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And the daughter of Pharaoh went down to wash at the Nile, [while] her maidservants were walking alongside the Nile, and she saw the basket in the midst of the reeds, and she sent her slave woman [for it] and took it

Verse ConceptsBathing, For RefreshmentRiver BanksPeople Sending People

And he turned here and there, and he saw no one, and he struck the Egyptian, and he hid him in the sand.

Verse ConceptsSandInadequate BurialsUnseenLooking And SeeingSand And Gravel

But Moses said to God, "Look, [if] I go to the {Israelites} and I say to them, 'The God of your ancestors has sent me to you,' and they say to me, 'What [is] his name?' [then] what shall I say to them?"

Verse ConceptsMoses, Life OfI Am The LordGod Sending ProphetsWhat Is God's Name?

And God said again to Moses, "So you must say to the {Israelites}, 'Yahweh, the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This [is] my name forever, and this [is] my remembrance from generation [to] generation.'

Verse ConceptsGenerationsI Am The LordGod Sending ProphetsOther References To God's Name

And he said, "Please, Lord, do send {anyone else whom you wish to send}."

Verse ConceptsIndecisionAaron, PositionDifferent PersonGod Sending Prophets

And Moses told Aaron all the words of Yahweh, who had sent him--and all the signs that he had commanded him.

Verse ConceptsSigns From GodTelling Of God

And Moses returned to Yahweh and said, "Lord, why have you brought trouble to this people? Why ever did you send me?

Verse ConceptsGod Sending ProphetsGod TroublingWhy Does God Do This?

And you must say to him, 'Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to you, saying, "Release my people that they may serve me in the desert, and, look, you have not listened until now."

Verse ConceptsA Feast In The WildernessWorshipping God

But if you are not [about to] release my people, look, I [am about] to send out flies among you and among your servants and among your people and in your houses; and the houses of Egypt will fill up with the flies and also the ground that they are on.

Verse ConceptsFliesbugs

And Pharaoh sent [to check], and {it turned out} not even one from the livestock of Israel had died, but Pharaoh's heart was {insensitive}, and he did not release the people.

Verse ConceptsHardness Of HeartNot DyingObstinate Individuals

And now send [word]; bring into safety your livestock and all that [belongs] to you in the field. The hail will come down on every human and animal that is found in the field and not gathered into the house, and they will die." '"

Verse ConceptsHow Death Is InevitableBoth Men And Animals Killed

And Pharaoh sent and called Moses and Aaron and said to them, "I have sinned this time. Yahweh [is] the righteous [one], and I and my people [are] the wicked [ones].

Verse ConceptsConviction, Not Leading To RepentanceGuilty ConsciencesGod, Righteousness OfPunishment, By GodAcknowledge, SinKings SummoningWe Have Sinned

{And} on the third day, when it was morning, there was thunder and lightning, and a heavy cloud over the mountain and a very loud ram's horn sound, and all the people who [were] in the camp trembled.

Verse ConceptsPillar Of CloudLightningMusical Instruments, types ofTheophanyThunderGroups TremblingTrumpets For SignallingThose Frightened Of GodThe Last TrumpetLion Of The Tribe Of JudahThunder Showing God's Presence

And the sound of the ram's horn became {louder and louder}, and Moses would speak, and God would answer him with a voice.

Verse ConceptsSymbolsTrumpets For SignallingGod Answered

And all the people [were] seeing the thunder and the lightning and the sound of the ram's horn and the mountain smoking, and the people saw, and they trembled, and they stood at a distance.

Verse ConceptsLightningMusical Instruments, types ofSmokeTheophanyThunderFear, Of UnknownStanding At A DistanceTrumpets For SignallingThose Frightened Of GodWitnessingdistancesmokingThunder Showing God's Presence

And I will send the hornet before you, and it will drive out the Hivites, the Canaanites, and the Hittites from before you.

Verse ConceptsInsectsHornetsBeesThe Lord Will Drive Them Outbugs

And he sent young men from the {Israelites}, and they offered burnt offerings, and they sacrificed sacrifices [as] fellowship offerings to Yahweh [using] bulls.

Verse ConceptsBurnt offeringYoung AnimalSacrificing CattlePeace offerings

And it will be on Aaron for serving, and its sound will be heard at his coming into the sanctuary before Yahweh and at his going out, so that he will not die.

Verse ConceptsMinistry, Nature OfBellsDeath Due To God's Presence

And Joshua heard the sound of the people in their shouting, and he said to Moses, "A sound of war [is] in the camp."

Verse ConceptsShoutingGroups Shouting

But he said, "There is not a sound of shouting of victory, and there is not a sound of shouting of defeat. I hear a sound of singing."

Verse ConceptsGroups ShoutingMusic To CelebratePeople OvercomingNot DefeatedOvercoming

And I will send an angel before you, and I will drive out the Canaanites, the Amorites, and the Hittites and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites,

Verse ConceptsAngels Going At God's BiddingThe Lord Will Drive Them Out

And Moses said to Yahweh, "See, you [are] saying to me, 'Take this people up.' But you have not let me know whom you will send with me, and you yourself have said, 'I know you by name, and you also have found favor in my eyes.'

Verse ConceptsGod, All knowingDivine FavourGod Knowing His People

And they came, the men in addition to the women, all [who were] willing of heart; they brought brooches and jewelry rings and signet rings and ornaments--every [variety] of gold object--every man who waved a wave offering of gold for Yahweh,

Verse ConceptsEarringsGenerosity, HumanGoldMale And FemaleOrnamentsRingsTreasureWave OfferingsDonationsNecklaceGold TransferredJewellery And GodPeople Willingjewelry