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I am thankful that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius,

I baptized also the household of Stephanas. I do not know that I baptized any one else.

Therefore neither the man who plants, nor the man who waters, is of any account, but only God who causes the growth.

If any man's work, which he has built upon that foundation, still remains, he will gain a reward.

If any man's work is burnt up, he will suffer loss; though he himself will escape, but only as one who has passed through fire.

Let no one deceive himself. If any one among you imagines that, as regards this world, he is a wise man, let him become a 'fool,' that he may become wise.

But it weighs very little with me that I am judged by you or by any human tribunal. No, I do not even judge myself;

But, as things are, I say that you are not to associate with any one who, although a Brother in name, is immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or abusive, or a drunkard, or grasping-no, not even to sit at table with such people.

Or a thief, or covetous, or a drunkard, or abusive, or grasping, will have any share in God's Kingdom.

In any case, a man should continue to live in the condition which the Lord has allotted to him, and in which he was when God called him. This is the rule that I lay down in every Church.

I say this for your own benefit, not with any intention of putting a halter round your necks, but in order to secure for the Master seemly and constant devotion, free from all distraction.

Does any one ever serve as a soldier at his own expense? Does any one plant a vineyard and not eat its produce? Or does any one look after a herd and not drink the milk?

I, however, have not availed myself of any of these rights. I am not saying this to secure such an arrangement for myself; indeed, I would far rather die-Nobody shall make my boast a vain one!

But, if any one should say to you 'This has been offered in sacrifice to an idol,' then, for the sake of the speaker and his scruples, do not eat it.

Any man who keeps his head covered, when praying or preaching in public, dishonors him who is his Head;

While any woman, who prays or preaches in public bare-headed, dishonors him who is her Head; for that is to make herself like one of the shameless women who shave their heads.

If, however, any one still thinks it right to contest the point-well, we have no such custom, nor have the Churches of God.

If any of you use the gift of 'tongues,' not more than two, or at the most three, should do so-each speaking in his turn-and some one should interpret them.

If they want information on any point, they should ask their husbands about it at home; for it is unbecoming for a married woman to speak at a meeting of the Church.

If any one thinks that he has the gift of preaching or any other spiritual gift, let him recognize that what I am now saying to you is a command from the Lord.

On my arrival, I will send any persons, whom you may authorize by letter, to carry your gift to Jerusalem;