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And I shall see, and behold, the spirit of a tempest came from the north, a great cloud, and a fire taking itself, and a shining to it round about, and from its midst as the appearance of burnished brass from the midst of the fire.

Verse ConceptsLight, NaturalLightningNorthTheophanyWhirlwindsCompassesOut Of The NorthFire Emanating From GodGod Is LightColorThe North Wind

And the spirit will lift me up, and I shall hear behind me a voice of a great shaking: Praised be the glory of Jehovah from his place.

Verse ConceptsGod ArisingGod Lifting PeopleSound

And the voice of the wings of the living creatures, kissing one to the other, and the voice of the wheels over against them, and the voice of a great shaking.

Verse ConceptsWingsWheelsAngel's WingsTouching Holy ThingsSound

And he said to me, Son of man, west thou what they are doing, the great abominations which the house of Israel are doing here, to go far off from my holy place? And thou shalt yet turn back, thou shalt see great abominations.

Verse ConceptsSanctuarySin, Effects OfGrowth Of EvilGod Far AwayAbominations

And he said to me, Thou shalt turn back yet; thou shalt see great abominations which they are doing.

Verse ConceptsGrowth Of Evil

And he said to me, Sawest, thou son of man? yet shalt thou turn back, thou shalt see abominations great above these.

Verse ConceptsGrowth Of EvilLooking And Seeing

And also I will do in wrath: mine eye shall not spare and I will not pity: and they shall call in mine ear with a great voice, and I will not hear them.

Verse ConceptsHearingCries Of Distress To GodGod Without MercyNot SparingAnger And Forgivenesspity

And he will call in mine ears with a great voice, saying, Draw near, ye having oversight of the city, each the vessels of his destruction in his hand.

Verse ConceptsExecutionersThose Who DestroyGod's VoiceGod Will Kill His People

And he will say to me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah, great exceedingly, and the land will be filled with blood and the city being filled with wresting: for they said, Jehovah forsook the land, and Jehovah saw not

Verse ConceptsSuffering, Causes OfPerversionGod, All knowingGod Not SeeingKilling Many PeopleGod's People SinningScoffers

And it will be as I prophesied, and Pelatiah son of Benaiah, died. And I shall fall upon my face and cry with a great voice, and saying, Ah. Lord Jehovah, thou makest a completion with the remnant of Israel.

Verse ConceptsRemnantSurvivors DestroyedCries Of Distress To God

And thou wilt commit fornication with the sons of Egypt thy neighbors, great of flesh: and thou wilt multiply thy fornications to irritate me.

Verse ConceptsProvokingProvoking GodSexual Immorality

And thou didst remember thy ways, and thou wert ashamed in thy receiving thy sisters great above thee, to the younger than thee: and I gave them to thee for daughters, and not from thy covenant

Verse ConceptsShamePeople RememberingRelated NationsShame Of Bad ConductBuilding Relationships

And say, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: The great eagle great of wings, long of the wing-feather, full of feathers, which to him variegation, came to Lebanon, and he will take the foliage of the cedar.

Verse ConceptsEaglesBirds, Types Of BirdsWings Of BirdsFeathersMulti ColouredColorRainbow

And there will be one great eagle, great of wings, and many feathers: and behold, this vine turned her roots to him, and sent forth her branches to him, to water it from the ascendings of its planting.

Verse ConceptsEaglesWingsWings Of BirdsFeathersThose Subjected To People

In a good field by many waters it was planted, to make branches to bear fruit, to be for a great vine.

Verse ConceptsFertile LandWater For PlantsBearing Fruit

Say, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Shall it prosper? shall he not pluck up its roots, and cut off its fruit, and dry up all the fresh foliage of its springing up? It shall be dried up, and not in its great strength, and by much people to lift it up from its roots.

Verse ConceptsRootsUnfruitfulnessMany EnemiesPlants Growing UpEasy For People

And not with great strength and with a great convocation, shall Pharaoh do for him in the war by throwing up a mound and by building a watchtower to cut off many souls?

Verse ConceptsFortsAttempting To KillSiege MoundsEarthly Armies

In the mountain of the height of Israel I will plant it: and it bare a branch, and it made fruit, and it was for a great cedar: and there dwelt under it all fowls of every wing; in the shadow of its branches shall they dwell.

Verse ConceptsBearing Fruit

And thou, son of man, prophesy, and strike hand to hand, and thou shalt double the sword the third time, the sword of the wounded: this the sword of the great wounded besieging them.

Verse ConceptsClappingDoing Repeatedly

For this, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Wo to the city of bloods! I will make her pile great

Verse ConceptsBig ThingsResponsibility For Blood ShedWoe To Israel And Jerusalem

She was wearied with labors, and her great rust shall not go forth from her: in the fire her rust

Verse ConceptsPossessions Decaying

And I did great vengeances upon them with reproofs of wrath; and they shall know that I Jehovah, in my giving vengeance upon them.

Verse ConceptsGod Executes VengeanceRevenge

Speak and say, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Behold me against thee Pharaoh, king of Egypt, the great sea-monster lying in the midst of his rivers, who said, The, river is to me, and I made me.

Verse ConceptsCosmic CreaturesPeople Possessing Other Things

Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babel caused his army to serve a great service against Tyre: every head being made bald, and every shoulder made smooth: and wages were not to him and to his army from Tyre for the service that he served against her.

Verse ConceptsBaldnessBare ArmsThose Who Toiled

The water made him great, the deep raised him up with her rivers going round about her planting, and she sent forth her channels to all the trees of the field.

Verse ConceptsWater For PlantsPlants Growing UpGrowing

And all the birds of the heavens nested in his boughs, under his branches all the of the field brought forth, and in his shadow dwelt all the great nations.

Verse ConceptsNestsAnimal ReproductionBirds

And I consecrated my great name, being profaned among the nations which ye profaned, in the midst of them; and the nations shall know that I am Jehovah, says the Lord Jehovah, in my being consecrated among you before your eyes.

Verse ConceptsGod, Greatness OfMission, Of IsraelProfaning God's NameHoliness

And I prophesied as he commanded me, and the spirit will come upon them and they will live, and they will stand upon their feet, an army great, exceedingly, exceedingly.

Verse ConceptsPeople Getting UpThe Dead Are Raisedarmy

And I turned thee back, and I gave hooks in thy jaw bones, and I brought thee forth and all thine army of horses and horsemen, clothed in perfection, all of them a great convocation with buckler and shield, holding swords all of them:

Verse ConceptsHorsesCoercionCausing People To TurnOther References To MouthsEzekiel Invasion

Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish, and all her young lions, they shall say to thee, For spoiling a spoil art thou come? For plundering a plunder didst thou call together thy convocation? to lift up silver and gold, to take cattle and substance, to spoil a great spoil?

Verse ConceptsPlunderingTradeAmericaAmerica In Biblical Prophecy

And thou earnest out of the places from the thighs of the north, thou, and many peoples with thee, riding horses all of them, a great convocation and much strength:

Verse ConceptsGog and MagogOut Of The North

And in my jealousy, in the fire of my wrath I spake, If not in that day shall be a great shaking upon the land of Israel.

And thou, son of man, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Say to the bird of every wing and to all the beasts of the field, Gather yourselves together, and come; assemble yourselves from round about to my sacrifice which I sacrifice to you, a great sacrifice upon the mountains of Israel; and ye ate flesh and drank blood.

Verse ConceptsCreatures Drinking BloodEating CorpsesWild Animals DevouringBirds Eating

And he will bring me there, and behold, a man, his appearance as the appearance of brass, and a cord of flax in his hand, and a reed of measure; and he stood in the gate.

Verse ConceptsBronzeMeasuring RodLinenWeights And Measures, LinearStanding In The GatewayThings Like Bronze

And its post to the court-yard without; and palm trees to its post from hence and from thence: and its going up, eight steps.

Verse ConceptsEight ThingsPillars For Ezekiel's TempleSteps

Over against the twenty which were for the inner enclosure, add over against the tesselated pavement which was to the court without, an offset to the face of an offset in threes.

Verse ConceptsDecksThree Parts Of Constructions

And from the bosom of the earth even to the lower terrace, two cubits, and the breadth, one cubit; and from the small terrace even to the great terrace, four cubits, and the breadth, the cubit

Verse ConceptsDimensions Of Temple Furniture

And in the day of his going into the holy place, to the inner court he serve in the holy place, he shall bring near his sin, says the Lord Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsCourts Of The Temple

And it was the fisherman shall stand upon it from the fountain of the kid, even to the fountain of the two calves; they shall be a spreading for nets; their fish shall be according to its kind as the fish of the great sea very many.

Verse ConceptsNetsSpreadingSeaMediterranean SeaFishingKinds Of Living Things

And this the bound of the land to the side of the north from the great sea, the way of Hethlon, to go to Zedad

Verse ConceptsNorthern Borders

And the south side southward from Tamar even to the waters of contradiction in Kadesh, the torrent to the the great sea: and the south side south

Verse ConceptsSouthern Border

And the side of the sea the great sea from the bound, even to over against the entrance of Hamath. This the side of the sea.

Verse ConceptsWest Sides

And upon the bound of Gad at the side south southward, the bound shall be from Tamar, the waters of contradiction of Kadesh, the torrent to the great sea

Verse ConceptsMediterranean SeaSouthern Border