Search: 2049 results
Exact Match
- 1.Matt 1:3-Matt 9:33
- 2.Matt 9:37-Matt 15:23
- 3.Matt 15:26-Matt 22:32
- 4.Matt 22:36-Mrk 1:7
- 5.Mrk 1:10-Mrk 9:31
- 6.Mrk 9:37-Mrk 15:36
- 7.Mrk 15:42-Luk 7:47
- 8.Luk 7:49-Luk 12:54
- 9.Luk 12:55-Luk 21:7
- 10.Luk 21:8-John 4:9
- 11.John 4:10-John 8:44
- 12.John 8:45-John 15:10
- 13.John 15:12-Act 4:3
- 14.Act 4:7-Act 13:9
- 15.Act 13:10-Act 21:34
- 16.Act 21:37-Rom 2:28
- 17.Rom 2:29-Rom 9:2
- 18.Rom 9:4-1 Cor 2:8
- 19.1 Cor 2:9-1 Cor 9:19
- 20.1 Cor 9:22-1 Cor 15:41
- 21.1 Cor 15:42-2 Cor 3:16
And he said to his disciples: "The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few.
Calling his twelve Disciples to him, Jesus gave them authority over foul spirits, so that they could drive them out, as well as the power of curing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.
The names of the twelve Apostles are these: First Simon, also known as Peter, and his brother Andrew; James the son of Zebediah, and his brother John;
These twelve Jesus sent out as his Messengers, after giving them these instructions-- "Do not go to the Gentiles, nor enter any Samaritan town,
And on your way proclaim that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
Not even with a bag for the journey, or a change of clothes, or sandals, or even a staff; for the worker is worth his food.
Whatever town or village you visit, find out who is worthy in that place, and remain there till you leave.
Then, if the house is worthy, let your blessing rest upon it, but, if it is unworthy, let your blessing return upon yourselves.
If no one welcomes you, or listens to what you say, as you leave that house or that town, shake off its dust from your feet.
Remember, I am sending you out as my Messengers like sheep among wolves. So be as wise as serpents, and as blameless as doves.
Whenever they betray you, do not be anxious as to how you shall speak or what you shall say, for what you shall say will be given you at the moment;
A scholar is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master.
It is enough for a scholar to be treated like his teacher, and a servant like his master. If the head of the house has been called Baal-zebub, how much more the members of his household!
Do not, therefore, be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed which will not be revealed, nor anything hidden which will not become known.
What I tell you in the dark, say again in the light; and what is whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops.
And do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but are unable to kill the soul; rather be afraid of him who is able to destroy both soul and body in the Pit.
While as for you, the very hairs of your head are numbered.
Every one, therefore, who shall acknowledge me before his fellow men, I, too, will acknowledge before my Father who is in Heaven;
But, if any one disowns me before his fellow men, I, too, will disown him before my Father who is in Heaven.
He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
And the man who does not take his cross and follow in my steps is not worthy of me.
He who welcomes you is welcoming me; and he who welcomes me is welcoming him who sent me as his Messenger.
He who welcomes a Prophet, because he is a Prophet, shall receive a Prophet's reward; and he who welcomes a good man, because he is a good man, shall receive a good man's reward.
And, if any one gives but a cup of cold water to one of these lowly ones because he is a disciple, I tell you that he shall assuredly not lose his reward."
The blind recover their sight and the lame walk, the lepers are made clean and the deaf hear, the dead, too, are raised to life, and the good news is told to the poor.
And blessed is the man who finds no hindrance in me."
This is the man of whom Scripture says--'Behold, I am myself sending my Messenger before thy face, And he shall prepare thy way before thee.'
I tell you, no one born of a woman has yet appeared who is greater than John the Baptist; and yet the lowliest in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he.
And--if you are ready to accept it--John is himself the Elijah who was destined to come.
But to what shall I compare the present generation? It is like little children sitting in the market-places and calling out to their playmates--
And now that the Son of Man has come, eating and drinking, they are saying 'Here is a glutton and a wine-drinker, a friend of tax-gatherers and outcasts!' And yet Wisdom is vindicated by her actions."
At that same time Jesus uttered the words: "I thank thee, Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, that, though thou has hidden these things from the wise and learned, thou hast revealed them to the child-like!
But, when the Pharisees saw this, they said: "Look! your disciples are doing what it is not allowable to do on a Sabbath!"
Here, however, I tell you, there is something greater than the Temple!
And how much more precious a man is than a sheep! Therefore it is allowable to do good on the Sabbath."
Then he said to the man. "Stretch out your hand." The man stretched it out; and it had become as sound as the other.
in fulfillment of these words in the Prophet Isaiah--
At this all the people were astounded. "Is it possible that this is the son of David?" they exclaimed.
And, if it is by Baal-zebub's help that I drive out demons, by whose help is it that your own sons drive them out? Therefore they shall themselves be your judges.
But, if it is by the help of the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the Kingdom of God must already be upon you.
He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not help me to gather is scattering.
You must assume either that both tree and fruit are good, or that both tree and fruit are worthless; since it is by it's fruits that a tree is known.
You brood of vipers! how can you, evil as you are, say anything good? For what fills the heart will rise to the lips.
For it is by your words that you will be acquitted, and by your words that you will be condemned."
"It is a wicked and unfaithful generation," answered Jesus, "that is asking for a sign, and no sign shall be given it except the sign of the Prophet Jonah.
For, just as 'Jonah was inside the sea-monster three days and three nights,' so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
At the Judgment, the men of Nineveh will stand up with this generation, and will condemn it, because they repented at Jonah's proclamation; and here is more than a Jonah!
At the Judgment the Queen of the South will rise up with the present generation, and will condemn it, because she came from the very ends of the earth to listen to the wisdom of Solomon; and here is more than a Solomon!
No sooner does a foul spirit leave a man, than it passes through places where there is no water, in search of rest, and does not find it.
For any one who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven is my brother and sister and mother."
As he was sowing, some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up.
As soon as the sun had risen, it was scorched, and, having no root, withered away.
That is why I speak to them in parables, because, though they have eyes, they do not see, and though they have ears, they do not hear or understand.
And in them is being fulfilled that prophecy of Isaiah which says--'You will hear with your ears without ever understanding, And, though you have eyes, you will see without ever perceiving,
When any one hears the Message of the Kingdom without understanding it, the Evil One comes and snatches away what has been sown in his mind. This is the man meant by the seed which was sown along the path.
By the seed which was sown on rocky places is meant the man who hears the Message, and at once accepts it joyfully;
But, as he has no root, he stands for only a short time; and, when trouble or persecution arises on account of the Message, he falls away at once.
By the seed which was sown among the brambles is meant the man who hears the Message, but the cares of life and the glamour of wealth completely choke the Message, so that it gives no return.
But by the seed which was sown on the good ground is meant the man who hears the Message and understands it, and really yields a return, sometimes one hundred, sometimes sixty, sometimes thirty fold."
Another parable which Jesus told them was this-- "The Kingdom of Heaven is compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field.
'An enemy has done this,' was his answer. 'Do you wish us, then,' they asked,' to go and gather them together?'
'No,' said he, 'for fear that, while you are gathering the tares, you should root up the wheat as well.
Another parable which he told them was this-- "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard-seed, which a man took and sowed in his field.
This seed is smaller than all other seeds, but, when it has grown up, it is larger than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that 'the wild birds come and roost in its branches.'"
This was another parable which Jesus related-- "The Kingdom of Heaven is like some yeast which a woman took and covered up in three pecks of flour, until the whole had risen."
Then Jesus left the crowd, and went into the house. Presently his disciples came to him, and said: "Explain to us the parable of the tares in the field."
And he answered: "The sower of the good seed is the Son of Man.
The field is the world. By the good seed is meant the People of the Kingdom. The tares are the wicked,
And the enemy who sowed them is the Devil. The harvest-time is the close of the age, and the reapers are angels.
And, just as the tares are gathered and burnt, so it will be at the close of the age.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid again, and then, in his delight, went and sold everything that he had, and bought that field.
Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant in search of choice pearls.
Or again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a net which was cast into the sea, and caught fish of all kinds.
Then he added: "So every Teacher of the Law, who has received instruction about the Kingdom of Heaven, is like a householder who produces from his stores things both new and old."
Is not he the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary, and his brothers James, and Joseph, and Simon, and Judas?
And his sisters, too--are not they all living among us? Where, then did he get all this?"
These things proved a hindrance to their believing in him; whereupon Jesus said: "A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country and in his own house."
And said to his attendants: " This must be John the Baptist; he must be risen from the dead, and that is why these miraculous powers are active in him."
Yet, though Herod wanted to put him to death, he was afraid of the people, because they looked on John as a Prophet.
In the evening the disciples came up to him, and said: " This is a lonely spot, and the day is now far advanced; send the crowds away, that they may go to the villages, and buy themselves food."
But Jesus said: "They need not go away, it is for you to give them something to eat."
But, when they saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. "It is a ghost," they exclaimed, and cried out for fear.
But Jesus at once spoke to them. "Courage!" he said, "It is I; do not be afraid!"
"Master," Peter exclaimed, "if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water."
"How is it that your disciples break the traditions of our ancestors? For they do not wash their hands when they eat food."
His reply was: "How is it that you on your side break God's commandments out of respect for your own traditions?
But you say 'Whenever any one says to his father or mother "Whatever of mine might have been of service to you is 'Given to God,'"
He is in no way bound to honor his father.' In this way you have nullified the words of God on account of your traditions.
Hypocrites! It was well said by Isaiah when he prophesied about you--
'This is a people that honor me with their lips, While their hearts are far removed from me;
It is not what enters a man's mouth that 'defiles' him, but what comes out from his mouth--that does defile him!"
Upon this, Peter said to Jesus: "Explain this saying to us."
"Do not you see that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach, and is afterwards expelled?
But the things that come out from the mouth proceed from the heart, and it is these that defile a man;
There, a Canaanite woman of that district came out and began calling to Jesus: "Take pity on me, Master, Son of David; my daughter is grievously possessed by a demon."
But Jesus did not answer her a word; and his disciples came up and begged him to send her away. "She keeps calling out after us," they said.
Extract Match Search Results...
- 1.Matt 1:3-Matt 9:33
- 2.Matt 9:37-Matt 15:23
- 3.Matt 15:26-Matt 22:32
- 4.Matt 22:36-Mrk 1:7
- 5.Mrk 1:10-Mrk 9:31
- 6.Mrk 9:37-Mrk 15:36
- 7.Mrk 15:42-Luk 7:47
- 8.Luk 7:49-Luk 12:54
- 9.Luk 12:55-Luk 21:7
- 10.Luk 21:8-John 4:9
- 11.John 4:10-John 8:44
- 12.John 8:45-John 15:10
- 13.John 15:12-Act 4:3
- 14.Act 4:7-Act 13:9
- 15.Act 13:10-Act 21:34
- 16.Act 21:37-Rom 2:28
- 17.Rom 2:29-Rom 9:2
- 18.Rom 9:4-1 Cor 2:8
- 19.1 Cor 2:9-1 Cor 9:19
- 20.1 Cor 9:22-1 Cor 15:41
- 21.1 Cor 15:42-2 Cor 3:16
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- Humility
- Knowing God, Nature Of
- Everything Happening For A Reason
- Excellence
- God's Things Revealed
- Throne
- Chariots
- Thirty
- No Food
- Visiting
- Governors
- Where From?
- Spying
- Vulnerability
- People Providing Food
- Ignorant Of Facts
- Indeterminate Sums Of Money
- Human Emotion
- Grave, The
- Food
- Hour
- Mothers And Sons
- Abominations
- Tables
- Stealing
- Acting Alone
- Identity
- Others Not Answering
- Preservation
- Rescue
- Deliverance
- Evil, victory over
- Rulers
- Poverty, Causes Of
- Revival
- Sacrifice, In Ot
- Tribes Of Israel
- Family Problems
- Family Strength
- Finances
- Saving Money
- Beds
- Sons
- Arms
- God, As Shepherd
- Knowing God, Effects Of
- Watchfulness, Divine
- Blessing Others
- Cursing The Ungodly
- Angry People
- Lions
- Like Creatures
- Clean Clothes
- Lying Down To Rest
- Forced Labour
- Biting
- Overcoming
- Royalty
- Deer Etc.
- Vines
- God, The Rock
- Hills
- Israel
- Lamenting
- Seven Days
- Beyond Jordan
- Response
- God's Forgiveness
- Love And Forgiveness
- Forgiving
- Disobedience
- Insight
- God Saving From Enemies
- Forgiving Others Who Hurt You
- God Turning Bad Things Into Good
- Order
- Faithfulness, In Human Relationships
- Many In Israel
- Persecution, Forms Of
- Fearing Other People
- Pressure
- Hospitality, Examples Of
- Invitations
- People Willing
- God, Glory Of
- Theophany
- God's Glory Revealed
- Standing
- God Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt
- Servanthood, And Worship Of God
- Worshiping God
- Worshiping Together
- God Being With You
- God, Living And Self sustaining
- Names And Titles For Christ
- The Elderly
- Strength Of God
- God, As Redeemer
- Snow
- Moses, Significance Of
- Nervousness
- Dumb
- Blindness
- God Teaching
- Speaking The Word God Gives
- Power, Human
- God, Fatherhood Of
- People Of God, In Ot
- Pride, Examples Of
- Herald
- Waiting
- Lordship, Human And Divine
- God's Things Concealed
- Aliens
- Answered Promises
- Assurance, basis of
- Unity, Of God's People
- Hand Of God
- Lips
- God's Hand
- God's Hands Stretched Out
- The Number Forty
- Magic
- Secrecy
- Sorcery
- Hardness Of Heart
- Obstinate Individuals
- Preaching, Content Of
- Monotheism
- Tomorrow
- Insects
- Miracles, Responses To
- Life Purpose
- Animal Sacrifices, Meal Offering
- How Death Is Inevitable
- Thunder
- Storms
- Prayer, Practicalities Of
- Afflictions Of The Wicked
- Grain
- Humbling Oneself
- Man Trapping
- Monotony
- Burnt offering
- Organization
- Unique Events
- Month
- Years
- A new beginning
- Family First
- Passover lamb
- Few People
- Cripples
- Male Animals
- Perfect Sacrifices
- Animals At Specific Ages
- Killing Sacrifices
- Sprinkling
- Pork
- Communion
- Ordinances
- Celebration
- Remembrance
- Celebrating
- Banishment
- Those To Be Cut Off From Israel
- Holiday
- No Work On Feast Days
- Christmas Tree
- Foreigners Included In The Law
- Property, Houses
- People Getting Up
- Death Due To God's Presence
- Gospel, Confirmation Of
- Exclusiveness
- Claims
- People Belong To God
- Making People Holy
- History
- Anniversary
- Redeemed
- Hindering God's Work
- Stress And Hard Times
- Divine Manifestations
- Holy Spirit, Types Of
- Guidance
- God, As Savior
- Israel Fleeing
- Horses
- Being Afraid
- Restraint
- Wheels
- Pride, Results Of
- Back
- Glory Of God
- Throwing People
- Health
- Praise
- Rich, The
- Self Respect
- Songs
- God My Salvation
- Love And Strength
- Strengh
- Battles
- God As A Warrior
- War
- Battle
- God, Majesty Of
- Right Hand Of God
- God, Greatness Of
- God, Holiness Of
- Prayer, And Worship
- Markets
- Motionlessness
- Staying Put
- Greatness
- Kingdom Of God, Coming Of
- Kingship, Divine
- Healing
- God Heals
- Disease
- Illness
- Health And Healing
- Complaining
- Hunger
- Pot
- Faults
- Complaints
- Worms
- Rest
- Accepting Christ
- Weights And Measures, Dry
- Testing
- Tests
- Flags
- God Helps
- Proud People
- Faithfulness, To God
- Hatred
- Profits
- Magistrates
- Ten People
- Covetousness
- Leadership Qualities
- Groups
- Great Things
- Leaders
- Eagles
- Soaring
- Reward, Divine
- Security
- Treasure
- Ministry, Nature Of
- Types
- Priests
- Borders
- Lightning
- Groups Trembling
- Holiness, Believers' Growth In
- Limitations
- Different Gods
- No Other Is God
- God, Zeal Of
- Irreverence
- Speech, Negative Aspects Of
- Profaning God's Name
- Sabbath Observed
- Relaxation
- Strangers
- Fathers, Responsibilities Of
- Life, Human
- Old Age, Attitudes To
- Respect, For Human Beings
- Youth
- Being A Good Father
- Respecting Parents
- Ethics
- Respecting Authority
- Loving Your Parents
- Marriage Controlled
- Fear, Of Unknown
- Witnessing
- Reverence, And God's Nature
- Fearing God
- Being Scared
- Fellowship Offering
- Shrines
- Peace offerings
- Volunteering
- Sales
- Unfaithful
- Sex Before Marriage
- Ambush
- Not Honouring Parents
- Abuse
- Parenthood
- Recovery
- Eyes Harmed
- Hurt And Betrayal
- Guilt
- Thieves
- Vineyard
- Thorns
- Burning Plants
- Being In Debt
- Losing Someone
- Responsibility
- Virginity
- Fathers Responsibilities
- Live
- Removing People From Your Life
- Practice
- Psychics
- Rejection Of God
- Annihilation
- Being Devoted to God
- Ethics, social
- Consequences
- Harassment
- God, Compassion Of
- Seven Days For Legal Purposes
- Crowds
- Love, Abuse Of
- Evil, believers' responses to
- Righteous, The
- Sympathy
- Land, As A Divine Responsibility
- First fruits
- Forgiving Yourself
- Rebellion
- Stones
- Destruction Of Satan's Works
- Confusion
- Sacrificing Cattle
- Covenant, the new
- Feet
- Clean Objects
- Giving, Of Possessions
- Offerings
- Gold Items For The Tabernacl
- Making Cereal Offerings And Libations
- Cloth
- Plans
- Linen
- Blue Cloth
- Sacrifice On The Bronze Altar
- Setting Up The Bronze Altar
- West
- Ten Things
- Priests, Function In Ot Times
- Priests, Institution In Ot Times
- Craftsmanship
- Craftsmen
- Making Decisions
- Decision Making
- Reinforcement
- Fat Of The Sacrifices
- Animal Skins
- Defecation
- Pleasing God
- Priests Garments
- Regulations For Cereal Offerings
- Swinging
- Food For Priests Defined
- Breasts
- Priests Atoning
- Wine
- Drink offering
- Ephah [Ten Omers]
- Meat offerings
- Atonement
- Coinage
- Right Measures
- Ointment
- Wisdom
- Spiritual Gifts
- Gifts And Talents
- Working
- The Law of moses
- Finishing
- Waiting For God's Timing
- Renunciation
- Self Will
- Grace, In Ot
- Heirs
- Servants Of The Lord
- Repentance, Nature Of
- Shouting
- Repulsive Food
- Grandmothers
- God's People Sinning
- Shame
- Shame Of Bad Conduct
- Rank
- Communication
- Friendship And Trust
- God Being With Us
- Guidance And Strength
- Living For God
- God's Hands On People
- Leaders, Political
- God's attitude towards people
- Love, Nature Of
- God's Truth
- Graciousness
- Miracles, Nature Of
- Covenant Made At Sinai
- Working For The Lord
- Light Of God's People
- Working For God
- Hairs
- Free Will
- Sanctuary
- Work Ethic
- People Of Judah
- Talents
- Finishing Strong
- Houses
- Doves
- Oil On Sacrifices
- Two Of Body Parts
- Sacrificing Goats
- Fingers
- Morality
- Making Mistakes
- Testimony
- Testifying
- Sin Confessed
- Poverty, Remedies For
- Responsibility, To God
- Fraud
- Unfaithfulness, To God
- Missing Someone
- Being Lost
- Feeling Lost
- Clay
- Touching Unclean Things
- Sacrilege
- Individuals Being Silent
- Abstinence
- Purity, Nature Of
- Unclean Until Evening
- Sin, And God's Character
- The Lord Is God
- Faith And Healing
- Scars
- Mold
- Unclean Things
- Cedar Wood
- Sacrifice
- Plucking Out
- Medicine
- Reconciliation
- Liberation
- Giving, Of Time
- Month 7
- Sin, Deliverance From God
- False Religion
- God Opposing
- The Soul
- Nakedness Uncovered
- Sexual Immorality
- Forbidden Sexual Relationships
- Competition
- False Gods
- Gays
- Being Gay
- Sin, Effects Of
- Keep The Commandments!
- Purity, Moral And Spiritual
- Mothers Love For Her Children
- Riches, Dangers Of
- Backbiting
- Fake Friends
- Gossiping
- Rebuke
- Sibling Love
- Unfaithfulness, To People
- Brotherly Love
- Loving Yourself
- Cutting
- Guidance, Need For God's
- Seeking God
- Ghosts
- Infidelity
- Adultry
- The Dead
- Women's Roles
- Unkindness
- Trumpet
- On The Sabbath
- Life After Death
- 40 To 50 Years
- Reuniting
- Reaping What You Sow
- Fear God!
- Balance
- Town
- Redemption
- Peace
- God Lifting People
- Breaking Chains
- Pride, Evil Of
- Pride
- God Executes Vengeance
- Rejection Of God, Results Of
- Archaeology
- Stumbling
- Abandonment
- God Not Forsaking
- Self Worth
- Worth
- Value
- Women's Strength
- Belonging
- Fifty To Ninety Thousand
- Army
- Exclusion
- Twenty Thousand And Up
- Spirit, Emotional Aspects Of
- Waste
- Amen
- Emotions
- Weight
- God's Voice
- Servant Leadership
- Ministry
- Lord's Supper
- Enemy Attacks
- Joy, Of Israel
- Goodness
- Hearing
- Greed
- Fruit
- Teeth
- Fun
- Discrimination
- Criticism
- Being Humble
- Humbleness
- Prophets, Role Of
- Commitment, to God
- Folly, Effects Of
- Exploring
- Bravery
- Giants
- Fortifications
- Jerusalem, History Of
- Do Not Fear Men
- Protection From Enemies
- God, Present Everywhere
- Conversion, God's demands for
- Killed With The Sword
- Spiritual Harlotry
- Death Of The Wicked
- Offence
- Connection
- Unused
- Trust, Lack Of
- Hardship
- Burning Cities
- Grass
- Tongue
- Mind, Of God
- Mouths
- God Is Unchangeable
- Promises
- Lieing
- Unicorns
- Hearing God's Word
- Assertiveness
- Garden, Natural
- Light, Spiritual
- Inadequate Shepherding
- God Will Forgive
- Impulsiveness
- Extermination
- Advisers
- Man's Counsel
- Teenager
- Tributes
- Walls
- Wisdom, Human Importance
- Discernment
- Wise
- Judging Others Actions
- Discouragement
- God's Plan For Us
- God Will Cause Defeat
- Light, Natural
- Encouragement, examples of
- Those Who Were Ignorant
- God, The Provider
- Iron Objects
- Time Of Peace
- Encouraging Others
- Understanding
- God's Word Gives Wisdom
- God's Word Is Righteous
- Law
- Watchfulness, Of Believers
- Diligence
- Discipleship, nature of
- Heaven And Earth
- Receptiveness
- Revival, Corporate
- Whole Heartedness
- Mercy
- End Of Days
- Eternal life, nature of
- Listening To God
- God, Unity Of
- Strength And Love
- God, Will Of
- Love For God
- Kids
- Doing Your Best
- The Future
- Oppression, God's Attitude To
- Reverence, And Blessing
- Fear Of God, Results Of
- Saints
- Faithfulness
- God's Faithfulness
- Hell, As An Experience
- God Will Requite
- Haters
- Hate
- Pity
- Abominations, To God
- Bread
- Feeding The Poor
- Chastisement
- Complacency
- Giving, Of Oneself
- Money, Attitudes To
- Riches
- Rebellion, Of Israel
- Sin, Nature Of
- Exploitations
- Bad Leadership
- Orphans
- Poverty, Attitudes Towards
- Discipline Child
- God's Will
- God's Protection
- Weather, As God's Judgment
- Sanctification, Means And Results
- The Word Of God
- Child Of God
- High Places
- A Place For God's Name
- Atheism
- Fear Will Come
- Rumors
- Satisfaction
- Debt
- Helping The Poor
- Helping Those In Need
- Giving
- Beggars
- Helping Others In Need
- Values
- Rejoicing
- Ethics, incentives towards
- Evil, warnings against
- Reading The Scriptures
- Reading The Bible
- Authority
- Culture
- Refusing To Hear
- Unhearing
- Prophecy, Fulfilment Of Ot
- The scriptures
- Prophecy
- Forests
- Felling Trees
- Disagreements
- Accusations
- Sin, God's Judgment On
- Weapons
- Trusting God's Plan
- Fear And Worry
- Loving Children
- Humiliation
- Waterfalls
- Aliances
- No Peace
- Friendship Kjv
- Poop
- Taking Care Of Your Body
- Giving Money To The Church
- Spouse
- Staying Strong And Not Giving Up
- Focus
- Not Helping The Poor
- Olive Trees
- Tired
- Syria
- God Acts From Heaven
- Spiritual Adoption
- Honour
- Book of the Law
- Respecting Your Body
- Cancer
- Acting In Secret
- Despair
- Anxious
- Roots
- Fruits Of Sin
- Persistence
- God's Timing
- Gods Timing
- Secrets
- God, Joy Of
- God's Blessings Are Near
- Life And Death
- Being Confident
- Strength Of People
- Courage And Strength
- Assurance, nature of
- God, Perfection Of
- Stability
- What God Does
- Injustice
- Staying Strong During Hard Times
- Judgement
- Fairness
- Character Of Wicked
- Foolish People
- Race
- Vanity
- Foundations
- State Of The Dead
- Being Without Understanding
- Healing And Comfort
- Enjoying Life
- Man Of God
- Pay Attention O God!
- Peace And Strength
- Clouds
- Enemies, of believers
- Afflictions, Consolation During
- Everlasting
- Footsteps
- Studying
- Dryness
- Amazing
- Roses
- Hope And Healing
- Things Falling
- Rebuilding
- Get Up!
- Spears
- Envoy
- Kingdoms
- Killing Kings
- Faith and strength
- Energy
- Worrying About The Future
- Serving God
- Destruction
- Equipping, spiritual
- Music
- Gideon
- Heroes
- Inferiority
- Ministry, Qualifications For
- Hiding From People
- Making Kings
- Anointing Kings
- Cedar
- Shadows
- Like Men
- Tying Up
- Nagging
- Betrayal
- Growing
- Exile In Prospect
- Welcome
- Hope, Nature Of
- Tragedy
- Self Denial
- Trust, Importance Of
- Shelter
- Suffering, Encouragements In
- Eating And Drinking
- Renewal
- School
- People Sitting Down
- Heartbroken
- Renewed Heart
- Praying
- A Broken Heart
- Prayer During Hard Times
- Soul
- Joy, And Human Experience
- Rocks
- God, Wisdom Of
- Superiority
- Boasting
- Arrogance
- Motives
- Silence
- Afflicted Saints
- Judgment Seat
- Self Righteousness, And The Gospel
- Rejection
- Saul
- Prophecy, Methods Of Ot
- Harps
- Doing God's Works
- Speech, Power And Significance Of
- Surrender
- Futility
- Saul And David
- Killing Will Happen
- Disappointment
- Sinners
- Deposing
- Optimism
- Missionaries, Task Of
- Grieving
- Guidance, God's Promises Of
- Inner Beauty
- Best Friends
- Good Friends
- Protection And Safety
- Seeking
- Evildoers
- Relentless
- Intelligence
- Beauty And Self Worth
- Guests
- Sharing
- People Stumbling
- Friendship And Love
- Losing A Friend
- Devotion
- List Of Kings Of Israel
- Zion
- Praise, Manner And Methods Of
- Jumping
- Covenant, God's with David
- Sleep, And Death
- Mindfulness
- Damascus
- Family And Friends
- Roof
- Sin, Accepting Forgiveness Of
- Blasphemy
- Fasting
- Shame Will Come
- Spirit, Nature Of
- Last Things
- Kings Of All Israel Or Judah
- God's Counsel
- Boats
- Singers
- Good Rebounding
- The Power Of Words
- Destruction Of Jerusalem
- Mothers Of Kings
- Being Yourself
- Officers
- Mindset
- The First Temple
- Right Sides
- Fulfillment
- Signs Of Repentance
- Knowing God
- Singing
- Jerusalem, Significance Of
- Lying And Deceit
- Changing Yourself
- Sound
- Age When Crowned
- Jezebel
- Following
- Answers
- Distractions
- Hurricanes
- Riches, Ungodly Use Of
- Fasting And Prayer
- Foreknowledge
- Eyes
- Waiting On The Lord
- Evangelism, nature of
- Restoring Nations
- Eagerness
- Named Gates
- Overcoming Hard Times
- Kings of judah
- Prophets
- Useless Endeavour
- Legacy
- Languages
- Being Mislead
- Survivors Favoured
- Wicked Described As
- Acting
- Reading
- Forgiveness Kjv
- Signs Of The Times
- Speech, Positive Aspects Of
- Perspective
- God Being In Control
- Going To Church
- Importance
- Jerusalem
- Gospel, Requirements Of
- Repentance
- Power, God's Saving
- Teachers
- Staying Strong
- Weakness
- Hardwork
- Deception
- Chief priests
- Surprises
- Strength And Faith
- Trusting Others
- Mockery
- Scoffers
- Giving To The Poor
- Judaism
- Losing Honour
- Hope, In God
- Motivation
- Trusting God And Not Worrying
- Gods Plan
- Wicked Prophets
- Trying
- Confidence And Self Esteem
- Praise And Worship
- Being Happy And Enjoying Life
- Shunning
- Satan
- The Devil
- Satan, Kingdom Of
- Losing Friends
- Lack Of Rejoicing
- Drawbacks To Riches
- Sin Clings To The Sinner
- Trusting God In Difficult Times
- Problems
- Unreliability
- Worldly Wisdom
- Joyful
- Joyfulness
- Being Content
- Getting Through Hard Times
- Condemnation
- Venting
- Hope Kjv
- Expectations
- Wisdom And Guidance
- Fools
- Hypocrisy
- Change And Growth
- Being Overwhelmed
- Mockers
- People Appalled
- Broken Hearts
- Nets
- Paths
- Friends
- Persecution
- Humility And Pride
- Man's Ways
- Judgement Day
- Out Of The North
- People In Righteousness
- Conscience
- Benefits Of Wisdom
- Punishment of the The Wicked
- People
- Spiritual life
- Speaking
- Ignorance
- Afflictions
- God's Plan
- Weather
- God Freeing Captives
- Dignity
- Poverty, Spiritual
- Pleasure
- Positive Thinking
- Fruits Of Righteousness
- Christ, Names For
- Will
- Psalm Interjections
- Healing A Broken Heart
- Overwhelmed
- Pits
- Comforting
- Evil Speaking
- Fools, Characteristics Of
- Save Us!
- Telling The Truth
- Heaven, Redeemed Community
- Joy And Happiness
- Faith And Trust
- Faith, Necessity Of
- Evil Plans
- The World
- Goals
- Forgiving others
- Those Who Wait For God
- Faith In God
- Anxiety And Fear
- Education
- Steadfast
- Praise The Lord!
- Being Saved
- Believing In Yourself
- Scripture
- Pursuing Violence
- Do Not Be Anxious
- Worrying
- Worry
- Wrath
- Lovers
- Christ, Character Of
- Benevolence
- Eternity
- Worries
- The Second Coming
- Last Judgment
- God Saves The Needy
- Rebuking
- Knowing About God's Kingdom
- Evangelism
- Spreading The Gospel
- Evangelising
- Passion
- God's Salvation Made Known
- Witnessing, Importance Of
- Treating Others
- Unbelief, Nature And Effects Of
- Christmas
- Anxiety And Stress
- Legalism
- Recognition
- Healing Cancer
- Proverbs
- Fathers Love
- Working Hard And Not Being Lazy
- Sloth
- No Healing
- Worry And Stress
- Not Worrying
- Christianity
- Loving Everyone
- Sparkling
- Under The Sun
- Being Unique
- End Times
- Day of the LORD
- Woe To The Wicked
- Repentance, Importance Of
- Empty Cities
- Gospel, Essence Of
- Land Becoming Empty
- Short Time Till The End
- Last Days
- Sailing
- John The Baptist
- Missionaries, Call Of
- Witnesses, To Jesus Christ
- Gentiles
- Victory, Over Spiritual Forces
- Shame Of Idolatry
- Imputed Righteousness
- Discipleship
- Evangelists, ministry of
- Jesus Healing
- Christ Would Be Killed
- Justification Under The Gospel
- Rebirth
- Serving Kings
- Entering The Kingdom
- Jesus Birth
- Christ's Origin
- Taxes
- Reclining To Eat
- Jonah
- Serving The Church
- Nativity of Jesus Christ
- Scriptures Fulfilled
- Written In The Prophets
- Baptism
- Pharisees
- Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
- Who Is Jesus?
- Commitment, to Jesus Christ
- Instructions About Following
- Christ Teaching
- Preaching
- Kingdom Of God, Entry Into
- Our Father In Heaven
- Commands, in NT
- Settling Accounts
- Christ Telling The Truth
- Zealots
- The Body
- Not Believing In Jesus
- Eternal life
- Relationship Of Father And Son
- Following Jesus Christ
- Peter, The Disciple
- Exorcisms
- Casting Out Demons
- Those Demonised
- Demons
- Demonic Influence
- Christlikeness
- Pharisees Concerned About Christ
- Mission, Of The Church
- Twelve Disciples
- Judas Betraying Christ
- Christ Sending
- Prophecies Said By Jesus
- Christ's Disciples Will Suffer
- The Cross
- The One Who Sent Christ
- Ministry Of The Son Of Man
- Not Knowing About Christ
- The Father
- The Father's Activity Regarding Christ
- The Sabbath And Christ
- Questioning Christ
- Christ Knowing About People
- Signs Performed By Christ
- Necessity
- Christ Would Rise
- Jesus Death
- Crucifixion
- Interaction Of Father And Son
- The Effect Of Christ's Death
- Belief
- Christ
- Christ With People On Earth
- Keeping Christ's Commands
- Sonship
- Saved By Faith
- Signs And Wonders Of The Gospel
- Luck
- Knowing God's Will
- Lazarus
- Evangelism, kinds of