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"Will you get offended if somebody tries to talk to you? Who can keep from speaking at a time like this?

"Can a mortal person be more righteous than God? Or can the purity of the valiant exceed that of his maker?'

how much less confidence does he have in those who dwell in houses of clay; who were formed from a foundation in dust and can perish like a moth?

The truth can be painful, but what has your argument proven?

Have I said anything that's unjust? I can discern evil, can't I?"

Why won't you look away from me? Why don't you leave me alone so I can swallow my saliva?

"Can papyrus grow where there's no marsh? Can reeds flourish without water?

"Indeed, I'm fully aware that this is so, but how can a person become right with God?

Indeed, if he snatches someone away, who could restrain him? Who can say to him, "What are you doing?'

Even if I'm in the right, I cannot answer him. I can only appeal for mercy.

"Is this a contest of strength? He is obviously stronger! Is this a matter of justice? Who can sue him?

He's not a man like me, so that I can answer him, or that we can enter into litigation with one another.

Do you have eyes made of flesh? Can you look at things as humans do?

Can you live only as long as a human being? Or live the years of a mortal man?

My days are so few, aren't they? So leave me alone, then, so I can smile a little

These things are higher than the heavens, so what can you do? They are deeper than Sheol, so what can you know?

"If he bypasses, or imprisons, or convenes a court, who can stop him?

Will things go well for you under his cross-examination? Can you lie to him, as you would to a human being?

Who can oppose me? If they do, I'll be silent and die.

You've locked my feet in stocks; you watch all my steps; You've limited where I can walk.

Look away from him and leave him alone, so he can enjoy his time, like a hired worker."

"When are you going to stop your word hunt? Think first, and then we can talk.

though he savors it and delays swallowing it so he can taste it again and again in his mouth,

"Can God learn anything? After all, he will judge even the exalted ones.

How then, can you console me so worthlessly? What is left of your answers is treachery."

"Can a human being be useful to God, since he, who is wise, is sufficient to himself?

You've asked, "What does God know? Can he sort through pitch black darkness?'

Thick clouds cover him so he can't see as he walks back and forth at heaven's horizon.

In that place, the upright can reason with him; and I'll be acquitted once and for all by my judge."

If he's working in the north, I can't observe him; If he turns south, I can't see him.

If this weren't so, who can prove that I'm a liar by showing that there's nothing to what I'm saying?"

where stones are sapphire and gold dust can be found,

"Where can wisdom be found? Where is understanding's home?

You can't buy it with gold, and its value cannot be calculated in silver.

It cannot be compared to gold and fine glass crystal, nor can it be exchanged for gold-plated weaponry.

It can neither be compared with the topaz of Ethiopia nor valued in comparison to pure gold."

Answer me, if you can! Present your case! Take your stand in my presence!

Can one who hates justice really govern? And if God is righteous and mighty, can you condemn him?

Can one say to a king, "You're vile!' or to nobles, "You're wicked!'?

"They die suddenly, in the middle of the night; people suffer seizures and pass away; even valiant men can be taken away and not by human hands.

There's no such thing as darkness to him not even deep darkness that can conceal those who practice evil.

"If he remains silent, who will condemn him? If he conceals his face, who can see him? He watches over both nation and individual alike,

If you are righteous, what will you add to him? What can God receive from your efforts?

Even though you complain that you can't perceive him, your case is already pending for judgment in his presence so keep on placing your hope in him.

"Furthermore, can anyone understand cloud patterns, or the thundering in his pavilion?

His thunder roars after it; his majestic voice will thunder; and no one can trace them once his voice has been heard.

Can you spread out the skies like he does; can you cast them as one might a mirror?

Tell us! What are we to say to him? Can we prepare our case to face him when our faces are in darkness?

Has it been relayed to God that I want to talk? Can a person speak when he is confused?"

Therefore humanity fears him, which none of the wise can quite comprehend."

Can you take it to its homeland, since you know the path to his house?

Can you bring out constellations in their season? Can you guide the Bear with her cubs?

Do you know the laws of the heavens? Can you regulate their authority over the earth?

"Can you call out to the clouds, so that abundant water drenches you?

Can you command the lightning, so that it goes forth and calls to you, "Look at us!'

"Can you hunt prey for the lioness to satisfy young lions

Can you count the months of their gestation? Do you know the time when they give birth,

Can you bind the ox to plow a furrow with a rope? Will he harrow after you in the valley?

Can you make him leap like the locust, and make the splendor of his snorting terrifying?

When the trumpet blasts he'll neigh, "Aha! Aha!' From a distance he can sense war, the war cry of generals, and their shouting."

I spoke once, but I can't answer; I tried a second time, but I won't do so anymore."

Indeed would you annul my justice and condemn me, just so you can claim that you're righteous?

then I will applaud you myself! I'll admit that you can deliver yourself by your own efforts!"

"Can you draw Leviathan out of the water with a hook, or tie down his tongue with a rope?

Can you attach a bridle to his snout, or pierce his jaw with a hook?

No one is fierce enough to dare to arouse him. "Who, then, can stand in my presence and face me?

Who can strip off his outer armor? Who can approach him with a bridle?

His breath can ignite coal; and flames proceed from his mouth.