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Contend with your mother, contend ye, for she is not my wife, and I not her husband: for she shall put away her fornications from her face, and her adulteries from between her breasts;

And the pride of Israel was humbled in his face, and Israel and Ephraim shall be weak in their iniquity; Judah also being weak with them.

I will go and turn back to my place, even till when they shall be guilty, and they sought my face: in straitness to them they will turn to me.

And the pride of Israel was humbled in his face: and they turned not back to Jehovah their God. and sought him not in all this

Shomeron, her king was cut off as chiefs upon the face of the waters.

Thus did the house of God to you from the face of the evil of your evil: in the morning the king of Israel being cut off, was cut off.