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for what I, and Timothy, and Silvanus preached concerning Jesus Christ, the son of God, is not inconsistent, but invariably the same.

now it is God who keeps you fix'd in the doctrine of Christ; who has appointed me,

I call God to witness, and may I die if it is not true, that the reason of my not coming yet to Corinth, was to avoid using any severity towards you.

for God is pleased to accept my christian labours, in favour both of those who are in a saving, and of those who are in a ruinous state:

but this treasure is lodg'd in such earthen vessels as we are, that the exceeding efficacy of it may appear to be from God, and not from us.

Shall I then, who know this terrible judgment of the Lord, endeavour to appease men? as for God, I am approved by him, and I trust also you are convinced of my being so approved.

But thanks be to God, who disposed Titus to be so industrious for you.

having this proof of you by such a supply, they will glorify God for your profess'd subjection to the gospel of Christ, and for your liberal distribution to them as well as others;

and you will have the advantage of their earnest prayers, for the exceeding favour God has bestowed upon them by you:

I will not boast of any thing done without my province, but confine myself within that line by which God has mark'd out my bounds, and in which you are included.

the ever-blessed God, and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, knows that I speak truth.

but tho' I don't know whether it was in the body, or out of the body, which God only knows,

do you think I have been making excuses for not coming? as I am a christian, in the presence of God, I have, my beloved, in every thing consulted your advantage.

and I am afraid, God will humble me when I come again among you, and I shall bewail many who have formerly sinned, and have not yet repented of their impurity, their fornication, and dissoluteness.

now I pray God that I may not punish you; not that I may show you my proofs to your cost, but that by your acting honestly, I may be as if I had no proofs:

Paul an apostle (not from men, nor by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the father who raised him from the dead) and all the brethren,

who are with me, unto the churches of Galatia: grace be to you, and peace from God the father,

you have heard of my former behaviour, whilst I was of the Jewish religion, with what excessive violence I persecuted the church of God, and laid it waste:

But as for those who were men of real eminency, how considerable soever they were heretofore, it does not any ways affect me; God accepts not the person of any man: for they who were of note, in conference with me, had nothing new to add.

this therefore I say, that the law, which was not till four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul the promise, that was ratified before by God, so as to set the promise afoot.

now if the right to the inheritance be from the law, it is no longer founded upon the promise; altho' God made a donation of it to Abraham by promise.

now a mediator supposes two parties, of which God is but one.

yet you did not despise me for the trial which attended my person, nor treated me with scorn; but received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus.

drunkenness, revellings, and such like, concerning which I forewarn you now, as heretofore I have done, that they who practise such vices, shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

grace be to you, and peace from God our father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

if so be you have heard of the charge, which God has graciously dispens'd to me for you Gentiles;

and display to all the world that mysterious dispensation, which from all past ages has been conceal'd in the secret purpose of God, who created all things: