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when suddenly there came from the sky a sound as of a strong rushing blast of wind. This filled the whole house where they were sitting;

So when this noise was heard, they came crowding together, and were amazed because everyone heard his own language spoken.

While they were saying this to the people, the Priests, the Commander of the Temple Guard, and the Sadducees came upon them,

The kings of the earth came near, and the rulers assembled together against the Lord and against His Anointed.'"

About three hours had passed, when his wife came in, knowing nothing of what had happened.

Instantly she fell down dead at his feet, and the young men came in and found her dead. So they carried her out and buried her by her husband's side.

so that they would even bring out their sick friends into the streets and lay them on light couches or mats, in order that when Peter came by, at least his shadow might fall on one or other of them.

The inhabitants, too, of the towns in the neighbourhood of Jerusalem came in crowds, bringing sick persons and some who were harassed by foul spirits, and they were cured, one and all.

Having received that command they went into the Temple, just before daybreak, and began to teach: So when the High Priest and his party came, and had called together the Sanhedrin as well as all the Elders of the descendants of Israel, they sent to the jail to fetch the Apostles.

But the officers went and could not find them in the prison. So they came back and brought word,

And some one came and brought them word, saying, "The men you put in prison are actually in the Temple, standing there, teaching the people."

After him, at the time of the Census, came Judas, the Galilaean, and was the leader in a revolt. He too perished, and all his followers were scattered.

In this way they excited the people, the Elders, and the Scribes. At length they came upon him, seized him with violence, and took him before the Sanhedrin.

But there came a famine throughout the whole of Egypt and Canaan--and great distress--so that our forefathers could find no food.

The next day, also, he came and found two of them fighting, and he endeavoured to make peace between them. "'Sirs,' he said, 'you are brothers. Why are you wronging one another?'

They, when they came down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit:

So they proceeded on their way till they came to some water; and the eunuch exclaimed, "See, here is water; what is there to prevent my being baptized?"

and his hearers were all amazed, and began to ask one another, "Is not this the man who in Jerusalem tried to exterminate those who called upon that Name, and came here on purpose to carry them off in chains to the High Priests?"

So he came to Jerusalem and made several attempts to associate with the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, being in doubt as to whether he himself was a disciple.

Barnabas, however, came to his assistance. He brought Saul to the Apostles, and related to them how, on his journey, he had seen the Lord, and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had fearlessly taught in the name of Jesus.

Now Peter, as he went to town after town, came down also to God's people at Lud.

So Peter rose and went with them. On his arrival they took him upstairs, and the widow women all came and stood by his side, weeping and showing him the underclothing and cloaks and garments of all kinds which Dorcas used to make while she was still with them.

and a voice came to him which said, "Rise, Peter, kill and eat."

So for this reason, when sent for, I came without raising any objection. I therefore ask why you sent for me."

"While I was in the town of Jaffa, offering prayer," he said, "in a trance I saw a vision. There descended what seemed to be an enormous sail, being let down from the sky by ropes at the four corners, and it came close to me.

"Now at that very moment three men came to the house where we were, having been sent from Caesarea to find me.

At that time certain Prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch,

one of whom, named Agabus, being instructed by the Spirit, publicly predicted the speedy coming of a great famine throughout the world. (It came in the reign of Claudius.)

And passing through the first ward and the second, they came to the iron gate leading into the city. This opened to them of itself; and, going out, they passed on through one of the streets, and then suddenly the angel left him.

When he knocked at the wicket in the door, a maidservant named Rhoda came to answer the knock;

When morning came, there was no little commotion among the soldiers, as to what could possibly have become of Peter.

But they themselves, passing through from Perga, came to Antioch in Pisidia. Here, on the Sabbath day, they went into the synagogue and sat down.

On the next Sabbath almost the whole population of the city came together to hear the Lord's Message.

But they shook off the dust from their feet as a protest against them and came to Iconium;

But now a party of Jews came from Antioch and Iconium, and, having won over the crowd, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the town, believing him to be dead.

Then passing through Pisidia they came into Pamphylia;

and after telling the Message at Perga they came down to Attaleia.

They, therefore, having been solemnly sent, came down to Antioch, where they called together the whole assembly and delivered the letter.

He also came to Derbe and to Lystra. At Lystra he found a disciple, Timothy by name--the son of a Christian Jewess, though he had a Greek father.

So, passing along Mysia, they came to Troas.

Accordingly we put out to sea from Troas, and ran a straight course to Samothrace. The next day we came to Neapolis,

This she persisted in for a considerable time, until Paul, wearied out, turned round and said to the spirit, "I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her." And it came out immediately.

Accordingly they came and apologized to them; and, bringing them out, asked them to leave the city.

As soon, however, as the Jews of Thessalonica learnt that God's Message had been proclaimed by Paul at Beroea, they came there also, and incited the mob to a riot.

Now at the time when Silas and Timothy came down from Macedonia, Paul was preaching fervently and was solemnly telling the Jews that Jesus is the Christ.

Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos came to Ephesus. He was a native of Alexandria, a man of great learning and well versed in the Scriptures.

During the stay of Apollos in Corinth, Paul, after passing through the inland districts, came to Ephesus, where he found a few disciples.

All the people of Ephesus, Jews as well as Greeks, came to know of this. There was widespread terror, and they began to hold the name of the Lord Jesus in high honour.

Many also of those who believed came confessing without reserve what their conduct had been,

Passing through those districts he encouraged the disciples in frequent addresses, and then came into Greece, and spent three months there.

Accordingly, when he met us at Assos, we took him on board and came to Mitylene.

On the morrow we left Ptolemais and went on to Caesarea, where we came to the house of Philip the Evangelist, who was one of the seven, and stayed with him.

and during our somewhat lengthy stay a Prophet of the name of Agabus came down from Judaea.

On the following day we went with Paul to call on James, and all the Elders of the Church came also.

He instantly sent for a few soldiers and their officers, and came down among the people with all speed. At the sight of the Tribune and the troops they ceased beating Paul.

"And as I could not see because the light had been so dazzling, those who were with me had to lead me by the arm, and so I came to Damascus.

came to me and standing at my side said, "'Brother Saul, recover your sight.' "I instantly regained my sight and looked up at him.

So the Tribune came to Paul and asked him, "Tell me, are you a Roman citizen?" "Yes," he said.

The following night the Lord came and stood at Paul's side, and said, "Be of good courage, for as you have borne faithful witness about me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness in Rome."

But Paul's sister's son heard of the intended attack upon him. So he came and went into the barracks and told Paul about it;

This man Paul had been seized by the Jews, and they were on the point of killing him, when I came upon them with the troops and rescued him, for I had been informed that he was a Roman citizen.

Five days after this, Ananias the High Priest came down to Caesarea with a number of Elders and a pleader called Tertullus. They stated to the Governor the case against Paul.

"Now after an interval of several years I came to bring alms to my nation, and to offer sacrifices.

Not long after this, Felix came with Drusilla his wife, a Jewess, and sending for Paul, listened to him as he spoke about faith in Christ Jesus.

A short time after this, Agrippa the king and Bernice came to Caesarea to pay a complimentary visit to Festus;

"When, therefore, a number of them came here, the next day I took my seat on the tribunal, without any loss of time, and ordered the man to be brought in.

"I should like to hear the man myself," said Agrippa. "to-morrow," replied Festus, "you shall." Accordingly, the next day, Agrippa and Bernice came in state

When daylight came, they tried in vain to recognise the coast. But an inlet with a sandy beach attracted their attention, and now their object was, if possible, to run the ship aground in this inlet.

Now, when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and had thrown them on the fire, a viper, driven by the heat, came out and fastened itself on his hand.

After this, all the other sick people in the island came and were cured.

From there we came round and reached Rhegium; and a day later, a south wind sprang up which brought us by the evening of the next day to Puteoli.

Meanwhile the brethren there, hearing of our movements, came as far as the Market of Appius and the Three Huts to meet us; and when Paul saw them he thanked God and felt encouraged.

So they arranged a day with him and came to him in considerable numbers at the house of the friends who were entertaining him. And then, with solemn earnestness, he explained to them the subject of the Kingdom of God, endeavouring from morning till evening to convince them about Jesus, both from the Law of Moses and from the Prophets.

After this Paul lived for fully two years in a hired house of his own, receiving all who came to see him.