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This is the heavy burden upon Moab: Ar of Moab was destroyed and overthrown in the night season: Kir also, in Moab, perished in the night and vanished away.

Elam bare the quiver in a chariot of footmen and of horsemen, and the city of Kir showed the shield open.

Thorns shall grow in their palaces, nettles and thistles in their strongholds; that the dragons may have their pleasure therein, and that they may be a court for Ostriches.

The dry ground shall turn to rivers, and the thirsty to springs of water. Whereas dragons dwelt afore, there shall grow sweet flowers and green rushes.

They shall grow together, like as the grass, and as the Willows by the waterside.

For thorns, there shall grow Fir trees, and the Myrtle tree in the stead of briers. And this shall be done to the praise of the LORD, and for an everlasting token, that shall not be taken away.

The youngest and least shall grow into a thousand, and the simplest into a strong people. I the LORD shall shortly bring this thing to pass in his time.