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This very John had his clothing made of camel's hair, and wore a leather belt around his waist; his food was dried locusts and wild honey.

and said to Him, "If you are God's Son, throw yourself down, for the Scripture says: "'He will give His angels directions about you, And they will bear you up on their hands, so you will never strike your foot against a stone.'"

"You must never give the things that are sacred to dogs, and you must never throw your pearls before hogs, for fear they might trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces.

But the captain answered, "I am not fit for you to come under my roof, but simply speak the word, and my servant-boy will be cured.

And the men who fed them fled, and went off to the town, and told it all, and what occurred to the two men who were under the power of demons.

When Jesus heard it, He left there in a boat for a quiet place, to be alone. And when the crowds heard of it, they followed Him on foot from the towns.

But when it was evening, His disciples came to Him and said, "This is a destitute place, and the day is over; send the crowds off to the villages to buy themselves food."

The people fed numbered about five thousand men, besides women and children.

and great crowds came up to Him bringing with them the lame, the crippled, the blind, the deaf, and many others. They laid them at His feet, and He cured them,

Those fed numbered four thousand men, besides women and children.

"And if your own hand or your own foot makes you do wrong, cut it off and put it out of your way. It is better for you to get into life maimed or crippled than to have both hands or both feet to be thrown into everlasting torture.

So the slave fell down at his feet and pleaded, 'Give me time, and I will pay you every cent of it.'

"Listen to another story. There was once an owner of an estate who planted a vineyard and built a fence around it, and hewed out a wine-vat in it, and built a tower, and rented it to tenant farmers, and then went abroad.

A curse on you, you hypocritical scribes and Pharisees! For you scour land and sea to win a single convert, and when he is won you make him twice as fit for the pit as you are.

Then Jesus met them Himself, and said, "Good morning!" And they went up to Him and clasped His feet, and worshiped Him.