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Then He went up the hill; and those whom He Himself chose He called, and they came to Him.

So if Satan has risen in arms and has made war upon himself, stand he cannot, but meets his end.

But He Himself was in the stern asleep, with His head on the cushion: so they woke Him. "Rabbi," they cried, "is it nothing to you that we are drowning?"

when there came one of the Wardens of the Synagogue--he was called Jair--who, on beholding Him, threw himself at His feet,

For Herod himself had sent and had had John arrested and had kept him in prison in chains, for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife; because he had married her.

When evening was come, the boat was half way across the Lake, while he Himself was on shore alone.

They came to Jericho; and as He was leaving that town--Himself and His disciples and a great crowd--Bartimaeus (the son of Timaeus)

"David himself calls Him 'Lord:' how then can He be his son?" And the mass of people found pleasure in listening to Jesus.

and but for the fact that the Lord has cut short those days, no one would escape; but for the sake of His own People whom He has chosen for Himself He has cut short the days.

Then he will himself show you a large room upstairs, ready furnished: there make preparation for us."

Going forward a short distance He threw Himself upon His face and prayed repeatedly that, if it was possible, He might be spared that time of agony;

Peter followed Jesus at a distance, as far as the outer court of the High Priest's palace. But there he remained sitting among the officers, and warming himself by the fire.

and seeing Peter warming himself she looked at him and said, "You also were with Jesus, the Nazarene."

In the same way the High Priests also, as well as the Scribes, kept on scoffing at Him, saying to one another, "He has saved others: himself he cannot save!

Joseph of Arimathaea came, a highly respected member of the Council, who himself also was living in expectation of the Kingdom of God. He summoned up courage to go in to see Pilate and beg for the body of Jesus.

Afterwards He showed Himself in another form to two of them as they were walking, on their way into the country.

Later still He showed Himself to the Eleven themselves whilst they were at table, and He upbraided them with their unbelief and obstinacy in not having believed those who had seen Him alive.