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Watch to thyself lest a word shall be with thy heart, of Belial, saying. The seventh year, the year of remission is drawing near; and thine eye be evil against thy needy brother and thou wilt not give to him; and he call against thee to Jehovah, and it was sin in thee.

It shall not be hard in thine eye in thy sending him away free from thee, because for the year of the wages of the hireling he served thee six years: and Jehovah thy God blessed thee in all which thou shalt do.

When thou shalt finish to tithe all the tenth part of thy produce, in the third year the year of the tenth part, and thou gavest it to the Levite and to the stranger and to the orphan and to the widow, and they ate in thy gates and were satisfied.

And Moses commanded them, saying, From the end of seven years, in the appointment of the year of remission in the festival of tents,