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- 1.Gen 2:5-Gen 32:20
- 2.Gen 32:24-Exo 9:18
- 3.Exo 9:28-Lev 12:2
- 4.Lev 12:4-Num 7:42
- 5.Num 7:47-Num 35:12
- 6.Num 35:16-Deut 28:45
- 7.Deut 28:48-Josh 24:7
- 8.Josh 24:13-Judg 21:23
- 9.Rth 1:1-1 Sam 22:6
- 10.1 Sam 22:17-2 Sam 18:29
- 11.2 Sam 19:7-2 Kgs 4:16
- 12.2 Kgs 4:20-1 Chron 16:23
- 13.1 Chron 16:24-Ezra 8:32
- 14.Ezra 9:4-Job 24:21
- 15.Job 26:5-Psa 62:3
- 16.Psa 64:9-Psa 129:8
- 17.Psa 132:5-Song 2:17
- 18.Song 3:4-Isa 36:8
- 19.Isa 36:16-Jer 5:19
- 20.Jer 5:20-Jer 27:8
- 21.Jer 27:11-Jer 49:1
- 22.Jer 49:8-Ezek 20:3
- 23.Ezek 20:4-Ezek 39:17
- 24.Ezek 39:19-Hos 4:12
- 25.Hos 5:15-Zech 8:21
- 26.Zech 9:5-Matt 15:16
- 27.Matt 15:22-Mrk 1:45
- 28.Mrk 2:2-Luk 2:47
- 29.Luk 2:48-Luk 17:3
- 30.Luk 17:6-John 8:26
- 31.John 8:34-Act 4:20
- 32.Act 4:29-Act 28:23
- 33.Act 28:26-2 Cor 12:6
- 34.2 Cor 12:9-2 Tim 4:5
- 35.2 Tim 4:14-Rev 14:6
- 36.Rev 14:13-Rev 21:4
"'Go to this people and tell them, you will hear and hear, and by no means understand; and will look and look, and by no means see.
For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
To all in Rome who are dear to God and have been called to become Christ's People, From Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, who has been called to become an Apostle, and has been set apart to tell God's Good News.
God, to whom I offer the worship of my soul as I tell the Goodness of his Son, is my witness how constantly I mention you when I pray,
And I do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, that many times I did purpose to come unto you -- and was hindered till the present time -- that some fruit I might have also among you, even as also among the other nations.
And so, for my part, I am ready to tell the Good News to you also who are in Rome.
Though they knew God, they have not glorified him as God nor given thanks to him; they have turned to futile speculations till their ignorant minds grew dark.
Therefore God abandoned them to impurity, letting them follow the cravings of their hearts, till they dishonored their own bodies;
till they are filled with all manner of wickedness, depravity, lust, and viciousness, filled to the brim with envy, murder, quarrels, intrigues, and malignity ??slanderers,
On the day when God passes judgment on men's inmost lives, as the Good News that I tell declares that he will do through Christ Jesus.
and can understand his will, and from hearing the Law read can tell what is right,
a schoolmaster for the dull and ignorant, a teacher of the young, because in the Law you possess an outline of real knowledge and an outline of the truth:
You who tell others not to commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples?
A great deal, from every point of view. In the first place, the Jews were intrusted with the utterances of God.
“Their throat is an open grave;
They [habitually] deceive with their tongues.”
“The venom of asps is beneath their lips.”
whom God offered as a place where atonement by the Messiah's blood would occur through faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because he had waited patiently to deal with sins committed in the past.
Therefore, as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so came upon all men because all sinned,??13 for till the law there was sin in the world, but sin is not accounted where there is no law
for till law sin was in the world: and sin is not reckoned when there is not law;
but the death did reign from Adam till Moses, even upon those not having sinned in the likeness of Adam's transgression, who is a type of him who is coming.
Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to Jews acquainted with the law) that the law hath authority over a man, till it be abrogated?
now then, it is not wholly I that do it, but the sinful passions that dwell in me.
For I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, good does not dwell: for to will is there with me, but to do right I find not.
For God has done what the Law, weakened here by the flesh, could not do; by sending his own Son in the guise of sinful flesh, to deal with sin, he condemned sin in the flesh,
But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
for we have known that all the creation doth groan together, and doth travail in pain together till now.
I tell the truth in Christ. I am not lying, my conscience testifying with me in the Holy Spirit,
For the Lord will execute His word upon the earth [He will conclude His dealings with mankind] completely and without delay.”
I tell you this, you Gentiles, that as an apostle to the Gentiles I lay great stress on my office,
For I do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, of this secret -- that ye may not be wise in your own conceits -- that hardness in part to Israel hath happened till the fulness of the nations may come in;
For I say, through the grace that was given to me, to every one who is among you, not to think above what it behoveth to think; but to think so as to think wisely, as to each God did deal a measure of faith,
Pay promptly to all men what is due to them: taxes to those to whom taxes are due, toll to those to whom toll is due, respect to those to whom respect is due, honour to those to whom honour is due.
For I tell you that Christ has become a servant and a minister to the circumcision (Jews) on behalf of God’s truth, to confirm and verify the promises made to the fathers,
May God, who inspires our hope, grant you perfect happiness and peace in your faith, till you are filled with this hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
For I am bold enough to tell you only about what the Messiah has accomplished through me in bringing gentiles to obedience. By my words and actions,
making it my ambition, however, not to tell the Good News where Christ's name was already known, for fear I should be building on another man's foundation.
Remember me to Tryphaena and Tryphosa, who continued to toil in the work of the Lord. Remember me to my dear friend Persis, who toiled so hard in the work of the Lord.
Thus you lack no spiritual endowment during these days of waiting till our Lord Jesus Christ is revealed;
My mission from Christ was not to baptize, but to tell the Good News; not, however, in the language of philosophy, lest the cross of the Christ should be robbed of its meaning.
When I came to you, brothers, I didn't come and tell you about God's secret with rhetorical language or wisdom.
For my part, I came among you in weakness and with a great deal of fear and trembling,
So I myself, brothers, could not deal with you as spiritual persons, but as creatures of human clay, as merely baby Christians.
have ye not known that ye are a sanctuary of God, and the Spirit of God doth dwell in you?
Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you thinks that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool [discarding his worldly pretensions and acknowledging his lack of wisdom], so that he may become [truly] wise.
so, then, nothing before the time judge ye, till the Lord may come, who will both bring to light the hidden things of the darkness, and will manifest the counsels of the hearts, and then the praise shall come to each from God.
and we toil, working with our own hands: being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure;
being spoken evil of, we entreat; as filth of the world we did become -- of all things an offscouring -- till now.
But, if the Lord is willing, I shall come to you without delay; and then I shall know not the fine speeches of these conceited people, but their power.
Do you not know that God's people will sit in judgement upon the world? And if you are the court before which the world is to be judged, are you unfit to deal with these petty matters?
I now deal with the subjects mentioned in your letter. It is well for a man to abstain altogether from marriage.
Do not deprive each other of what is due-unless it is only for a time and by mutual consent, so that your minds may be free for prayer till you again live as man and wife-lest Satan should take advantage of your want of self-control and tempt you.
But I tell the unmarried, and women who are widows, that it is well for them to remain as I am.
But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away.
And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him.
How can you tell, wife, whether you may not save your husband? and how can you tell, husband, whether you may not save your wife?
With regard to unmarried women, I have no command from the Master to give you, but I tell you my opinion, and it is that of a man whom the Master in his mercy has made worthy to be trusted.
and those who use the world [taking advantage of its opportunities], as though they did not make full use of it. For the outward form of this world [its present social and material nature] is passing away.
but not in all men is the knowledge, and certain with conscience of the idol, till now, as a thing sacrificed to an idol do eat it, and their conscience, being weak, is defiled.
Thus, also, hath the Lord, appointed - that, they who the glad message tell, should, of the glad-message, live.
If I tell the Good News, I have nothing to boast of, for I can but do so. Woe is me if I do not tell it!
But I tell you this, not to praise you, that you come together not for the better but for the worse.
What, don't you have houses to eat and to drink in? Or do you despise God's assembly, and put them to shame who don't have? What shall I tell you? Shall I praise you? In this I don't praise you.
For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come.
If any one is hungry, let him eat at home; so that your coming together may not lead to judgement. The other matters I will deal with whenever I come.
Therefore I tell you plainly that no one who speaks under the influence of the Spirit of God says 'JESUS IS ACCURSED,' and that no one can say 'JESUS IS LORD,' except under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
The eye can't tell the hand, "I have no need for you," or again the head to the feet, "I have no need for you."
Yea, rather a great deal those members of the body which seem to be most feeble, are most necessary.
And if I shall dole out all my goods in food, and if I deliver up my body that I may be burned, but have not love, I profit nothing.
In the same way, lifeless instruments like the flute or harp produce sounds. But if there's no difference in the notes, how can a person tell what tune is being played?
afterwards he appeared to above five hundred brethren at once, of whom the greater part remain till now, and certain also did fall asleep;
For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.
Now I say this, believers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit nor be part of the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable (mortal) inherit the imperishable (immortal).
Behold, I tell you a mystery: We all shall not sleep, but we shall all be changed,
So then, my beloved brethren, be firm, immovable, abounding always in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.
and I will remain in Ephesus till the Pentecost,
When I went to the district round Troas to tell the Good News of the Christ, even though there was an opening for serving the Master,
But [in fact] their minds were hardened [for they had lost the ability to understand]; for until this very day at the reading of the old covenant the same veil remains unlifted, because it is removed [only] in Christ.
but till to-day, when Moses is read, a vail upon their heart doth lie,
But we have renounced the disgraceful things hidden because of shame; not walking in trickery or adulterating the word of God, but by stating the truth [openly and plainly], we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God.
We know surely if our earthy mansion wherein we now dwell were destroyed, that we have a building ordained of God, a habitation not made with hands, but eternal in heaven:
Therefore we are always confident, knowing that while we dwell in the body, we are absent from the Lord,
we are confident, indeed, and would be pleased rather to depart from the body, and to dwell with the Lord.
We are to tell how God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not charging men's transgressions to their account, and that He has entrusted to us the Message of this reconciliation.
by floggings, by imprisonments; by facing riots, by toil, by sleepless watching, by hunger and thirst;
as obscure persons, and yet are well known; as on the point of death, and yet, strange to tell, we live; as under God's discipline, and yet we are not deprived of life;
To pay me back, I tell you, my children, you must open your hearts too.
And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
For tho' I was sorry my letter gave you some uneasiness, I do not repent of it, perceiving, that the uneasiness you had from that letter, did not dwell upon your minds.
Now, brothers and sisters, we want to tell you about the grace of God which has been evident in the churches of Macedonia [awakening in them a longing to contribute];
But I will tell you what I think about it; it is to your interest to go on with this enterprise, for you started it last year, you were the first not merely to do anything but to want to do anything.
I know, of course, your willingness to help, and I am always boasting of it to the Macedonians. I tell them that you in Greece have been ready for a year past; and it was really your zeal that stimulated most of them.
and shall tell the Good News in the districts beyond you, not boasting in another man's sphere about work already done by him.
Are they 'Servants of Christ'? Though it is madness to talk like this, I am more so than they! I have had more of toil, more of imprisonment! I have been flogged times without number. I have been often at death's door.
in labour and toil, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness.
Although I must boast about myself [See 11:21-27], it [really] is not profitable. So, I will go on to [tell about] visions and [inspired] revelations given [to me] from the Lord.
I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.
And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;)
Was caught up into Paradise, and heard unspeakable things of which no human being may tell.
For if I shall wish to boast I shall not be foolish, for I will tell the truth. But I forbear, lest any one should think of me beyond what he sees or hears of me.
Extract Match Search Results...
- 1.Gen 2:5-Gen 32:20
- 2.Gen 32:24-Exo 9:18
- 3.Exo 9:28-Lev 12:2
- 4.Lev 12:4-Num 7:42
- 5.Num 7:47-Num 35:12
- 6.Num 35:16-Deut 28:45
- 7.Deut 28:48-Josh 24:7
- 8.Josh 24:13-Judg 21:23
- 9.Rth 1:1-1 Sam 22:6
- 10.1 Sam 22:17-2 Sam 18:29
- 11.2 Sam 19:7-2 Kgs 4:16
- 12.2 Kgs 4:20-1 Chron 16:23
- 13.1 Chron 16:24-Ezra 8:32
- 14.Ezra 9:4-Job 24:21
- 15.Job 26:5-Psa 62:3
- 16.Psa 64:9-Psa 129:8
- 17.Psa 132:5-Song 2:17
- 18.Song 3:4-Isa 36:8
- 19.Isa 36:16-Jer 5:19
- 20.Jer 5:20-Jer 27:8
- 21.Jer 27:11-Jer 49:1
- 22.Jer 49:8-Ezek 20:3
- 23.Ezek 20:4-Ezek 39:17
- 24.Ezek 39:19-Hos 4:12
- 25.Hos 5:15-Zech 8:21
- 26.Zech 9:5-Matt 15:16
- 27.Matt 15:22-Mrk 1:45
- 28.Mrk 2:2-Luk 2:47
- 29.Luk 2:48-Luk 17:3
- 30.Luk 17:6-John 8:26
- 31.John 8:34-Act 4:20
- 32.Act 4:29-Act 28:23
- 33.Act 28:26-2 Cor 12:6
- 34.2 Cor 12:9-2 Tim 4:5
- 35.2 Tim 4:14-Rev 14:6
- 36.Rev 14:13-Rev 21:4
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