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I, have seen the foolish taking root, and then hath his home decayed, in a moment:

How pleasant are the sayings that are right! But what can a decision from you, decide?

Can the paper-reed grow up, without a marsh? Or the rush grow up, without water?

They have passed away with boats of paper-reed, like a vulture which rusheth upon food.

Let him take from off me his rod, and, his terror, let it not startle me:

Since thou hast said, Right is my doctrine, and pure am I in his eyes.

Lo! I pray you, I have set forth in order a plea, I know that, I, shall be found right.

If its root, should become old in the earth, and, in the dust, its stock should die:

Surely ye should say - Why should we persecute him? seeing, the root of the matter, is found in me.

Their houses, are at peace, without dread, neither is, the rod of GOD, upon them;

As GOD liveth who hath taken away my right, even the Almighty, who hath embittered my soul;

Coral or crystal, cannot be mentioned, Yea, a possession, is wisdom, above red coral;

My root, is laid open to the waters, and, the dew, shall lodge for the night in my boughs;

Who used to pluck off the mallow by the bushes, with the root of the broom for their food;

On my right hand, the young brood rose up, - My feet, they thrust aside, and cast up against me their earthworks of destruction;

Surely, a fire, had that been, which, unto destruction, would have consumed, and, of all mine increase, had it torn up the root.

If I refused the right of my servant, or my handmaid, when they contended with me,

Lo! in this, thou hast not been right - let me answer thee, For, GOD, is greater than, man.

What is right, let us choose for ourselves, Let us know, among ourselves, what is good;

For Job hath said - I am righteous, But, GOD, hath turned away my right;

Concerning mine own right, shall I tell a falsehood? Incurable is my disease - not for any transgression.

Shall, the very hater of right, control? Or, the just - the mighty one, wilt thou condemn?

This, dost thou think to be right? Thou hast said - My righteousness is more than GOD'S.

He will not keep alive one who is lawless, but, the right of oppressed ones, will he grant;

Whether, as a rod, or for his earth, or in lovingkindness, he causeth it to come.

Wilt thou even frustrate my justice? Wilt thou condemn me, that thou mayest appear right?

And, even I myself, will praise thee, in that thine own right hand can bring thee salvation.

Under the lotus-trees, he lieth down, in a covert of reed and swamp;

And it came to pass, after Yahweh had spoken these words unto Job, that Yahweh, said unto Eliphaz the Temanite, Kindled is mine anger against thee and against thy two friends, for ye have not spoken concerning me the thing that is right, like my servant Job.

Now, therefore, take unto you seven bullocks and seven rams, and go unto my servant Job, and ye shall offer up an ascending-sacrifice in your own behalf, and, Job my servant, shall pray over you, - for, him, will I accept, that I may not deal out to you disgrace, because ye have not spoken concerning me the thing that is right, like my servant Job.