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"Food is meant for the stomach, and the stomach for food"? Yes, but God will soon put an end both to the one and to the other. The body, however, exists not for immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body;

Now in regard to food which has been offered to idols, we are sure of course that "we all have knowledge." But knowledge puffs up, while love builds up.

Now as to eating food that has been offered to idols, we know well that an idol has no real existence in the universe, and that there is no God but One.

But that "knowledge" is not possessed by all; but some, accustomed until now to the idol, eat food as that which has actually been offered to an idol, and so their conscience, being still weak, is defiled.

Now food does not bring us nearness to God. Neither if we eat do we gain any advantage, nor if we eat not, do we lose any.

But for my part, I have never availed myself of any of these rights. I do not say this to bring it about in my own case. I would rather die than let any one make void this boast of mine.

But if any one tells you, "This food has been offered in sacrifice," do not eat it, for the sake of him who told you,

If the foot should say, "Because I am a hand, I am not part a part the body," would it not indeed be a part of the body?

And the eye cannot say to the hand, "I have no need of you". nor again of head to the feet, "I have no need for you."

For He hast put all things under his feet, but in that quotation All things are put under him, it is evident that God is excepted, who put all things under Him.