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And the adversary will go forth from the face of Jehovah, and he will strike Job with an evil burning sore, from the sole of his foot even to his crown.

They glided along with the ships of desire: as the eagle will pounce upon food.

To misfortune is contempt to the thoughts of him at ease, being prepared for the waverings of the foot

Shall not the ear try words? and the palate shall taste food to it?

And thou wilt set my feet in the stocks, and thou wilt watch all my paths; thou wilt dig round the roots of my feet

For he covered his face with his fat, and he will make fatness upon the flank

For he was cast into a net by his feet, and he will go about upon latticework.

Terrors made him afraid round about, and scattered him to his feet.

Nothing was left to his food; for this his good shall not be stable.

His sides were filled with fat, and the marrow of his bones will, be moistened.

The torrent broke out from the sojourner; being forgotten of the foot, they were weak, they wandered from men.

Eyes was I to the blind one, and feet to the lame was I.

Upon the right the brood will rise up; they cast away my feet, and they will cast up the paths of their destruction against me.

If I went with vanity, and my foot will haste upon deceit;

His life loathed bread, and his soul food of desire.

For the ear will try words, and the palate will taste of food

For by them he will judge the peoples; he will give food to abundance.

Their sons will be fat, they will increase with grain; they will go forth and not turn back to them.

And she will forget that the foot will press it, and the beast of the field will crush it

From thence it sought food; far off shall its eyes behold.