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And I said, Surely, they are weak; they became foolish: for they knew not the way of Jehovah, the judgment of their God.

Verse ConceptsFools, Characteristics OfFolly, Effects OfPoverty, SpiritualMoral BankruptcySpiritual IgnorancePoor PeopleCounted As Fools

For this, a lion from the forest struck them, a wolf of the deserts will destroy them, the panther watched over their cities: every one going forth from thence shall be torn in pieces; for their transgressions were multiplied, their turnings away were strong.

Verse ConceptsForestsLeopardCarnivorousnessWolvesIn Danger From Lions

They were horses seducing to fornication: roaming about, they will neigh, a man for the wife of his neighbor.

Verse ConceptsNeighing And BrayingTransferring Wives

Go ye up upon her walls and destroy; and ye shall not make a completion: remove her twigs, for they are not to Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsDestroying VineyardsBattlementsDestruction Of PlantsNot Destroyed

Its quiver as a grave being opened, all they are strong.

Verse ConceptsQuiversFigurative Burials

And it was when ye shalt say, For what did Jehovah our God all these things to us? and thou saidst to them, As ye forsook me, and ye will serve a strange god in your land, so shall ye serve strangers in a land not to you.

Verse ConceptsForeignersForsaking GodRenunciationUnfaithfulness, To GodIdolatry Consists OfSuffering From ForeignersNo Earthly InheritanceServing GroupsWhy Does God Do This?

Will ye not fear me? says Jehovah; or will ye not tremble from my face, who set the sand a bound to the sea a law forever, and it shall not pass over it: and its waves shall toss themselves and shall not prevail; and they were put in commotion and shall not pass over it

Verse ConceptsBoundariesSandSeaAttitudes Of RespectOceansAweWavesDivine Power Over NatureBarriersEternal WorldLimits For The SeaSand And GravelFear God!

And they said not in their heart, Now will we fear Jehovah our God, giving rain, and the early and latter rain in its time: the appointed sevenths of harvest he will watch for us

Verse ConceptsCovenant, God's with Noahdrought, physicalHarvestPentecostWeather, God's Sovereignty OverWeeksGod Sending RainLatenessRight Time For GodNo Fear Of GodSeasons Changing

Your iniquities turned away these things, and your sins withheld the good from you.

Verse ConceptsFruits Of SinSin Brings ImpoverishmentGod Turning Bad Things Into Good

for evil ones were found among my people: he will look about as the stooping of fowlers; they set snares, they will take men.

Verse ConceptsHuntingTrapWaitingAmbushSnares Laid for PeopleMan TrappingBirds

As a cane full of birds, so their houses full of deceit: for this they were magnified and they will be rich.

Verse ConceptsCagesMen DeceivingGetting RichBirds

For these things shall I not review? says Jehovah: or shall not my soul be avenged upon a nation such as this?

Verse ConceptsGod Executes Vengeance

Consecrate ye war against her; arise, and we will go up at noon. Wo to us! for the day turned away, for the shadows of the evening will stretch forth.

Verse ConceptsNoonShadowsSunsetsAttacks On Jerusalem Foretold

To whom shall I speak and testify, and they will hear? behold, their ear being uncircumcised, and they shall not be able to hearken: behold, the word of Jehovah was to them for a reproach; they will not delight in it

Verse ConceptsConvincingDeafnessHearingIndifferenceOffencePleasureRejection Of GodRejection Of God's WordWord Of GodSpiritual DeafnessRejecting God's WordRefusing To HearWitnessing

And their houses were turned to others, the fields and women together; for I will stretch out my hand upon the inhabitants of the earth, says Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsGod's HandGod's Hands Stretched OutTransferring Wives

Were they ashamed when they did abomination? also shaming they will not be ashamed; also they knew not feeling shame; for this they shall fall with those falling: in the time of my reviewing them they shall faint, said Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsRegretCorrupted ConsciencesThe Insecurity Of The WickedBlushingPeople StumblingRed FacesUnknown ThingsAbsence Of RegretFeeling Lost

Thus said Jehovah, Stand ye upon the ways, and see, and ask for the beaten paths of old, where this the good way, and go ye in it, and find rest to your soul. And they will say, We will not go.

Verse ConceptsGospel, Requirements OfGuidance, Need For God'sGod's WaysRest, SpiritualRestlessnessRejection Of God's CallObstinacy Against GodPaths Of RighteousnessOld ThingsLearning The Right WayGod Giving RestHighwaysPaths

Wherefore this to me shall frankincense come from Sheba, and the good cane from a land from far off? your burnt-offerings are not for acceptance, and your sacrifices were not sweet to me.

Verse ConceptsPlantsTradeCommerceDelicaciesSweetnessFragranceGood Things From Far AwayNot Pleasing God

They shall lay hold of bow and javelin; it is fierce and they will not pity; their voice will roar as the sea, and they will ride upon horses arranged as men for war against thee, O daughter of Zion..

Verse Conceptsdaughtersequipping, physicalenemies, of Israel and JudahBackMercy, HumanSeaThings Like The SeaRoar Of NationsOppressorsSea, Metaphorical ReferencesPeople Without Mercy

We heard its report: our hands were relaxed; straits held us, pain as of her bringing forth

Verse ConceptsBad NewsLabour PainsNo Strength Left

They are all turning aside, degenerate shoots, going about tale-bearing: brass and iron, they are destroyers all of them.

Verse ConceptsBackbitingRebellion, Of IsraelWicked Described AsSpreading StoriesThings Like Bronzeapostasy

The bellows were burnt from their fire, the founder melted the lead in vain, and the evil were not plucked up.

Verse ConceptsUseless Labour

Thus said Jehovah of armies, God of Israel, Make good your ways and your doings, and I will cause you to dwell in this place.

Verse ConceptsReformation

Ye shall not trust to yourselves to words of falsehood, saving, The temple of Jehovah, the temple of Jehovah, the temple of Jehovah are they.

Verse ConceptsdistrustOptimismHypocrites, Description OfTrusting Deceptive ThingsStatus Of The TempleTrust

For if making good, ye shall make good your ways and your doings; if doing, ye shall do judgment between man and between his neighbor;

Verse ConceptsChangeTreating Others

And I caused you to dwell in this place, in the land which I gave to your fathers from forever even to forever.

Verse ConceptsGod Gave The Land

And ye came and stood before me in this house which my name was called upon it, and ye said, We were delivered to do all these abominations.

Verse ConceptsA Place For God's Name

Was this house which my name was called upon it a cave of those breaking down in your eyes? also I, behold, I saw, says Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsRespect, For God's CharacterStealingDensStatus Of The TempleA Place For God's Namethieves

But go now to my place which is in Shiloh, where I caused my name to dwell there at the first, and see what I did to it from the face of the evil of my people Israel.

Verse ConceptsPriesthood, In OtA Place For God's NameThe First Temple

And I did to the house which my name was called upon it, which ye are trusting in it, and to the place which I gave to you and to your fathers, as I did to Shiloh.

Verse ConceptsTrust, Lack OfA Place For God's Name

And I cast you out from my face, as I cast out all your brethren, all the seed of Ephraim.

Verse ConceptsRejection Of God, Results OfDriven From God's Presence

Seest thou not what they are doing in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?

The sons are gathering up woods, and the fathers kindling the fire, and the women knead the dough to make cakes for the queen of the heavens, and to pour out libations to other gods, to irritate me.

Verse Conceptsdrink offeringDoughQueensTablesFirewoodKneading DoughDifferent GodsFood For Other godsWorshipping Material ThingsServing Asherahgathering

Are they irritating me? says Jehovah. Are they not themselves to the shame of their faces?

Verse ConceptsProvokingFruits Of SinShame Has Comehurting

Thus said Jehovah of armies, God of Israel; Add your burnt-offerings upon your sacrifices and eat flesh.

Verse ConceptsEating Meat

for I spake not to your fathers, and I commanded them not in the day of bringing them forth out of the land of Egypt, concerning my word of burnt-offering and sacrifice:

Verse ConceptsOfferingsGod Bringing Israel Out Of EgyptSacrifice

And they heard not and inclined not their ear, and they went in the counsels in the stubbornness of their evil heart, and they shall be for behind and not before.

Verse ConceptsStubbornnessPathways Of SinSelf WillBackwardsThe Hearts Incination To EvilimaginationattentionFalling Away From God

From the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt even to this day, and I will send to you all my servants the prophets, in the day rising early and sending:

Verse ConceptsGod, Activity OfGod's Activity In IsraelMediatorMinistry, Nature OfLeaving EgyptThose Who Rose EarlyTimes Of People

And they heard not to me and they inclined not their ear, and they will harden their neck: they did evil above their fathers.

Verse ConceptsUnbelief, As Response To GodDeteriorationObstinate Individuals

And death was chosen above life to all the remnant of those being left from this evil family, in all the places being left where I cast them out there, says Jehovah of armies.

Verse ConceptsBanishmentDespair, Description OfHope, Results Of Its AbsenceDesire For DeathSurvivors Of The NationsSurvivors ThreatenedFamily LoveLove And FamilyFamily Death

How shall ye say, We are wise, and the law of Jehovah with us? Behold, surely for falsehood he made the style of the scribes a lie.

Verse ConceptsPensDecadenceFalse WisdomMaking God A LiarMisrepresentationBreaking God's Lawcredibility

Were they ashamed when they did abomination? also shaming they will not be ashamed, and they knew not to feel shame: for this they shall fall among the falling: in the time of their reviewing they shall faint, said Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsBlushingDecadencePeople StumblingRed FacesUnknown Things

For what are we sitting? gather ye together and we will go into the fortified cities, and we shall be silent there: for Jehovah our God caused us to cease, and he will give us to drink the water of poison, for we sinned against Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsPoison

Behold the voice of the cry for help of the daughter of my people from the land of those being far off: is not Jehovah in Zion? or her king not in her? wherefore did they irritate me with their carved images, with strange vanities?

Verse ConceptsProvoking GodGod Opposes IdolatryPeople From Far Away

Is there no balsam in Gilead, or healing there? for wherefore did not the health of the daughter of my people go up?

Verse ConceptsdiseasesBalmsHealingHerbs And SpicesMedicineOintmentNo HealingHealth And HealingHope And Healingwholeness

And they will bend their tongue, their bow, a lie: and they were not strong for faithfulness upon the land; for from evil to evil they went forth, and they knew me not, says Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsBow And Arrows, Illustrations OfDebaucheryTongueLukewarmnessDissipationMighty in its influence

Their tongue a deadly arrow, speaking deceit; in his mouth he will speak peace to his neighbor, and be will lay his wait in his midst

Verse ConceptsFlatteryArrows, Figurative OfTongueTrapLack Of MeaningDeceitful TonguesArrowsDeception

For these things, shall I not review upon them? says Jehovah; or shall not my soul be avenged upon a nation such as this?

Verse ConceptsGod Executes Vengeance

For the mountains I will lift up weeping and lamentation, and for the seats of the desert, a song of mourning, for they were burnt, from not a man passing through; and they heard not the voice of cattle: from the bird of the heavens and even to the cattle, they fled away, they departed.

Verse ConceptsAnimals, religious role ofLamentingSongsWailingLand Becoming EmptyI Mourn Catastrophe

And they shall hasten and lift up a lamentation for us, and our eyes shall go down with tears, and our eyelashes shall shake out waters.

Verse ConceptsShedding

For a voice of lamentation was heard from Zion: How were we laid waste! we were greatly ashamed, for we forsook the land, and cast away our dwellings

For hear, ye women, the word of Jehovah, and your ear shall receive the word of his mouth, and teach ye your daughters lamentation, and a woman her neighbor, the song of mourning.

Verse ConceptsPeople TeachingWomen WorkingBeing A Woman Of Godwomanhood

For death came up into our windows, it came into our palaces to cut off the child from without, the young men from the streets.

Verse ConceptsClimbingRoadsYouthYoung People SufferingThe Fact Of DeathDeath Of A Childjumping

They are of turned work, as the palm tree, and they shall not speak; being lifted up they shall be lifted up, for they shall not mount up. Ye shall not be afraid of them, for they will not do evil, and also doing good is not with them.

Verse ConceptsFutilityFruitResponseUnreliabilityUprightnessDisdainImpotence Of IdolsObelisksCarrying IdolsDumbnessGood Or BadDumbChristmas Treestatues

Silver beaten out shall be brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz, the work of the workman, and the hands of the founder: cerulean purple and red purple their clothing: they all are the work of the wise.

Verse ConceptsColors, BlueGoldSilverSkillToolsWisdom, Human NatureCommercePurple ClothesSkilled Peopleartistscraftsmanship

They are vanity, the work of delusions: in the time of their reviewing they shall perish.

Verse ConceptsVisitationUseless IdolsPunishmentsjoking

My tent was laid waste, and all my cords were broken: my sons went forth from me, and they are not: none stretched forth my tent any more, and the place of my curtains.

Verse ConceptsStretching OutTentsPeople Passing AwayUndoing FasteningsNo One To Be Found

Which I commanded your fathers in the day of my bringing them forth out of the land of Egypt, from the furnace of iron, saying, Hear ye to my voice, and do them according to all that I shall command you: and be to me for a people, and I will be to you for God:

Verse ConceptsFurnacesFreedom, Acts Of In OtIronI Will Be Their GodPay Attention To God!God Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

To establish the oath which I sware to your fathers, to give to them a land flowing milk and honey, as this day. And I shall answer and say, Verily, O Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsAmenMilk And Honey

For testifying, I testified to your fathers in the day of my bringing them up out of the land of Egypt, even to this day, rising early and testifying, saying, Hear ye to my voice.

Verse ConceptsWatchfulness, DivineThose Who Rose EarlyPay Attention To God!God Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

And they heard not, and inclined not their ear, and they went a man in the stubbornness of their evil heart: and I will bring upon them all the words of this covenant which I commanded to do; and they did not

Verse ConceptsHardness Of HeartStubbornness, Consequences OfStubbornnessRefusing To Hear

For from the numbering of thy cities were thy gods, O Judah; and from the numbering of the streets of Jerusalem, ye set up altars to shame, altars to burn incense to Baal.

Verse ConceptsBaal Worship, HistoryAltars, PaganIncense Offered AmissMany Spiritual Beings

A green olive tree, fair, of fruit of figure, Jehovah called thy name; by the voice of a great noise he kindled a fire upon her, and its branches were evil.

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, SpiritualStormsColors, GreenOaksBurning PlantsBeauty Of ThingsOlive TreesGod Controls Storms

For this, thus said Jehovah, concerning the men of Anathoth seeking my soul, saying, Thou shalt not prophesy in the name of Jehovah, and thou shalt not die by our hand.

Verse ConceptsKilling ProphetsProphecy MuzzledAttempting To Kill Specific People

And a remnant shall not be to them: for I will bring evil to the men of Anathoth, the year of their reviewing.

Verse ConceptsYearsNo SurvivorsGod Will Bring Harm

Just art thou, O Jehovah, for I will strive to thee: surely I will speak judgments with thee: Wherefore did the way of the evil prosper? all they acting faithlessly with treachery were secure?

Verse ConceptsFaithlessness, As DisobedienceGod, Righteousness OfQuestionsApparent InjusticePartialityDoubting God's JusticeProsperity Of The WickedThe Wicked ProsperprosperingQuestioning Life

How long shall the land mourn, and the herbage of every field dry up from the evil of those dwelling in it the earth perished, and the birds; for they said, He shall not see our last Part

Verse ConceptsdrynessGrassPunishment, Nature OfShepherds, As OccupationsBeastsGod Not SeeingBefore God ActsHerbs

They sowed wheat and they reaped thorns: they were wearied, they shall not profit; and they were ashamed of your gains from the burning of the anger of Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsHarvestProfitsSin, Effects OfSowing And ReapingThornsWheatUnprofitable SinsNot Reaping What You SowToiling In Vain

And it was if learning, they shall learn the ways of my people to swear in my name, Jehovah lives; as they taught my people to swear by Baal; and they were built up in the midst of my people.

Verse ConceptsOaths, HumanFollowers Of BaalSwearing BySwearing

Ye shall give glory to Jehovah your God, before he shall darken, and before your feet shall strike upon the mountains of darkness, and ye waited for light, and he set it for the shadow of death, he will place for gloom.

Verse ConceptsHope, Nature OfProcrastinationStumblingThe Insecurity Of The WickedPeople Stumbling

Say to the king and to the mistress, Humble yourselves, sit down: for the crown of your glory was brought down from your heads.

Verse ConceptsQueensThroneNo KingBeing HumbleSurrenderHumble Yourselfhumblenesscrownsmistressprincipalities

The cities of the south were shut up and none opened: Judah was carried away captive, it was all carried away captive, the whole of them.

Verse ConceptsExile Of Judah To BabylonLocks And Bars

Lift up your eyes and see them coming from the north: where the flock given to thee, the sheep of thy glory?

Verse ConceptsOut Of The NorthBeauty Of Nature

And if thou shalt say in thy heart, Wherefore did these things befal me? for the multitude of thine iniquities thy skirts were uncovered, thy heel treated with violence.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual HarlotryWhy Does This Happen?Changing Yourselfgreatness

Judah mourned and her gates languished; they were darkened to the earth, and the outcry of Jerusalem went up.

Verse ConceptsSorrow

And their great ones sent their small ones to the waters; they came to the wells, they found no water; they turned back their vessels empty; they were ashamed and disgraced, and they covered their head.

Verse ConceptsCisternsNoblesDry PlacesSeeking WaterShaming People

For the land was broken, for there was no rain in the land; the husband-men were ashamed, they covered their head.

Verse ConceptsVeilsShaming People

If our iniquities answered against us, O Jehovah, do for sake of thy name: for our turnings back were many; we sinned against thee.

Verse ConceptsWitness Against OneselfWe Have SinnedBackslidingtestifying

And Jehovah will say to me, The prophets are prophesying a lie in my name: I sent them not, and I commanded them not, and I spake not to them: a vision of falsehood and a divination, and nought, and the deceit of their heart they are prophesying to you.

Verse ConceptsDivination, Practiced ByDeception Through False TeachersVisionsDivinationWicked ProphetsProphets Who Were Not SentFalse Apostles, Prophets And Teachers

And the people which they are prophesying to them shall be cast out in the streets of Jerusalem, from the face of the famine and the sword; and none to them burying them, their wives and their sons and their daughters; and I poured their evil upon them.

Verse ConceptsFruits Of SinNo Burials

Is there among the vanities of the nations those causing ruin? and if the heavens will give showers? Art not thou he, Jehovah our God? And we will wait for thee: for thou didst make all these.

Verse ConceptsFaith, Origins Ofdrought, physicalHope, In GodRainSkyWaiting On GodGod Sending RainGod Controlling The Rain

Their widows were many to me above the sand of the seas: I brought to them against the mother a young man laying waste at noon: I caused to fall upon her suddenly wrath and terror.

Verse ConceptsNoonSandWidowsThe Insecurity Of The WickedSudden DestructionThose Who DestroyMany In Israel

Wo to me, my mother, for thou broughtest me forth a man of strife and a man of contention to all the earth. I lent not on interest and they lent not to me on interest: they are altogether cursing me.

Verse ConceptsdoubtersHealthInterestLonelinessSadnessSelf PitySuicideCynicismNever Being BornRegretting BirthBorrowingLending And BorrowingUngodly CursingFighting One AnotherConflictlent

And I gave thee to this people for a wall of brass, fortified: and they shall war against thee, and they shall not prevail against thee: for I am with thee to save thee and to deliver thee, says Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsBronzeFigurative WallsThings Like BronzeGod With Specific PeopleGod Saves The NeedyGod Delivering From Evil

And the great and small died in this land: they shall not be buried, and they shall not lament for them, and none shall cut himself or make bald for them:

Verse ConceptsThe DeadBaldnessHairsKnivesUnburied BodiesNo BurialsGreat And SmallGashing BodiesNot Mourning

For thus said Jehovah of armies, God of Israel: Behold me causing to cease from this place to your eyes and in your days the voice of gladness and the voice of joy, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride.

Verse ConceptsBridegroomBridesVoicesCessationStopping RejoicingLack Of Rejoicing

And being when thou shalt announce to this people all these words, and they said to thee, For what did Jehovah speak against us all this great evil? and what our iniquities? and what our sins which we sinned to Jehovah our God?

Verse ConceptsGod Harmed ThemWhat Sin?Why Does God Do This?

And say to them, Because your fathers forsook me, says Jehovah, and went after other gods, and they will serve them and worship to them, and they forsook me, and my law they watched not;

Verse ConceptsBowing To False GodsDifferent GodsThey Do Not Keep Commands

And ye acted wickedly to do more than your fathers; and behold, you going a man after the stubbornness of his evil heart for not hearing to me.

Verse ConceptsHardened HeartsHardness Of HeartHeart, Fallen And RedeemedDeteriorationimagination

And I cast you out from this land upon the land which ye knew not, ye and your fathers; and ye served there other gods day and night, where I will not give to you mercy.

Verse ConceptsAffliction Day And NightLand, As A Divine GiftThrowing PeopleUnknown ThingsDifferent Gods

But Jehovah lives who brought up the sons of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands where he thrust them away there: and I turned them back upon their land which I gave to their fathers.

Verse ConceptsPunishment, Legal Aspects OfRestoring NationsReturn From The NorthGod Bringing Israel Out Of EgyptRebirth Of Israel

O Jehovah, my strength and my fortress, and my refuge in days of straits, to thee shall the nations come from the ends of the earth, and they shall say, Surely our fathers inherited falsehood, vanity, and no receiving profit in them.

Verse ConceptsFutilityAfflicted SaintsConversion, examples ofFalse GodsGod, The RockIdolatry, Objections ToUseless ThingsMission, Of IsraelRefugeesGod Being Our RefugeVanityGod Our StrengthThe Gospel To The NationsFamily Strength