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And as he held Peter and John, all the people ran together to them, in the portico that is called Solomon's, greatly wondering.

Sailing therefore from Troas, we ran with a strait course to Samothracia, and the next day to Neapolis:

And when we were torn away from them, and had set sail, we ran with a strait course to Coos, and the next day to Rhodes, and thence to Patara.

And the whole city was moved, and the people ran together; and laying hold on Paul, they dragged him out of the temple: and immediately the gates were shut.

Who immediately took soldiers and centurions, and ran down to them; and when they saw the tribune and the soldiers, they ceased from beating Paul.

But falling into a place where two seas met, they ran the ship a ground; and the fore-part sticking fast, remained immovable, but the hinder-part was broken by the force of the waves.