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So we went on past our brothers, the children of Esau, living in Seir, by the road through the Arabah, from Elath and Ezion-geber. And turning, we went by the road through the waste land of Moab.

(In the past the Emim were living there; a great people, equal in numbers to the Anakim and as tall;

Or any beast of the earth, or winged bird of the air,

Give thought now to the days which are past, before your time, from the day when God first gave life to man on the earth, and searching from one end of heaven to the other, see if such a great thing as this has ever been, or if anything like it has been talked of in story.

Any beast which has a division in the horn of its foot and whose food comes back into its mouth to be crushed again, may be used for food.

If their owner is not near, or if you are not certain who he is, then take the beast to your house and keep it till its owner comes in search of it, and then you are to give it back to him.

Cursed is he who has sex relations with any sort of beast. And let all the people say, So be it.

Keep in mind the days of the past, give thought to the years of generations gone by: go to your father and he will make it clear to you, to the old men and they will give you the story.