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Their wealth will become plunder
and their houses a ruin.
They will build houses but never live in them,
plant vineyards but never drink their wine.

Verse ConceptsVineyardPlanting VineyardsDestruction Of HousesLiving In HousesNot Drinking WineDrawbacks To RichesHouses Under Attack

For Gaza will be abandoned,
and Ashkelon will become a ruin.
Ashdod will be driven out at noon,
and Ekron will be uprooted.

Verse ConceptsNoonArchaeologyEmpty CitiesPlucking Outcrusades

He will also stretch out His hand against the north
and destroy Assyria;
He will make Nineveh a desolate ruin,
dry as the desert.

Verse ConceptsNorthGod's HandDry PlacesGod's Hands Stretched Out