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And Jehozadak went into exile [when] Yahweh [sent] Judah and Jerusalem into exile by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar.

And Shaharaim fathered [children] in the fields of Moab after he had sent them away--Hushim and Baara, his wives.

And they stripped him and took his head and his weapons, and they sent [them] throughout the land of the Philistines to bring news to their idols and the nation.

And some Manassites deserted to David when he came with the Philistines to the battle against Saul, but he did not help them, for the rulers of the Philistines sent him away upon counsel, saying, "He will desert to his master Saul at [the cost of] our heads."

And David said to all the assembly of Israel, "{If it seems good to you} and before Yahweh our God, {let us send word abroad} to our brothers who remain in all the land of Israel and [to] the priests and Levites with them in the cities with their pasturelands that they might be gathered to us.

And Hiram, king of Tyre, sent messengers to David and cedar trees, {masons}, and {carpenters} to build a house for him.

And it shall be [that] when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, then go out into battle, for God goes out before you to strike the camp of the Philistines."

Now the singers, Heman, Asaph, and Ethan, [were] to sound bronze cymbals;

And all Israel brought up the ark of the covenant of Yahweh with shouting, with the sound of a shofar, and with trumpets and cymbals, making loud music with musical instruments and stringed instruments.

he sent Hadoram his son to King David to ask him for peace and to bless him because he had fought against Hadadezer and defeated him, for Tou {had been at war} with Hadadezer. And [he brought with him] all the objects of gold, silver, and bronze.

And David said, "I will deal kindly with Hanun the son of Nahash because his father showed kindness to me." So David sent messengers to comfort him concerning his father. And the servants of David came to the land of the {Ammonites}, to Hanun, to comfort him.

But the princes of the {Ammonites} said to Hanun, "{Do you think} because David sent comforters to you [that] David honors your father? Is it not for the purpose of exploring [so as] to overthrow and spy out the land that his servants have come to you?"

So Hanun took the servants of David and shaved them and cut off their garments at the middle, up to the buttocks, and sent them away.

And when the {Ammonites} saw that they made themselves odious to David, Hanun and the {Ammonites} sent one thousand talents of silver to hire for themselves horses and chariots from Aram-Naharaim, Aram-Maacah, and Zobah.

And when David heard, he sent Joab and the entire army of mighty warriors.

And when Aram saw that they were defeated before Israel, they sent messengers and brought out Aram, who [was from] beyond the Euphrates, with Shophach the commander of the army of Hadadezer before them.

So Yahweh sent a pestilence through Israel, and seventy thousand men from Israel fell.

And God sent an angel to Jerusalem to destroy it, and as [he was about] to destroy [it], Yahweh saw and was grieved on account of the calamity. Then he said to the angel, the destroyer, "[It is] enough; slacken your hand." And the angel of Yahweh was standing by the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.