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Some, I hear, are puffed up with pride, thinking that I am not coming to you.

Still, it is not every one that has this knowledge. Some people, because of their association with idols, continued down to the present time, eat the food as food offered to an idol; and their consciences, while still weak, are dulled.

For if some one should see you who possess this knowledge, feasting in an idol's temple, will not his conscience, if he is a weak man, become so hardened that he, too, will eat food offered to idols?

Am I, in all this, speaking only from the human standpoint? Does not the Law also say the same?

And that they all ate the same supernatural food,

and all drank the same supernatural water, for they used to drink from a supernatural rock which followed them, and that rock was the Christ.

Nor let us try the patience of the Lord too far, as some of them tried it, with the result that they 'were, one after another, destroyed by the snakes.'

For I myself received from the Lord the account which I have in turn given to you-how the Lord Jesus, on the very night of his betrayal, took some bread,

No! Those parts of the body that seem naturally the weaker are indispensable;

As to secure that there should be no disunion in the body, but that the parts should show the same care for one another.

This being so, Brothers, what good shall I do you, if I come to you and speak in 'tongues,' unless my words convey some revelation, or knowledge, or take the form of preaching or teaching?

So, when the whole Church meets, if all present use the gift of 'tongues,' and some men who are without the gift, or who are unbelievers, come in, will not they say that you are mad?

If any of you use the gift of 'tongues,' not more than two, or at the most three, should do so-each speaking in his turn-and some one should interpret them.

But, if some revelation is made to another person as he sits there, the first speaker should stop.

After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of our Brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have gone to their rest.

Now, if it is proclaimed of Christ that he has been raised from the dead, how is it that some of you say that there is no such thing as a resurrection of the dead?

Awake to a righteous life, and cease to sin. There are some who have no true knowledge of God. I speak in this way to shame you.

Some one, however, may ask 'How do the dead rise? and in what body will they come?'

All forms of life are not the same; there is one for men, another for beasts, another for birds, and another for fishes.

And I shall probably make some stay with you or, perhaps, remain for the winter, so that you may yourselves send me on my way, wherever I may be going.

I do not propose to pay you a visit in passing now, for I hope to stay with you for some time, if the Lord permits.

No one, therefore, should slight him. See him safely on his way to me, for I am expecting him with some of our Brothers.