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When their time of feasting had concluded, Job would rise early in the morning to send for them and consecrate them to God. He would offer a burnt offering for each one, because Job thought, "Perhaps my children sinned by cursing God in their hearts." Job did this time and again.

It would weigh more than the sand on the seashore! Here's why I've talked so rashly:

"With God are strength and sound wisdom; both the deceived and those who deceive are responsible to him.

You overpower him once and for all, and then he departs; you change his appearance and then send him away.

singing with tambourines and lyres as they rejoice to the sound of flutes.

You sent away widows empty-handed, and broke the outstretched arms of orphans.

"I used to say: "I will die in my home. I'm going to live as many days as there are grains of sand on the shore.

Listen carefully to his thundering voice; to the sound that rumbles from his mouth.

Like clay is molded by a signet ring, the earth's hills and valleys then stand out like the colors of a garment.

She abandons her eggs on the ground and lets them be warmed in the sand,

Leaping in his excitement, he takes in the ground; he cannot stand still when the trumpets sound!

buried them in the dust together, and sent them bound to that secret place,

Are your eyes looking to capture him, or to pierce his snout with a bridle?"

Can you attach a bridle to his snout, or pierce his jaw with a hook?