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And, calling them near, in parables, began he to say unto them - How can, Satan, cast, Satan out?

And he saith unto them - Know ye not this parable? How then will ye get to know all the parables?

and be sleeping and rising, night and day, - and the seed be sprouting, and lengthening itself, - how, he, knoweth not:

And he was saying - How shall we liken the kingdom of God, or, in what parable, shall we put it?

And the beholders narrated to them, how it happened to the demonized man, and concerning the swine.

And he suffered him not, but saith unto him - Withdraw into thy house, unto thine own, and bear tidings unto them, how many things the Lord for thee hath done, and hath had mercy on thee.

And he departed, and began proclaiming, in the Decapolis, how many things Jesus had done for him, - and, all, were marvelling.

And, he, saith unto them - How many loaves, have ye? Go, see! And, getting to know, they say - Five, and, two fishes.

And he was questioning them - How many loaves have ye? and they said - Seven.

when, the five loaves, I brake unto the five thousand, how many baskets, full of broken pieces, ye took up? They say unto him - Twelve, -

When the seven, unto the four thousand, how many hampers, full measure, of broken pieces, ye took up? And they say unto him - Seven. And he was saying unto them -

And, he, said unto them - Elijah, indeed, coming first, restoreth all things; and yet, how is it written, regarding the Son of Man, that, many things, he must suffer, and be set at nought?

But, he, answering, saith - O faithless generation! how long, shall I be with you? how long, shall I bear with you? Bring him unto me!

And he questioned his father - How long a time, is it, that, this, hath befallen him? and he said - From childhood;

And, the disciples, were in amazement, because of the words. But, Jesus, again answering, saith unto them - Children! how difficult, it is, to enter, into the kingdom of God!

And the High-priests and the Scribes, heard, it, and began seeking how they might, destroy, him, - for they were fearing him; for, all the multitude, were being struck with astonishment at his teaching.

But, as touching the dead, that they, do rise, - Have ye not read in the book of Moses, at the Bush, how God spake unto him, saying - I am the God of Abraham, and God of Isaac, and God of Jacob: -

And Jesus, answering, was saying, as he taught in the temple - How say the Scribes that, the Christ, is, Son of David?

And, taking his seat over against the treasury, he was observing how, the multitude, was casting in copper into the treasury, and, man rich, were casting in, much.

Now it was the Passover and the Unleavened cakes , after two days. And the High-priests and Scribes were seeking, how, with guile, they might secure, and lay him;

Now, when they heard, they rejoiced, and promised to give him, silver; and he was seeking how, at a favourable opportunity, he might, deliver him up.

And, straightway, a second time, a cock, crowed; and Peter was reminded of the declaration, how Jesus had said to him - Before a cock, twice, crow, thrice, wilt thou deny me. And, when he thought thereon, he began to weep.

And, Pilate, again, was questioning him, saying- Answerest thou, nothing? See! of how many things, they are accusing thee!

Now, Mary the Magdalene, and Mary the mother of Joses, were viewing how he had been laid.