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And the messenger, answering, said unto him - I, am Gabriel, - he that standeth near before God; and have been sent forth to speak unto thee, and to deliver the joyful message unto thee, as touching these things.

And lo! thou shalt be silent, and not able to speak until the day when these things shall come to pass; because thou didst not believe in my words, - the which shall be fulfilled for their season.

And, after these days, Elizabeth his wife conceived, and she disguised herself five months, saying -

And Mary, arising, in these days, journeyed into the hill country with haste, into a city of Judah, -

And fear came upon all the neighbours themselves; and, throughout all the hill-country of Judaea, were all these matters being much talked of;

but, Mary, was closely observing, all, these things, putting them together in her heart.

Bring forth, therefore, fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin to be saying within yourselves, As our father, we have, Abraham; for, I say unto you - God is able, out of these stones, to raise up children unto Abraham.

And, after these things, he went forth, and looked upon a tax-collector, by name Levi, - presiding over the tax-office; and he said to him - Be following me!

And, hearing these things, Jesus marvelled at him; and, turning to the multitude following him, said - I tell you, Not even in Israel, such faith as this, have I found!

And John's disciples carried tidings unto him concerning all these things.

And, other, fell into good ground; and, growing, brought forth fruit, a hundredfold. These things, saying, he went on to cry aloud - He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

And, those upon the rock, are they who, as soon as they hear, with joy, welcome the word; and, these, not having, root, are they who, for a season, believe, - and, in a season of testing, draw back.

But Herod said - John, I myself, beheaded; but, who is this, concerning whom I am hearing such things as these? And he was seeking to see him.

And it came to pass, after these words, about eight days, taking with him Peter and John and James, he went up into the mountain to pray.

Now, while he was saying these things, there came a cloud, and it began to overshadow them, - and they were overcome with fear as they entered into the cloud.

Lay, ye, up in your ears, these words; for, the Son of Man, is about to be delivered up, into the hands of men.

And, after these things, the Lord appointed seventy two others, and sent them forth, two and two before his face, into every city and place whither, he himself, was about to come.

Which of these three, seemeth unto thee to have become, neighbour, unto him who fell among the robbers?

Now it came to pass, while he was saying these things, that a certain woman out of the multitude, lifting up her voice, said unto him - Happy the womb that bare thee! And the breasts which thou didst suck!

And, making answer, one of the Lawyers saith unto him, Teacher! these things, saying, us also, dost thou insult!

And I say unto you, my friends - Do not be put in fear of them who kill the body, and, after these things, have nothing more uncommon which they can do.

Consider well the lilies, how they grow: they toil not, neither do they spin, and yet I say unto you - Not even Solomon, in all his glory, was arrayed like one of these.

For, after all these things, do, the nations of the world, seek, - but, your Father, knoweth that ye need these things.

Notwithstanding, be seeking his kingdom, - and, these things, shall be added unto you.

And, answering, he said unto them - Suppose ye, that, these Galilaeans, had become, sinners beyond all the Galilaeans, because, these things, they have suffered?

And, as he was saying, these, things, all who had been setting themselves against him were being put to shame; and, all the multitude, were rejoicing over all the glorious things which were being brought to pass by him.

And they could not return an answer unto these things.

And one of those reclining together, hearing these things, said unto him - Happy, whoever shall eat bread in the kingdom of God!

And, going near, the servant reported unto his lord these things. Then, provoked to anger, the master of the house said unto his servant - Go out quickly, into the broadways and streets of the city, - and, the destitute, and tried, and blind, and lame, bring thou in here.

and, calling near one of the youths, he inquired what these things, could be.

But, he, answering said unto his father - Lo! so many years as these, do I serve thee, and, at no time, a commandment of thine, have I transgressed, - And, unto me, at no time, hast thou given a kid, that, with my friends, I might make merry;

And, besides all these things, betwixt us and you, a great chasm, hath been fixed, - so that, they who might wish to cross over from hence unto you, should not be able, nor any, from thence unto us, be crossing over.

on the contrary, will not say to him - Make somewhat ready, that I may dine, - and, girding thyself, be ministering unto me, until I have eaten and drunk; and, after these things, thou, shalt eat and drink?

And he was unwilling for a time; but, after these things, he said within himself - Although, neither God, I reverence, nor man, I respect,

The Pharisee, taking his stand, these things unto himself was praying: O God! I thank thee, that I am not like the rest of men, - extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or, even as this tax-collector;

And, he, said - All these things, have I kept from my youth.

But, he, hearing these things, became, encompassed with grief; for he was rich exceedingly.

And, they, not one of these things, understood, and this saying was hidden from them, and the could not comprehend the things spoken.

And, because they were hearing these things, he added and spake a parable, because of his being near Jerusalem, and their supposing that, instantly, was the kingdom of God to shine forth.

And it came to pass, when he returned, having received the kingdom, that he bade be called unto him these servants, to whom he had given the silver, that he might take note, what business they had done.

But, these mine enemies who desired not that I should be made king over them, bring ye here, and slay them outright before me.

And, having said these things, he was moving on in front, going up into Jerusalem.

And he answered and said - I tell you - If, these, shall hold their peace, the stones, will cry out.

and spake, saying, unto him - Tell us, by what authority, these things, thou art doing, and, who, is it, that gave thee this authority.

And, Jesus, said unto them - Neither do, I, tell, you, by what authority, these things, I am doing.

He will come, and destroy these husbandmen, and give the vineyard unto others. But, when they heard it, they said - Far be it!

Who devour the houses of widows, and, for a show, are a long time at prayer. These, shall receive, a heavier sentence.

For, all these, out of their superfluity, have cast in among the gifts, but, she, out of her deficiency, all the living that she had, hath cast in.

As to these things, which ye are looking upon, There will come days, in which there will not be left here, stone upon stone, which will not be taken down.

And they questioned him, saying - Teacher! when, therefore, will these things be? And, what the sign, when these things shall be about to come to pass?

But, whensoever ye shall hear of wars and revolutions, be not terrified, - for these things, must needs, come to pass first, but, not immediately, is the end.

And before, all these things, they will thrust upon you their hands, and persecute you, delivering you up into the synagogues and prisons, - when ye have been led away before kings and governors, for the sake of my name;

And, when these things are beginning to come to pass, unbend and lift up your heads, because that, your redemption, is drawing near.

Thus, ye also, whensoever ye shall see, these, things coming to pass, observe ye, that, near, is the kingdom of God!

And, getting to know that he was of the jurisdiction of Herod, he sent him back unto Herod, he also, being in Jerusalem in these days.

Because if, in moist wood, these things, they are doing, - in, the dry, what shall happen?

But all they who were acquainted with him, were standing afar off, women also who had followed with him from Galilee, - beholding these things.

and, returning from the tomb, reported all these things unto the eleven, and unto all the rest.

Now they were the Magdalene Mary, and Joana, and Mary the mother of James; and, the other women with them, were telling, unto the apostles, these things.

And these sayings appeared before them, as if idle talk, and they were minded to disbelieve them.

and, they, were conversing one with another, about all these things which had occurred.

And he said unto them - What are these things which ye are debating one with another, as ye walk along? And they came to a stand, sad in countenance.

But one, by name Cleopas, answering, said unto him - Art, thou, lodging, alone, in Jerusalem, and knowest not the things which have come to pass therein in these days?

We, however, were hoping that, he, was the one destined to redeem Israel! But indeed, even with all these things, this brings on, the third, day, since these things happened: -

Was it not needful for the Christ, these very things, to suffer, and to enter into his glory?

Now, as, these very things, they were telling, he himself, stood in their midst