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which affected the whole assembly, and all that heard of it with great dread.

which caused great joy in that city.

accordingly he departed: and met a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, and was her high-treasurer: he had been at Jerusalem, to perform the duties of a proselyte,

when he saw the heaven open, and something descending in the form of a great sheet, ty'd at the four corners, and let down to the earth:

saying, as I was at prayers in Joppa, I saw something like a great sheet, tied at the four corners, which descended from heaven, and came just to me.

and one of them named Agabus foretold by the spirit, that there should be a great famine, thro' all the world: which accordingly happen'd in the reign of Claudius Cesar.

having apprehended Peter, he put him into prison, appointing a detachment of sixteen soldiers to guard him, intending to have him brought to publick execution, after Easter.

when they had pass'd the first and second guard, they came to the iron-gate that leads to the city, which open'd to them of itself: so they went out and pass'd together thro' one street: when all of a sudden the angel quitted Peter. Then coming to himself; now,

Herod was then making warlike preparations against the Tyrians, and Sidonians: but they unanimously sent a deputation to court: where having gain'd Blastus the king's chamberlain, they brought matters to an accommodation: for their country was subsisted by the king's territorys.

one court-day, Herod array'd in his robes of state, and seated upon the throne, made a publick oration:

when the Jews saw such a crowd, they were fill'd with resentment, and oppos'd what Paul had advanc'd, even to blasphemy.

Being arriv'd at Iconium, they went both together to the Jewish synagogue, where they discours'd in such a manner, that a great number both of Jews and of Greeks believed.

however the apostles stay'd there a considerable time, being inspir'd with great resolution by the Lord, who gave his attestation to the evangelical doctrine, by the prodigys and miracles, which he did by their hands.

but Paul and Barnabas being appriz'd of it, tore their clothes, and throwing themselves among the crowd,

when they were arrived, and had assembled the Church, they related what great things God had wrought by them, and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles:

so they set out, accompanied part of the way by the church, and pass'd thro' Phenicia and Samaria, relating the conversion of the Gentiles, which gave great joy to all the brethren.

having presented them to the Officers, they said, these men, who are Jews, raise great disorders in our city, and preach such maxims,

when all of a sudden there was such a great earthquake, that the foundations of the prison were shaken: immediately all the doors opened, and the setters dropp'd from the prisoners.

Some of them believed, and join'd themselves to Paul and Silas, besides a great number of Greek proselytes, and several women of distinction.

and when Silas and Timothy were arriv'd from Macedonia, Paul with great concern remonstrated to the Jews, that Jesus was the Messiah:

he had been instructed in the doctrine of the gospel, and being full of zeal, he harangued with great assiduity about what related to Jesus, though he had been only instituted in the baptism of John.

having talk'd with great freedom in the synagogue, Aquila and Priscilla, who had heard him, invited him home, and gave him a more distinct view of the gospel.

At length Paul went to the synagogue, where he spoke with great freedom, and for three months he conferr'd with them to persuade them of the truth of the evangelical kingdom.

so that not only our profession runs the risk of being vilified; but the temple of the great goddess Diana will be depreciated, and her majesty, so rever'd thro' all Asia, and the whole world, will be discarded."

at these words, they were fir'd with indignation, and cry'd out, "great is Diana of the Ephesians."

at last Alexander was disengag'd from the croud, and accus'd by the Jews. then he waved his hand, desiring to make his defence before them all.

but when they knew he was a Jew, they cry'd out one and all for the space of two hours, "great is Diana of the Ephesians."

at length the town-clerk appeased the people, and thus began, "who is there, O Ephesians, that does not know, that the city of Ephesus is the guardian of the temple of the great Diana, and of her statue, which fell from heaven:

and as Paul continued his discourse a great while, a young man, named Eutychus, who was sitting in the window, was seiz'd with a deep sleep, which quite o'er-came him; so that he fell down from the third story, and was taken up dead.

as I was upon the road, advanc'd near Damascus, about mid-day, all of a sudden a great light from heaven broke all around me.

for the Sadducees maintain, there is neither resurrection, nor angel, or spirit, whereas the Pharisees acknowledge both: the clamour was great,

said he, when your accusers are come: and then order'd him to the guard-room at Herod's palace.

there religiously employ'd some Asiatic Jews found me, without crowd or tumult:

On the morrow Agrippa and Bernice came in great state, and being introduc'd into the court attended by the officers and the principal men of the city, Festus gave the word, and Paul was brought to the Bar.

but by the divine favour I am still preserv'd alive, testifying to the small and to the great nothing but what Moses and the prophets have predicted should happen: "that Christ should suffer:

For several days we made very little sail, and having scarce got sight of Cnidus, the wind being against us, we bore away between Salmone and Crete:

"my friends, said he, I foresee our voyage will be attended with great difficulties, and no small risk of losing not only the ship and cargo, but our lives too."

a gentle breeze at south, secure of gaining their point, they weigh'd anchor, and coasted close under Crete:

the next day the storm work'd the ship with great fury; they threw some of her lading over board:

and our spirits droop with fasting: when Paul presented himself, and said, "well, my friends, it had been, if I could have prevail'd upon you, to have sav'd your selves all this perplexity and loss by staying at Crete.

The chief of the island, one Publius, had his estate in that quarter: he entertain'd us with diet and lodging for three days with great civility.

Upon our arrival at Rome, the centurion deliver'd the prisoners to the captain of the guard: but Paul was allow'd to be at private lodgings, under the custody of a soldier.

Having therefore set him a day, they came in great numbers to his lodgings; where he explain'd and confirm'd the reality of the gospel-dispensation, from morning to night, enforcing what the writings of Moses and the prophets had affirm'd concerning Jesus.