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Not so the wicked. Instead, [they are] like the chaff that [the] wind scatters.

Verse ConceptsWindWicked Described AsChaffLight As ChaffThe Wicked Will Perish

Ask from me and I will make [the] nations your heritage, and your possession [the] ends of [the] earth.

Verse ConceptsGod Saves From Sin And DeathInheritancePropertyThe End Of The WorldThe Earthprovidingwill

Kiss the Son lest he be angry and you perish [on the] way, for his anger burns quickly. Blessed are all [who] take refuge in him.

Verse ConceptsKissing ChristKissingAnger Of JesusKissesBlessed Through GodSpeed Of God's AngerTrustPurity

Yahweh, how many are my enemies; many [are] rising against me.

Verse ConceptsDavid, Abilities OfMany Enemies

Many [are] saying about my soul, "There is no deliverance for him from God. Selah

Verse ConceptsInfidelity To GodPsalm InterjectionsGod's WillSupportdeliverancehelpsoul

Many are saying, "Who will show us [something] good?" Lift up over us the light of your face, O Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsAfflictions, Prayer DuringFace Of GodLight, SpiritualCountenanceInfidelity To GodGod Giving LightNothing Good

For you [are] not a God [who] desires wickedness. Evil cannot dwell with you.

Verse ConceptsPleasing GodPleasureCharacter Of WickedNot Pleasing Godwickednessartists

{But as for me}, through the abundance of your steadfast love I will enter your house. I will bow down toward {your holy temple} in awe [of] you.

Verse ConceptsAdoration, Of GodBowingAttitudes Of ReverenceCeremoniesMagnifying GodPrayer, And WorshipReverence, And God's NatureBowing Before GodThe First Templegreatnessreverence

O Yahweh, lead me in your righteousness because of my enemies; make straight before me your way.

Verse ConceptsGuidance, Receiving God'sStraight PathsWalking In The Ways Of GodChrist Our Righteousnessguidance

But let all who take shelter in you rejoice. Let them ever sing for joy, {because} you spread protection over them; And let those [who] love your name exult in you.

Verse ConceptsJoy, Of IsraelSingingSpiritual VitalityLove Towards God, Results InRejoicingShouting For JoyGod Being Our Defenceshelter

Turn, O Yahweh; deliver my life. Save me for the sake of your steadfast love.

Verse ConceptsLove, Nature Ofsoulrelaxation

Or else he will tear me apart like a lion, ripping to pieces, with none [to] deliver.

Verse ConceptsLionsPeople Torn To Pieces

if I have repaid {my ally} [with] harm, or [if] I have plundered my enemy without cause,

Verse ConceptsRepaying Evil For Good

Rise up, O Yahweh, in your anger, and lift yourself up against the wrath of my oppressors, and awake for me, since you have commanded judgment.

Verse ConceptsSleep, SpiritualGod ArisingThe Final JudgementGod Will Be AngryEnemy Attacks

Yahweh, our Lord, how majestic [is] your name in all of the earth!

Verse ConceptsGod, Majesty OfThe EarthExcellence

I will be glad and rejoice in you. I will sing [the praise of] your name, O Most High.

Verse ConceptsPraiseDelighting, Right Kinds OfSinging

When my enemies turn back, they will stumble and perish because of your presence.

Verse ConceptsStumblingOvercoming EnemiesFalling Backwards

The enemies are destroyed [in] ruins forever, and you have uprooted [their] cities; their very memory has perished.

Verse ConceptsEternal JudgementBlotted Outremembrancefinishing

so that I may tell of all your praises. In the gates of the daughter of Zion let me rejoice in your salvation.

Verse ConceptsGatesZion, As A SymbolPraise The Lord!You Will Rejoice In Salvation

O Yahweh, put them in fear. Let [the] nations know they [are merely] human. Selah

Verse ConceptsTerror Of GodMere MenPsalm Interjectionsterrorism

His ways endure at all times. Your judgments are aloof from him. [As for] all his enemies, he scoffs at them.

Verse ConceptsNosesPride, Results OfSelf Righteousness, Nature OfNot Seeing Spiritual ThingsThe Wicked Prosperrehabilitationprospering

[But] you have seen; indeed you have noted trouble and grief to take [it] into your hand. The helpless abandons [himself] upon you; you have been [the] helper [for the] orphan.

Verse ConceptsOrphansPoverty, Attitudes TowardsSorrowSympathyUnhappinessAfflictions, Consolation DuringChoosing God's WayGod Helpsrehabilitation

In Yahweh I have taken refuge; how can you say to my soul, "Flee to your mountain [like] a bird"?

Verse ConceptsMountainsMusicBirds, Figurative UseEscaping To MountainsResolving Conflictflying

For look: The wicked {string the bow}. They have fitted their arrow to [the] string, to shoot from [the] darkness at the upright of heart.

Verse ConceptsBow And Arrows, Illustrations OfArrows, Figurative OfDarkness Of EvilArrowsResolving Conflict

[those] who say, "With our tongue we will prevail. Our lips [are] on our side. Who [is] master over us?"

Verse ConceptsThe Lips Of The WickedThe TongueOvercomingThe Power Of Words

All who do evil--do they not know, [they] who eat my people [as though] they were eating bread? They do not call on Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsEating, Metaphorical UseCalling upon GodEvildoersNot PrayingThose Who Were Ignorantatheism

Let my vindication come forth from you; let your eyes see fairness.

Verse ConceptsMaking DecisionsThe Presence Of Godvindication

As for [the] works of humankind, by the word of your lips, I have kept [from] the ways of [the] violent.

Verse ConceptsEvil WaysLipsBible, Given ForAvoiding ViolenceAvoiding EvilSatan as DestroyerPaths

[I have] held my steps in your path My feet will not slip.

Verse ConceptsFeetPaths Of BelieversNot Stumblingfootsteps

As for me, I have called on you because you will answer me, O God. Incline your ear to me. Hear my words.

Verse ConceptsGod Will AnswerGod Hears My PrayerPay Attention O God!God Answering PrayersListening To GodSpeech

Show wondrously your acts of loyal love, O Savior of those who take refuge at your right hand from those who rise up against [them].

Verse ConceptsLovingkindnessRight Hand Of GodTrust, Importance OfLoving Kindness Of GodRight Sides

Now they surround us at our [every] step. They {intend} {to pin} [me] to the ground.

Verse ConceptsEnemies Surrounding

Rise up, O Yahweh, confront {him}. Make him bow down. Rescue with your sword my life from [the] wicked,

Verse ConceptsConfrontationGod ArisingGod's SwordProtection From Enemies

from men by your hand, O Yahweh, from men of [this] world. Their share [is] in {this life}, and you fill their stomach [with] your treasure. They are satisfied [with] children. They bequeath their excess to their children.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual MalnutritionLimitednessBabiesThriftSins Of The FathersLack Of HolinessFutility Of Worldly Pursuits

Then the channels of [the] sea became visible, and [the] foundations of [the] world were uncovered by your rebuke, O Yahweh, by the {blast} of the wind of your nose.

Verse ConceptsBreath Of GodNosesEarth's FoundationCreation Of The SeasReproving ThingsGod Requite Them!breathing

He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from [those who] hated me because they were stronger than I.

Verse ConceptsGod, As SaviorGod Saving From EnemiesOvercoming EnemiesProtection From Enemiescrusades

because all his ordinances [are] before me, and his statutes I have not removed from me,

Verse ConceptsI Keep The Commandments

[He] trains my hands for war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.

Verse ConceptsArmsWarsGod TeachingReady For WarSteelWarSpiritual WarfareBattle

I chased my enemies and overtook them; I did not turn back until they were finished [off].

Verse ConceptsPursuing PeopleOvertaking

I struck them and they were not able to stand up; they fell under my feet.

Verse ConceptsDownfallPeople Overcomingcrushes

Therefore I will give thanks to you among the nations, O Yahweh, and I will sing [the praise] of your name:

Verse ConceptsGentiles, In OtPraiseHymnsRevival, PersonalMissionsI Will Sing PraisesWe Thank God

Also, keep back your servant from arrogant [sins]; let them not rule over me. Then I shall be blameless, and I shall be innocent of great transgression.

Verse Conceptsethics, and graceBlameRestraintSin, Avoidance OfSin, Nature OfDivine Restraintsdominion

May he remember all your offerings, and your burnt offering may he {regard favorably}.

Verse ConceptsPsalm InterjectionsSpiritual WarfareSacrificeTithes And Offering

May he give to you {your heart's desire}, and your every plan may he fulfill. Selah

Verse ConceptsPlansBirthdaysGod Giving FreelyCareer SuccessTrusting God's Plan

O Yahweh, [the] king will rejoice in your strength, and how greatly he will delight in your help.

Verse ConceptsJoy, Of IsraelVictory, As An Act Of GodStrength Of GodGod Is StrongRejoicing In God's Worksancient Choirs

His honor [is] great because of your help. Splendor and majesty you have bestowed upon him.

Verse ConceptsGod, Majesty OfSource Of Honour

For you set [on] him blessings forever. You make him glad with [the] joy [of] your presence.

Verse ConceptsBlessedHappinessGod BlessesBlessings From GodBlessing Othersjoyfulcheerleadingjoyfulness

Your hand will find all your enemies; your right hand will find those who hate you.

Verse ConceptsRight Hand Of GodBeing Found OutEnemiesHateFinding Lovehaters

You will make them like your fiery furnace at the time of your appearance. Yahweh will swallow them in his wrath and fire will consume them.

Verse ConceptsFurnacesWicked Described AsBurning PeopleGod Will Be Angry

For you will {turn them to flight}; you will aim [arrows] on your bowstrings at their faces.

Verse ConceptsGod's ArrowsTurning One's BackTargets

Our ancestors trusted you; they trusted and you delivered them.

Verse ConceptsExamples Of FaithBelief In God

They cried to you and were saved; they trusted you and were not ashamed.

Verse ConceptsdefeatNot DisappointedBelief In GodDisappointment

I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint. My heart is like wax; it is melted {within me}.

Verse ConceptsHuman EmotionEnjoyment, Lack OfHeart, HumanPouringMeltingWaxBowelsDislocatingMessianic Propheciesbreasts

Because dogs have surrounded me; a gang of evildoers has encircled me. Like the lion [they are at] my hands and my feet.

Verse ConceptsdogsEnemies SurroundingMessianic Prophecies