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When, however, he came out, he was unable to speak to them; and they knew that he must have seen a vision in the Sanctuary; but he kept making signs to them and continued dumb.

Here she came to the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth;

So they made haste and came and found Mary and Joseph, with the babe lying in the manger.

Led by the Spirit he came to the Temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to do with regard to Him according to the custom of the Law,

during the High-priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, a message from God came to John, the son of Zechariah, in the Desert.

Accordingly John used to say to the crowds who came out to be baptized by him, "O vipers' brood, who has warned you to flee from the coming wrath?

There came also a party of tax-gatherers to be baptized, and they asked him, "Rabbi, what are we to do?"

He came to Nazareth also, where He had been brought up; and, as was His custom, He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath, and stood up to read.

But I tell you in truth that there was many a widow in Israel in the time of Elijah, when there was no rain for three years and six months and there came a severe famine over all the land;

So He came down to Capernaum, a town in Galilee, where He frequently taught the people on the Sabbath days.

But Jesus rebuked the demon. "Silence!" He exclaimed; "come out of him." Upon this, the demon hurled the man into the midst of them, and came out of him without doing him any harm.

Demons also came out of many, loudly calling out, "You are the Son of God." But He rebuked them and forbad them to speak, because they knew Him to be the Christ.

So they signalled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them; they came, and they filled both the boats so that they almost sank.

And a party of men came carrying a palsied man on a bed, and they endeavoured to bring him in and lay him before Jesus.

With these He came down till He reached a level place, where there was a great crowd of His disciples, and a multitude of people from every part of Judaea, from Jerusalem, and from the sea-side district of Tyre and Sidon, who came to hear Him and to be cured of their diseases;

And they, when they came to Jesus, earnestly entreated Him, pleading, "He deserves to have this favour granted him,

The men came to Jesus and said, "John the Baptist has sent us to you with this question: 'Are you the Coming One, or is there another that we are to expect?'"

Then turning towards the woman He said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I came into your house: you gave me no water for my feet; but she has made my feet wet with her tears, and then wiped the tears away with her hair.

No kiss did you give me; but she from the moment I came in has not left off tenderly kissing my feet.

Then came to Him His mother and His brothers, but could not get near Him for the crowd.

During the passage He fell asleep, and there came down a squall of wind on the Lake, so that the boat began to fill and they were in deadly peril.

So they came and woke Him, crying, "Rabbi, Rabbi, we are drowning." Then He roused Himself and rebuked the wind and the surging of the water, and they ceased and there was a calm.

The demons came out of the man and left him, and entered into the swine; and the herd rushed violently over the cliff into the Lake and were drowned.

whereupon the people came out to see what had happened. They came to Jesus, and they found the man from whom the demons had gone out sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind; and they were terrified.

Just then there came a man named Jair, a Warden of the Synagogue, who threw himself at the feet of Jesus, and entreated Him to come to his house;

came close behind Him and touched the tassel of His robe; and instantly her flow of blood stopped.

Then the woman, perceiving that she had not escaped notice, came trembling, and throwing herself down at His feet she stated before all the people the reason why she had touched Him and how she was instantly cured.

While He was still speaking, some one came to the Warden of the Synagogue from his house and said, "Your daughter is dead; trouble the Rabbi no further."

So He came to the house, but allowed no one to go in with Him but Peter and John and James and the girl's father and mother.

Now when the day began to decline, the Twelve came to Him and said, "Send the people away, that they may go to the villages and farms round about and find lodging and a supply of food; because here we are in an uninhabited district."

They came in glory, and kept speaking about His death, which He was so soon to undergo in Jerusalem.

But while he was thus speaking, there came a cloud which spread over them; and they were awe-struck when they had entered into the cloud.

On the following day, when they were come down from the mountain, a great crowd came to meet Him;

And, as they proceeded on their way, a man came to Him and said, "I will follow you wherever you go."

In like manner a Levite also came to the place, and seeing him passed by on the other side.

But a certain Samaritan, being on a journey, came where he lay, and seeing him was moved with pity.

Martha meanwhile was busy and distracted in waiting at table, and she came and said, "Master, do you not care that my sister is leaving me to do all the waiting? Tell her to assist me."

Now when the crowds came thronging upon Him, He proceeded to say, "The present generation is a wicked generation: it requires some sign, but no sign shall be given to it except that of Jonah.

The Queen of the South will awake at the Judgement together with the men of the present generation, and will condemn them; because she came from the extremity of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; but mark! One greater than Solomon is here.

"I came to throw fire upon the earth, and what is my desire? Oh that it were even now kindled!

Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? No, I tell you that I came to bring dissension.

Just at that time people came to tell Him about the Galilaeans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

And He gave them the following parable. "A man," He said, "who had a fig-tree growing in his garden came to look for fruit on it and could find none.

Just at that time there came some Pharisees who warned Him, saying, "Leave this place and continue your journey; Herod means to kill you."

"So the servant came and brought these answers to his master, and they stirred his anger. "'Go out quickly,' he said, 'into the streets of the city--the wide ones and the narrow. You will see poor men, and crippled, blind, lame: fetch them all in here.'

At last, when he had spent everything, there came a terrible famine throughout that country, and he began to feel the pinch of want.

"Now his elder son was out on the farm; and when he returned and came near home, he heard music and dancing.

"Then he was angry and would not go in. But his father came out and entreated him.

The Law and the Prophets continued until John came: from that time the Good News of the Kingdom of God has been spreading, and all classes have been forcing their way into it.

Men were eating and drinking, taking wives and giving wives, up to the very day on which Noah entered the Ark, and the Deluge came and destroyed them all.

And in the same town was a widow who repeatedly came and entreated him, saying, "'Give me justice and stop my oppressor.'

As Jesus came near to Jericho, there was a blind man sitting by the way-side begging.

As soon as Jesus came to the place, He looked up and said to him, "Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for I must stay at your house to-day."

"So the first came and said, "'Sir, your pound has produced ten pounds more.'

"The second came, and said, "'Your pound, Sir, has produced five pounds.'

"The next came. "'Sir,' he said, 'here is your pound, which I have kept wrapt up in a cloth.

why then did you not put my money into a bank, that when I came I might have received it back with interest?

On one of those days while He was teaching the people in the Temple and proclaiming the Good News, the High Priests came upon Him, and the Scribes,

Next some of the Sadducees came forward (who deny that there is a Resurrection)

And all the people came to Him in the Temple, early in the morning, to listen to Him.

When the day of the Unleavened Bread came--the day for the Passover lamb to be sacrificed--

When He rose from his prayer and came to His disciples, He found them sleeping for sorrow.

While He was still speaking there came a crowd with Judas, already mentioned as one of the Twelve, at their head. He went up to Jesus to kiss Him.

It was now about noon, and a darkness came over the whole country till three o'clock in the afternoon.

who came from the Jewish town of Arimathaea and was awaiting the coming of the Kingdom of God. He had not concurred in the design or action of the Council,

And, on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb bringing the spices they had prepared.

and, in the midst of their conversation and discussion, Jesus Himself came and joined them,

and, finding that His body was not there, they came and declared to us that they had also seen a vision of angels who said that He was alive.