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How long must I take counsel in my soul, [and] sorrow in my heart [all the] day? How long will my enemy be exalted over me?

Consider [and] answer me, O Yahweh my God. Give light to my eyes lest I sleep [the sleep of] death,

I will sing to Yahweh because he has dealt bountifully with me.

Yahweh looks down from heaven upon the children of humankind to see whether there is one who has insight, one who cares about God.

All who do evil--do they not know, [they] who eat my people [as though] they were eating bread? They do not call on Yahweh.

In his eyes a rejected one [is] contemptible, but he honors those who respect Yahweh. He takes an oath to [his own] injury and does not retract it.

As for me, I have called on you because you will answer me, O God. Incline your ear to me. Hear my words.

Now they surround us at our [every] step. They {intend} {to pin} [me] to the ground.

{He is like} a lion; he longs to tear apart, and like a strong lion crouching in hiding places.

from men by your hand, O Yahweh, from men of [this] world. Their share [is] in {this life}, and you fill their stomach [with] your treasure. They are satisfied [with] children. They bequeath their excess to their children.

In my trouble I called on Yahweh, and to my God I cried for help. He heard my voice from his temple, and my cry for help came up before his presence into his ears.

They confronted me on the day of disaster, but Yahweh was my support.

So he brought me out to a spacious place. He delivered me because he delighted in me.

Yahweh has rewarded me according to my righteousness; According to the cleanness of my hands he has repaid me.

Therefore Yahweh has repaid me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in his sight.

To [the] loyal you show yourself loyal. To [the] blameless you show yourself blameless.

To [the] pure you show yourself pure. but to [the] wicked you show yourself shrewd.

I struck them and they were not able to stand up; they fell under my feet.

They cried out but there was no rescuer, [even] to Yahweh, but he did not answer them.

Therefore I will give thanks to you among the nations, O Yahweh, and I will sing [the praise] of your name:

{Every day} [they] pour forth speech, and {every night} [they] tell knowledge.

[Yet] in all [the] world their line goes out, and their words to [the] end of [the] world. In them he has pitched a tent for the sun,

and it [is] like a bridegroom who comes out of his bridal chamber. It is glad like a strong man to run [its] course.

Its rising [is] from [one] end of the heavens and its circuit to the [other] end of them; and nothing [is] hidden from its heat.

May he give to you {your heart's desire}, and your every plan may he fulfill. Selah

He asked life from you; you gave [it] to him-- length of days forever and ever.

For you will {turn them to flight}; you will aim [arrows] on your bowstrings at their faces.

O my God, I call by day and you do not answer, and [by] night but I have no rest.

They cried to you and were saved; they trusted you and were not ashamed.

Do not be far from me because trouble [is] near; because there is no helper.

My strength is dry like a potsherd, and my tongue is sticking [to] my jaws; and you have placed me in [the] dust of death.

But you, O Yahweh, do not remain distant. O my help, hasten to help me.

because he has not despised nor abhorred [the] affliction of [the] afflicted, and has not hid his face from him; but he listened to him when he cried for help.

Descendants will serve him. Regarding the Lord, it will be told to the [next] generation.

They will come and tell his saving [deeds] to a people [yet] to be born, that he has done [it].

He who is innocent of hands and pure of heart, who does not lift up his soul to falseness, and does not swear deceitfully.

Indeed, none who wait for you should be put to shame. Those who betray without cause should be put to shame.

Cause me to walk in your truth and teach me, because you [are] the God of my salvation. I await you {all day long}.

Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions. According to your loyal love remember me [if] you [will], for the sake of your goodness, O Yahweh.

Turn to me and have mercy on me because I [am] lonely and afflicted.

Protect my life and deliver me. Let me not be put to shame, because I take shelter in you.

I do not sit with deceitful people, nor will I go about with hypocrites.

Do not destroy me with [the] sinners, nor my life with men of bloodshed,

When evildoers drew near against me to eat my flesh-- my adversaries and my enemies [who drew near] to me-- they themselves stumbled and fell.

And now my head will be high over my enemies round about me. And I will offer in his tent sacrifices with shouts of joy. I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to Yahweh.

Hear, O Yahweh, my voice [when] I call, and be gracious to me and answer me.

Do not hide your face from me; do not turn your servant away in anger. You have been my help; do not abandon nor forsake me, O God of my salvation.

Do not give me over to the desire of my enemies, because false witnesses have arisen against me, and [each] breathing out violence.

To you, O Yahweh, I call. O my rock, do not be deaf to me. Or else, if you are silent to me, then I will become like those descending to [the] pit.

Hear the voice of my supplications when I cry to you for help, when I lift up my hands toward your holy inner sanctuary.

Do not drag me away with [the] wicked or with [the] workers of evil, [who] speak of peace with their neighbors, while evil [is] in their heart.

Give to them according to their work, even according to the evil of their deeds. Give to them according to the work of their hands; repay them their rightful due.

Because they do not regard the works of Yahweh, nor the work of his hands, he will destroy them and not rebuild them.

Ascribe to Yahweh, O sons of God, ascribe to Yahweh glory and strength.

The voice of Yahweh causes deer to give birth and strips [the] forests bare. And at his temple all in it say, "Glory!"

O Yahweh, you have brought my life up from Sheol. You preserved me alive from among those going down to [the] pit.

O Yahweh, by your favor you caused my strong mountain to stand. You hid your face. I was bewildered.

To you, O Yahweh, I called, and to the Lord I pleaded for grace [saying],

"O Yahweh, hear and be gracious to me. O Yahweh, be my helper."

so that {I} may sing praises to you and not be quiet. O Yahweh, my God, I will give thanks to you forever.

In you, O Yahweh, I have taken refuge. Let me not be put to shame ever. Deliver me by your righteousness.

Incline your ear to me. Quickly deliver me. Become my rock of refuge, {a fortified keep} to save me.

Be gracious [to] me, O Yahweh, because I have distress. My eye wastes away because of vexation, [along with] my soul and my {body}.

Because of all my adversaries I have become a disgrace, especially to my neighbors, and a dread to my acquaintances. [Those who] see me in the street flee from me.

For I hear [the] rumor of many, "Terror on every side!" When conspiring together against me, they have plotted to take my life.

O Yahweh, let me not be put to shame, for I call on you. Let the wicked be put to shame. Let them [go] silently to Sheol.

Blessed [is] Yahweh, because he has worked marvelously his loyal love to me in a besieged city.

As for me, I said in my alarm, "I am cut off from before your eyes." However you heard the voice of my supplications when I cried to you for help.

When I kept silent, my bones were worn out due to my groaning all the day.

For day and night your hand was heavy upon me. My vigor was changed into [the] dry heat of summer. Selah