? that an idol is any thing? or that what is sacrificed to an idol is any thing?

And if any one say to you, This is sacrificed to an idol, eat not, for him making it known, and consciousness: for of the Lord the earth, and its fulness:

And consciousness, I say, not thine, but another's: for that why is my freedom judged by another's consciousness

As I also please in all things to all, not seeking my advantage, but that of many, that they might be saved.

And every woman praying or prophesying with head uncovered shames her head: for it is one and the same to her having been shaved.

For if the woman is not covered, let her also be shorn: and if shameful to the woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.

Does not nature itself teach you, that, if a man truly have long hair, it is a dishonour to him?

Therefore ye coming together upon the same, it is not to eat the Lord's supper.

For each takes his own supper in eating: and one is truly hungry, and one is intoxicated.

And if the ear say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; by this is it not of the body

It demeans itself not unbecomingly, seeks not the things of itself, is not irritated, reckons no evil;

As inanimate things giving a voice, whether pipe or harp, if it give not a distinction to sounds, how shall the piping or harping be known?

For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, and my mind is unfruitful.

What therefore is it? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray also with the mind: I will play on the harp in the spirit, and I will play also on the harp in the mind.

And If all prophesy, and any unbelieving, or ignorant private individual come in, he is refuted by all, he is examined by all:

And so the hidden things of his heart are made manifest; and so having fallen upon the face, he will worship God, proclaiming that God is truly with you.

Let your women be silent in the churches: for it has not been committed to them to speak; but to be subjected, as also says the law.

And if any is ignorant, let him be ignorant.

And if Christ is proclaimed that he arose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no rising up of the dead?

For he subjected all things under his feet. And when he said that all things have been subjected, it is manifest that without him having subjected all things to him.

And God gives it a body as he would, and to each of the seed its own body.