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To Heman's left were their relatives who were Merari's sons: Ethan, who had been fathered by Kishi, who had been fathered by Abdi, who had been fathered by Malluch,

Equipped as archers, they could use both their right and left hands to shoot arrows and hurl stones. As descendants of Benjamin, they were Saul's relatives.

Later David left the presence of the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD so Asaph and his fellow descendants of Levi could serve the ark there continually each day, doing whatever was required.

He left Zadok the priest and his relatives at the Tent of the LORD at the high place in Gibeon, where they ministered in the LORD's presence,

After this, everyone left for their own homes and David went home to bless his own household.

When the Ammonites saw the Arameans retreating, they also retreated from Joab's brother Abishai back to the city and Joab left for Jerusalem.

But the king's order overruled Joab, so Joab left, traveled throughout all of Israel, and then returned to Jerusalem

As David approached Ornan, Ornan looked around and observed David, left the threshing floor, and fell to the ground before David with his face on the ground.