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Does the ax boast against the one who cuts with it, or the saw magnify itself against [the] one who moves it to and fro? {As if a rod should move the one who lifts it}! {As if a staff should lift up that which is not wood}!

This [was] the word that Yahweh spoke to Moab {in the past}.

Then [the] {watchman} called, "Lord, I [am] standing on [the] watchtower continually by day, and I [am] standing at my post {throughout} the night.

No lion shall be there, and no ferocious wild beast shall go up it. It shall not be found there, but [the] redeemed shall walk [there].

You shall winnow them and [the] wind shall carry them, and [the] tempest shall scatter them. And you yourself shall rejoice in Yahweh; you shall boast in the holy one of Israel.

In Yahweh all the offspring of Israel shall be in the right, and they shall boast."

But you shall be called the priests of Yahweh, {you will be called} servers of our God. You shall eat [the] wealth of [the] nations, and you shall boast in their riches.