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When the word of Jehovah was to him in the days of Josiah son of Amon, king of Judah, in the thirteenth year to his reigning.

And the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying,

And the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying, What seem thou, Jeremiah? and saying, I see the shoot of an almond tree.

And Jehovah will say to me, Thou didst well to see; for I watch upon my word to do it

And the word of Jehovah will be to me the second time, saying, What seest thou? and saying, I see a pot blown under, and its face from the face of the north.

And the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying,

Hear ye the word of Jehovah, O house of Jacob, and the families of the house of Israel:

O generation, see ye the word of Jehovah. Was I the desert to Israel? If a land of thick darkness? wherefore said my people, We had dominion, we will come no more to thee?

Why wilt thou despise greatly to do the second time thy way? also thou shalt be ashamed of Egypt as thou wert ashamed of Assur.

Lift up thine eyes upon the naked hills and see where thou wert not lain with. Upon the ways thou didst sit for them as the ravens in the desert; and thou wilt defile the land with thy fornications and with thine evil

And the prophets shall be for wind, and the word not in them: so shall it be done to them.

For this, thus said Jehovah, the God of armies, Because ye spake this word, behold me giving my word in thy mouth for fire, and this people wood, and it consumed them.

To whom shall I speak and testify, and they will hear? behold, their ear being uncircumcised, and they shall not be able to hearken: behold, the word of Jehovah was to them for a reproach; they will not delight in it

Hear, thou earth: Behold me bringing evil to this people, the fruit of their purposes, for to my word they hearkened not, and my law they will reject it.

Stand in the gate of the house of Jehovah, and call there this word, and say, Hear ye the word of Jehovah, all Judah coming into these gates to worship to Jehovah

for I spake not to your fathers, and I commanded them not in the day of bringing them forth out of the land of Egypt, concerning my word of burnt-offering and sacrifice:

But this word I commanded them, saying, Hear to my voice, and I was to you for God, and in shall be to me for a people: and go in all the ways which I shall command you, so that it shall be well to you.

For hear, ye women, the word of Jehovah, and your ear shall receive the word of his mouth, and teach ye your daughters lamentation, and a woman her neighbor, the song of mourning.

Hear ye the word which Jehovah spake to you, O house of Israel:

The word which was to Jeremiah from Jehovah, saying,

Just art thou, O Jehovah, for I will strive to thee: surely I will speak judgments with thee: Wherefore did the way of the evil prosper? all they acting faithlessly with treachery were secure?

And I shall buy the girdle according to the word of Jehovah, and I shall put upon my loins.

And the word of Jehovah will be to me the second time, saying,

And the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying,

And say to them this word: Thus said Jehovah God of Israel, Every flask shall be filled with wine: and they said to thee, Knowing, shall it not be known that every flask shall be filled with wine?

The word of Jehovah which was to Jeremiah concerning the words of the drought.

And say to them this word: Mine eyes shall bring down tears night and day, and they shall not rest: for the virgin daughter of my people was broken with a great breaking, a very sickly wound.

Is there among the vanities of the nations those causing ruin? and if the heavens will give showers? Art not thou he, Jehovah our God? And we will wait for thee: for thou didst make all these.

and the word of Jehovah was to me, saying,

And thou wert thrust in thyself from thine inheritance which I gave to thee; and I caused thee to serve thine enemies in a land which thou knewest not: for ye kindled a fire in mine anger; it shall burn forever.

And he was as ruins in the sterile region, and he shall not see when good shall come; he inherited the arid places in the desert, a salt land, and it shall not be inhabited.

And say to them, Hear the word of Jehovah, ye kings of Judah, and all Judah, and all inhabiting Jerusalem, coming in by these gates:

The word which was to Jeremiah from Jehovah, saying,

Arise, and go down to the potter's house, and there I will cause thee to hear my word.

And the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying,

And they will say, Come, and we will purpose purposes against Jeremiah; for law shall not perish from the priest, and counsel from the wise, and the word from the prophet Come, and we will strike him with the tongue, and we will not attend to any of his words.

And say, Hear the word of Jehovah, ye kings of Judah, and ye dwelling n Jerusalem; Thus said Jehovah of armies, God of Israel: Behold me bringing evil upon this place, which every one hearing. it, their ears shall tingle.

Thus said Jehovah of armies, God of Israel, Behold me bringing to this city and upon all her cities all the evil which I spake against her, because they hardened their neck not to hear my word.

For as often as I shall speak I shall cry; violence and oppression I shall call; for the word of Jehovah was to me for a reproach and for a derision all the day.

The word which was to Jeremiah from Jehovah in king Zedekiah's sending to him Pashur son of Melchiah, and Zephaniah son Maaseiah the priest, saying,

And for the house of the king of Judah, hear ye the word of Jehovah:

Thus said Jehovah: Go down to the house of the king of Judah and speak there this word,

And say, Hear thou the word of Jehovah, O king of Judah, sitting upon the throne of David, thou and thy servants, and thy people coming in to these gates:

For if doing, ye shall do this word, and kings came into the gates of this house, sitting to David upon his throne, riding in chariots and upon horses, he send his servants and his people.

Shalt thou reign, for thou art kindled with cedar? did not thy father eat and drink and do judgment and justice, then it was well to him?

Saying to say to those despising the word of Jehovah, There shall be peace to you; and every one going in the stubbornness of his heart, they said, Evil shall not come to you.

For who stood in the consultation of Jehovah, and will see and hear his word who attended to his word and will hear?

And if they stood in my consultation, and they will cause my people to hear my word, and turn them back from their evil way and from the evil of their doings.

The prophet whom with him a dream, he will recount a dream; and whom my word with him, he will speak my word in truth. What to the straw with the grain? says Jehovah.

So is not my word as fire? says Jehovah; and as a hammer, it will break the rock in pieces.

And ye shall no more make mention of the burden of Jehovah, for the burden to a man shall be his word; and ye perverted the words of the living God, Jehovah of armies our God.

And if ye shall say, The burden of Jehovah; for this, thus said Jehovah, Because ye said this word, The burden of Jehovah, and I shall send to you, saying, Ye shall not say, The burden of Jehovah:

And the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying,

The word which was to Jeremiah concerning all the people of Judah, in the fourth year to Jehoiakim, son of Josiah, king of Judah, this the first year to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babel

From the thirteenth year of Josiah son of Amon, king of Judah, and even to this day, this the three and twentieth year, the word of Jehovah was to me, and I will speak to you, rising early and speaking, and ye heard not

For this, thus said Jehovah of armies: Because ye heard not my word,

In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah, was this word from Jehovah, saying,

Thus said Jehovah, Stand in the enclosure of the house of Jehovah and speak to all the cities of Judah coming to worship in the house of Jehovah, all the words which I command thee to speak to them; thou shalt not withhold a word.

In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah was this word to Jeremiah from Jehovah, saying,

And if they be prophets, and if the word of Jehovah be with them, they shall now supplicate to Jehovah of armies for the vessels being left in the house of Jehovah, and the house of the king of Judah, in Jerusalem, not to go into Babel

But hear now this word which I speak in thine ears and in the ears of all the people.

The prophet which will prophesy for peace in the coming of the word of the prophet, the prophet shall be known: that Jehovah sent him in truth.

And the word of Jehovah will be to Jeremiah after Hananiah the prophet broke the yoke from off the neck of Jeremiah the prophet, saying,

For thus said Jehovah, That according to the filling up to Babel of seventy years I will review you and lift up to you my good word to turn you back to this place.

For that they heard not to my word, says Jehovah, which I sent to them with my servants the prophets, rising early and sending; and ye heard not, says Jehovah.

And hear ye the word of Jehovah, all the captivity which I sent from Jerusalem into Babel.

Because they did folly in Israel, and they will commit adultery with their neighbors' wives, and they will speak the word of a lie in my name, which I commanded them not; and I know, and a witness, says Jehovah.

And the word of Jehovah will be to Jeremiah, saying,

The word which was to Jeremiah from Jehovah, saying,

I will yet build thee, and thou wert built, O virgin of Israel: thou shalt yet be adorned with the tabret, and thou wentest forth into the dance of those playing.

Hear the word of Jehovah, ye nations, and announce in the islands from far off, and say, He scattering Israel will gather him, and watch him as the shepherd his flock.

Thus said Jehovah of armies, God of Israel: Yet shall they say this word in the land of Judah and in its cities, in my turning back their captivity; Jehovah shall bless thee, thou habitation of justice, thou mountain of holiness

The word which was to Jeremiah from Jehovah in the tenth year to Zedekiah king of Judah, this year the eighteenth year to Nebuchadnezzar.

And Jeremiah will say, The word of Jehovah was to me, saying,

And Hanameel mine uncle's son will come to me according to the word of Jehovah, to the enclosure of the prison, and he will say to me, Buy now, my field, which is in Anathoth, in the land of Benjamin: for to thee judgment of possession, and to thee the redemption; buy to thee, and I shall know that this is the word of Jehovah.

And the word of Jehovah will be to Jeremiah, saying,

And the word of Jehovah will be to Jeremiah the second time, and he yet shut up in the enclosure of the prison, saying,

Behold, the days coming, says Jehovah, and I raised up the good word which I spake to the house of Israel and for the house of Judah.

And the word of Jehovah will be to Jeremiah, saying,

And the word of Jehovah will be to Jeremiah, saying,

The word that was to Jeremiah from Jehovah and Nebuchadnezzar king of Babel, and all his strength, and all the kingdoms of the earth, the dominion of his hand, and all the peoples warring against Jerusalem, and against all its cities, saying

But hear the word of Jehovah, O Zedekiah, king of Judah: Thus said Jehovah concerning thee, Thou shalt not die by the sword:

In peace shalt thou die; and with the burnings of thy fathers the former kings which were before thee, thus shall they burn for thee; and, Alas, Lord they shall mourn for thee; for I spake the word, says Jehovah.

The word which was to Jeremiah from Jehovah after king Zedekiah cut out a covenant with all the people which were in Jerusalem, to call to them liberty;

And the word of Jehovah will be to Jeremiah from Jehovah, saying,

The word which was to Jeremiah from Jehovah in the days of Jehoiakim, son of Josiah, king of Judah, saying,

And the word of Jehovah will be to Jeremiah, saying,

Thus said Jehovah of armies, God of Israel, Go and say to the man Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, Will ye not receive instruction to hear to my word? says Jehovah.

And it will be in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, son of Josiah king of Judah, this word being to Jeremiah from Jehovah, saying,

And the word of Jehovah will be to Jeremiah after the king burnt the roll, and the words which Baruch wrote from the mouth of Jeremiah, saying,

And the word of Jehovah, will be to Jeremiah the prophet, saying,

And he will be in the gate of Benjamin, and there a master of the ward and his name Irijah son of Shelemiah, son of Hananiah; and he will take Jeremiah the prophet, saying, Thou fallest to the Chaldeans.