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These are the Sermons of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah the Priest, one of them that dwelt at Anathoth in the land of Benjamin:

Verse ConceptsPriesthood, In Ot

Upon thy wings is found the blood of poor and innocent people; and that not in corners and holes only, but openly in all these places.

Verse ConceptsBlood, as basis of lifeJudged As MurderersNot Helping The Poor

and therefore go preach these words toward the north, and say, 'Thou shrinking Israel, turn again, sayeth the LORD; and I will not turn my face from you, for I am merciful, sayeth the LORD. And I will not always bear displeasure against thee:

Verse ConceptsMercifulnessProclaimingReturning To GodReturn From The NorthGod Will No More Be AngryBackslidingBackslidersAnger And Forgiveness

Therefore will I go unto their heads and rulers, and talk with them: if they know the way of the LORD, and the judgments of our God." But these, in like manner, have broken the yoke, and burst the bonds in sunder.

Verse ConceptsYokesEscaping From GodBreaking Chains

"Nevertheless, your misdeeds have turned these from you, and your sins have robbed you hereof.

Verse ConceptsFruits Of SinSin Brings ImpoverishmentGod Turning Bad Things Into Good

Should I not punish these things, sayeth the LORD? Should I not be avenged of all such people as these be?"

Verse ConceptsGod Executes Vengeance

"Stand under the gates of the LORD's house, and cry out these words there, with a loud voice, and say, Hear the word of the LORD all ye of Judah, that go in at this door, to honour the LORD.

Verse ConceptsHearingProphecy, Methods Of OtWorship, Acceptable AttitudesStanding In The Gateway

Then come ye, and stand before me in this house, which hath my name given unto it, and say 'Tush, we are absolved quite, though we have done all these abominations.'

Verse ConceptsA Place For God's Name

What? Think you this house that beareth my name, is a den of thieves? And these things are not done privily, but before mine eyes, sayeth the LORD.

Verse ConceptsRespect, For God's CharacterStealingDensStatus Of The TempleA Place For God's Namethieves

And now, though ye have done all these deeds, sayeth the LORD, and I myself rose up ever betimes to warn you and to commune with you, yet would ye not hear me: I called, ye would not answer.

Verse ConceptsIndifferenceListeningRejection Of GodWatchfulness, DivineGod's Call, Few RespondThose Who Rose EarlyDoing RepeatedlyOthers Not AnsweringEarly Rising

"And thou shalt now speak all these words unto them, but they shall not hear thee: thou shalt cry upon them, but they shall not answer thee.

Verse ConceptsOthers Not AnsweringListening To God

Should I not punish them for these things, sayeth the LORD? Or should I not be avenged of any such people as this?

Verse ConceptsGod Executes Vengeance

And the LORD said unto me, "It is found out, that whole Israel and all these citizens of Jerusalem are gone back.

Verse ConceptsConspiraciesConspiracy

They have turned themselves to the blasphemies of their forefathers, which had no lust to hear my word. Even likewise have these also followed strange gods, and worshiped them. The houses of Israel and Judah have broken my covenant, which I made with their fathers.

Verse ConceptsServanthood, And Worship Of GodRefusing To HearDifferent GodsReturning to the oldBreaking The Covenant

And if thou wouldest say then in thine heart, 'Wherefore come these things upon me?' Even for the multitude of thy blasphemies, shall thy hinder parts and thy feet be uncovered.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual HarlotryWhy Does This Happen?Changing Yourselfgreatness

Are there any among the gods of the Gentiles, that send rain or give the showers of heaven? Dost not thou it, O LORD our God, in whom we trust? Yea LORD, thou dost all these things."

Verse ConceptsFaith, Origins Ofdrought, physicalHope, In GodRainSkyWaiting On GodGod Sending RainGod Controlling The Rain

Upon these words, thus said the LORD unto me, "If thou wilt turn again, I shall set thee in my service: and if thou wilt take out the thing that is precious from the vile, thou shalt be even as mine own mouth. They shall convert unto thee, but turn not thou unto them:

Verse ConceptsReinstatementRevival, PersonalReturning To GodTurning RoundGood WordsRestoring SinnersSpeaking As From God

"Now when thou showest this people all these words, and they say unto thee, 'Wherefore hath the LORD devised all this great plague for us?' Or, 'What is the offense and sin that we have done against the LORD our God?'

Verse ConceptsGod Harmed ThemWhat Sin?Why Does God Do This?

These are the words that the LORD spake unto Jeremiah, what time as king Zedekiah sent unto him Pashhur the son of Malchiah, and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah, priest, saying,

Thus said the LORD also, "Go down in to the house of the king of Judah, and speak there these words,

Verse ConceptsRoyal HousesKings of judah

And if ye keep these things faithfully, then shall there come in at the door of this house, kings, to sit upon David's seat: they shall be carried in Chariots and ride upon horses, both they and their servants, and their people.

Verse ConceptsHorsesThe Dynasty Of David

But if ye will not be obedient unto these commandments, I swear by mine own self, sayeth the LORD, this house shall be waste.

Verse ConceptsRuinsRefusing To Hear

I have seen also among the Prophets of Jerusalem foul adultery, and presumptuous lies. They take the most shameful men by the hand, flattering them, so that they cannot return from their wickedness. All these with their citizens are, unto me, as Sodom and as the inhabiters of Gomorrah."

Verse Conceptsencouragement, examples ofImmorality, Examples Of SexualSodom And GomorrahEvildoersWicked ProphetsThose Who Committed Adultery

"I have not sent these Prophets, sayeth the LORD, "and yet they ran. I have not spoken to them, and yet they preached.

Verse ConceptsRunningRunning After EvilGod Not SendingProphets Who Were Not SentFalse Apostles, Prophets And TeachersStrong Delusionprophets

"'Therefore tell them all these words, and say unto them: The LORD shall cry from above, and let his voice be heard from his holy habitation. With a great noise shall he cry from his regal court. He shall give a great voice, like the grape gatherers, and the sound thereof shall be heard unto the ends of the world.

Verse ConceptsGrapesThunderWord Of GodTreading GrapesShout Of GodThunder Expressing God's Judgment

And the priests, the prophets and all the people heard Jeremiah preach these words in the house of the LORD.

Verse ConceptsWicked Prophets

Then spake the priests and the prophets unto the rulers and to all the people, these words, "This man is worthy to die, for he hath preached against this city, as ye yourselves have heard with your ears."

Verse ConceptsDeath Penalty For Heresy

But this shall ye know: if ye put me to death, ye shall make yourselves, this city and all the inhabiters thereof, guilty of innocent blood. For this is of a truth: that the LORD hath sent me unto you, to speak all these words in your ears."

Verse ConceptsAffirmationsHonestyInnocence, Teaching OnGod Sending Prophets

And now will I deliver all these lands into the power of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my servant. The beasts also of the field shall I give him to do him service.

Verse Conceptselection, responsibilities ofCivil authoritiesAuthority, of human institutionsMinistry, Nature OfRulersServants Of The LordWild Beasts SubduedGifts Of GodOther Gifts Of God

All these things told I Zedekiah the king of Judah, and said, "Put your necks under the yoke of the king of Babylon, and serve him and his people, that ye may live.

Verse ConceptsKeeping Oneself AliveServing Kings

"Go, and tell Hananiah these words, 'Thus sayeth the LORD: Thou hast broken the chain of wood, but instead of wood thou shalt make chains of iron.

Verse ConceptsIron, Figurative Use OfWoodIron ObjectsBronze GatesBreaking Chains

Which letter Elasah the son of Shaphan and Gemariah the son of Hilkiah did bear, whom Zedekiah the king of Judah sent unto Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon. These were the words of Jeremiah's letter:

These are the words that the LORD showed unto Jeremiah, saying,

Again, these words spake the LORD, concerning Israel and Judah,

Get the watchman, provide teachers for thee: set thine heart upon the right way, that thou shouldest walk, and turn again, O thou daughter of Israel; turn again to these cities of thine.

Verse ConceptsHighwayReturning to their landHighwaysroadblocksvirginity

For thus sayeth the LORD of Hosts the God of Israel: It will come thereto, that when I have brought Judah out of captivity, these words shall be heard in the land and in his cities, 'The LORD, which is the fair bridegroom of righteousness, make thee fruitful O thou holy hill!'

Verse ConceptsBlessings, To IsraelA Righteous PeopleMay God Bless!

These words spake the LORD unto Jeremiah, in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, which was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar,

Verse ConceptsYears Of Zedekiah

Now when they came therein, and possessed it, they followed not thy voice, and walked not in thy law: but all that thou commandedst them to do, that have they not done. And therefore come all these plagues upon them.

These are the words which the LORD spake unto Jeremiah, what time as Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, and all his Hosts, out of all the kingdoms that were under his power, and all his people, fought against Jerusalem, and all the cities thereof.

Verse ConceptsKingdomsActual Attacks On Jerusalem

Then spake Jeremiah the prophet all these words unto Zedekiah king of Judah in Jerusalem:

These are the words that the LORD spake unto Jeremiah the prophet, when Zedekiah was agreed with all the people at Jerusalem, that there should be proclaimed a liberty:

Verse ConceptsCovenant breakersCivil LibertyCovenant RelationshipsFreedom

The words which the LORD spake unto Jeremiah, in the reign of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, are these:

Verse ConceptsTimes Of People

Now when they had heard all the words, they were abashed one upon another, and said unto Baruch, "We will certify the king of all these words."

Verse ConceptsFearing God's Word

And they examined Baruch, saying, "Tell us, how didst thou write all these words? Out of his mouth?"

Then Baruch answered them, "He spake all these words unto me with his mouth, and I alone was with him, and wrote them in the book."

Verse ConceptsScrollsWriting

Yet no man was abashed thereof, or rent his clothes: neither the king himself, nor his servants, though they heard all these words.

Verse ConceptsNot Tearing ClothesFearing God's Word

he went out of the king's house, and spake to the king, which then sat under the port of Benjamin, these words:

"My lord the king, whereas these men meddle with Jeremiah the prophet, they do him wrong: Namely, in that they have put him in prison, there to die of hunger for there is no more bread in the city."

Verse ConceptsHunger, Examples OfDungeonsAfflicted To DeathFamine Killing

And Ebedmelech the Ethiopian said unto the prophet Jeremiah, "O put these rags and clothes under thine arm holes, betwixt them and the cords." And Jeremiah did so.

So the king swore an oath secretly unto Jeremiah, saying, "As truly as the LORD liveth, that made us these souls, I will not slay thee, nor give thee in to the hands of them that seek after thy life."

Verse ConceptsBreath Of LifeOaths, HumanSecrecyGod Giving LifeKilling Prophets

Then said Zedekiah unto Jeremiah, "Look that nobody know of these words, and thou shalt not die.

Verse ConceptsDo Not Tell

Then said Johanan the son of Kareah unto Gedaliah in Mizphah these words, secretly, "Let me go, I pray thee, and I will slay Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, so that nobody shall know it. Wherefore will he kill thee? That all the Jews which resort unto thee, might be scattered, and the remnant in Judah perish?"

Verse ConceptsJews, ThePrivacySurvivors DestroyedInformation In Secret

Among these eighty men there were ten, that said unto Ishmael, "Oh slay us not, for we have yet a great treasure in the field, of wheat, barley, oil and honey." So he spared them, and slew them not with their brethren.

Verse ConceptsFoodGrainStoringTen PeopleStores Of Food

and say unto them, 'Thus sayeth the LORD of Hosts the God of Israel: Behold, I will send and call for Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon my servant, and will set his seat upon these stones that I have hid, and he shall spread his tent over them.

Verse Conceptselection, responsibilities ofCivil authoritiesAuthority, of human institutionsMinistry, Nature OfThrone

These are the words that Jeremiah the prophet spake unto Baruch the son of Neriah, after that he had written these Sermons into a book at the mouth of Jeremiah; In the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah.

Verse ConceptsProphecy, Methods Of OtBooks Of Prophecy

These words following preached he to the Egyptians concerning the Host of Pharaoh Neco king of Egypt, when he was in Carchemish beside the water of Euphrates: what time as Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon slew him; In the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah.

These are the words that the LORD spake to the prophet Jeremiah, concerning the host of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, which was sent to destroy the land of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsProphets, Role OfNamed Prophets Of The LordThe judgment of babylon

Yea, I will deliver them into the hands of those that seek after their lives: Namely, into the power of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, and into the power of his servants. And after all these things, it shall be inhabited as afore time, sayeth the LORD.

Verse ConceptsThe Prophecy Towards EgyptInhabitationDepression

These are the words that the LORD spake unto Jeremiah the prophet against the Philistines, before that Pharaoh smote the city of Gaza.

Verse ConceptsProphets, Role OfNamed Prophets Of The Lord

Their camels shall be stolen, and the droves of their cattle driven away. Moreover, these that be shaven will I scatter toward all the winds, and bring them to destruction: yea and that through their own familiars, sayeth the LORD.

Verse ConceptsLargenessScattering The PeoplesCutting Hair

These are the words, that the LORD spake to the prophet Jeremiah concerning Elam, in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah.

Verse ConceptsProphets, Role OfYears Of Zedekiah

"For lo, I will make up a host of people from the northern land, and bring them upon Babylon: these shall lay siege to it, and win it. Their arrows shall not miss, like as a cunning archer shooteth not wrong.

Verse ConceptsAliancesSkillOut Of The North

These things shall come upon her at the last: they shall break into her privy chambers, they shall leave her as bare as stones that be laid together upon heaps. They shall so destroy her that nothing shall be left.

Verse ConceptsBabylonGrainDestruction Of BabylonPeople Destroying Foreign Nationsborders

Jeremiah wrote in a book all the misery that should come upon Babylon; yea, and all these sermons that be written against Babylon;

Verse ConceptsCondemnation Of BabylonProphecy, Methods Of OtWritingBooks Of Prophecy

and gave Seraiah this charge, "When thou comest unto Babylon, see that thou read all these words,

Verse ConceptsReadingLiteracyReading The Scriptures

So all the soldiers brake away, and fled out of the city by night through the way of the port between the two walls by the king's garden. Now the Chaldeans had compassed the city round about; yet went these men their way toward the wilderness.

Verse ConceptsBattering ramsHorticultureComing BetweenCity GatesIsrael Fleeing

These Nebuzaradan the chief Captain took, and carried them to the king of Babylon unto Riblah: