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When he entered Capharnahum again after some days it was reported that he was at home,

Now there were some scribes sitting there who argued in their hearts,

So when some scribes of the Pharisees saw he was eating with sinners and taxgatherers they said to his disciples, "Why does he eat and drink with taxgatherers and sinners?"

and as he sowed it chanced that some seed fell on the road, and the birds came and ate it up;

some other seed fell on stony soil where it had not much earth, and it shot up at once because it had no depth of earth,

some other seed fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up and choked it, so it bore no crop;

some other seed fell on good soil and bore a crop that sprang up and grew, yielding at the rate of thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold."

so, leaving the crowd, they took him just as he was in the boat, accompanied by some other boats.

Jesus was at once conscious that some healing virtue had passed from him, so he turned round in the crowd and asked, "Who touched my clothes?"

And he said to them, "Come away to some lonely spot and get a little rest" (for there were many people coming and going, and they could get no time even to eat).

send them off to the farms and villages round about to buy some food for themselves."

He replied, "Give them some food, yourselves." They said, "Are we to go and buy ten pounds' worth of food and give them that to eat?"

Now the Pharisees gathered to meet him, with some scribes who had come from Jerusalem.

If I send them home without food they will faint on the road. Besides, some of them have come a long way."

"John the Baptist," they told him, "though some say Elijah, and others say you are one of the prophets."

I tell you truly," he said, to them, "there are some of those standing here who will not taste death till they see the coming of God's Reign with power."

When they reached the disciples they saw a large crowd round them, and some scribes arguing with them.

Now some Pharisees came up and asked him if a man was allowed to divorce his wife. This was to tempt him.

but some of the bystanders said to them, "What do you mean by untethering that colt?"

and noticing a fig tree in leaf some distance away he went to see if he could find anything on it; but when he reached it he found nothing but leaves, for it was not the time for figs.

When the season came round he sent a servant to the vine dressers to collect from the vine dressers some of the produce of the vineyard,

He sent another, but they killed him. And so they treated many others; some they flogged and some they killed.

Now when he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, lying at table, a woman came up with an alabaster flask of pure nard perfume, which had cost a great sum; the flask she broke and poured the perfume over his head.

This angered some of those present. "What was the use of wasting perfume like this?

"One of the twelve," he told them, "one who is dipping into the same dish as I am.

But he persisted, "Though I have to die with you, I will never disown you." And they all said the same.

Again he went away and prayed in the same words as before;

Some got up and bore false witness against him, saying,

and some of them started to spit on him and to blindfold him and buffet him, asking him, "Prophesy." The attendants treated him to cuffs and slaps.

Now at festival time he used to release for them some prisoner whom they begged from him.

On hearing this some of the bystanders said, "Look, he is calling for Elijah."

There were some women also watching at a distance, among them Mary of Magdala, Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome,

Pilate was surprised that he was dead already; he summoned the captain and asked if he had been dead some time,

And when the sabbath had passed Mary of Magdala, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought some spices in order to go and anoint him;