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It also seemed good to me, since I have carefully investigated everything from the very first, to write to you in an orderly sequence, most honorable Theophilus,

An angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing to the right of the altar of incense.

He asked for a writing tablet and wrote:


And they were all amazed.

Even now the ax is ready to strike the root of the trees! Therefore, every tree that doesn’t produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.”

He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. As usual, He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up to read.

But He passed right through the crowd and went on His way.

Jesus answered them, “Haven’t you read what David and those who were with him did when he was hungry—

On another Sabbath He entered the synagogue and was teaching. A man was there whose right hand was paralyzed.

After John’s messengers left, He began to speak to the crowds about John: “What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed swaying in the wind?

And the seed on the rock are those who, when they hear, welcome the word with joy. Having no root, these believe for a while and depart in a time of testing.

Then people went out to see what had happened. They came to Jesus and found the man the demons had departed from, sitting at Jesus’ feet, dressed and in his right mind. And they were afraid.

“Take nothing for the road,” He told them, “no walking stick, no traveling bag, no bread, no money; and don’t take an extra shirt.

As they were traveling on the road someone said to Him, “I will follow You wherever You go!”

Don’t carry a money-bag, traveling bag, or sandals; don’t greet anyone along the road.

“What is written in the law?” He asked him. “How do you read it?”

A priest happened to be going down that road. When he saw him, he passed by on the other side.

but one thing is necessary. Mary has made the right choice, and it will not be taken away from her.”

He also said to the crowds: “When you see a cloud rising in the west, right away you say, ‘A storm is coming,’ and so it does.

“‘A hundred measures of olive oil,’ he said.

“‘Take your invoice,’ he told him, ‘sit down quickly, and write 50.’

“Next he asked another, ‘How much do you owe?’

“‘A hundred measures of wheat,’ he said.

“‘Take your invoice,’ he told him, ‘and write 80.’

As He drew near Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the road begging.

As they were listening to this, He went on to tell a parable because He was near Jerusalem, and they thought the kingdom of God was going to appear right away.

As He was going along, they were spreading their robes on the road.

“Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if a man’s brother has a wife, and dies childless, his brother should take the wife and produce offspring for his brother.

For David himself says in the Book of Psalms:

The Lord declared to my Lord,
‘Sit at My right hand

When you hear of wars and rebellions, don’t be alarmed. Indeed, these things must take place first, but the end won’t come right away.”

Then one of them struck the high priest’s slave and cut off his right ear.

But from now on, the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the Power of God.”

So they said to each other, “Weren’t our hearts ablaze within us while He was talking with us on the road and explaining the Scriptures to us?”

Then they began to describe what had happened on the road and how He was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.