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It is neither good for the land nor for excrement: they cast it out. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

but when this thy son, the one devouring thy living with harlots came, thou hast slain for him the fatted calf.

And having called him, he said to him, What is this which I hear concerning thee? give an account of thy stewardship; for thou art not able to be steward any longer.

for I have five brothers; in order that he may testify to them, that they may not also come to this place of the torment.

neither will they say; Lo, here! or, there! for behold, the kingdom of God is among you.

For as the lightning, flashing out of the one part under the heaven, gleams into the other part under heaven, so shall be the Son of man in His day.

and on the day on which Lot went out from Sodom, fire and brimstone rained from heaven and destroyed them all.

And he was not willing for a time: but after these things he said in himself, Though I fear not God nor regard man,

But the Lord said, I fear what the unjust judge says.

And hearing these things, he went away very sorrowful; for he was exceedingly rich.

For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to go into the kingdom of God.

For He will be delivered to the Gentiles; and be mocked, and insulted, and spat upon:

And when He came to the place, Jesus looking up, saw him, and said to him, Zaccheus, hastening, come down; for it behooveth me to abide in thy house this day.

Then He said, A certain nobleman went to a far country, to receive for himself a kingdom, and return.

for I feared thee, because thou art an austere man: thou takest up that which thou hadst not laid down, and thou reapest that which thou hast not sown.

And He already drawing nigh to the descension of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to praise God with a loud voice for all those miracles which they saw; shouting,

And they were not finding what they might do; for all the people hung on Him, hearing Him.

And if we may say, From men; all the people will stone us: for they are persuaded that John was a prophet.

And laying in wait for Him, they sent sharpers, feigning themselves to be righteous, that they might catch his word, in order to turn Him over to the government and authority of the proconsul.

is it lawful for us give tribute to Caesar, or not?

Therefore in the resurrection of which one of them is she the wife? for the seven had her a wife.

For they all of that which abounds unto them cast into the gifts of God: but she out of her scarcity cast in all her living which she had.

And when ye may hear of wars and commotions, be not affrighted: for it behooveth these things first to take place; but the end is not immediately.

when they may already put forth, seeing, know for yourselves that summer is nigh.

For as a lasso it will come upon all the people who are sitting down upon the face of the whole earth.

And He sent Peter and John, saying, Going prepare for us the passover, in order that we may eat it.

And He said to them, I desired with desire to eat this passover with you before I suffer: for I say to you,

for I say to you, I shall from now drink no more from the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God may come.

For which is the greater, he that sitteth at the table, or the waiter? is not the one sitting? but I am in the midst of you as the waiter.

For I say unto you, that it behooves that which has been written to be perfected in me, this, And He was numbered with the transgressors: for indeed that which is concerning me has an end.

And having lighted a fire in the midst of the court, and they sitting together, Peter was sitting in the midst of them.

And a certain maidservant, seeing him sitting at the fire, and fixing her eyes on him, said, This man was with Him.

And about one hour having elapsed, a certain other man accosted him, saying, He was truly with Him: for he is a Galilean.

And they said, Why have we yet need of testimony? for we heard from His own mouth.

And Herod seeing Jesus, rejoiced exceedingly: for from a long time, wishing to see Him, because He was hearing about Him; and he was hoping to see some miracle wrought by Him.

And both Herod and Pilate on that day became friends with one another: for they were hitherto in enmity either to other.

But Herod did not: for he sent Him back to us; and behold, nothing worthy of death has been done by Him.

And he spoke to them the third time, For what evil hath He done? I found nothing in Him worthy of death: therefore having scourged Him, I will release Him.

And Jesus turning to them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and your children.

But the other one responding, rebuked him saying, Do you not fear God, because you are in the same condemnation?

and we indeed justly; for we are receiving the deservings of the things we did: but this one has done nothing amiss.

(for he was not consenting unto their counsel and deed), from Arimathea, a city of the Jews, who also himself was looking for the kingdom of God.

and they being affrighted and filled with fear, thought they saw a spirit.

The same came for a witness, that he might bear witness concerning the light, in order that all through him might believe.

the same came to Him by night, and said to Him, Rabbi, we know that thou hast come a teacher from God; for no one is able to do these miracles, which thou art doing, unless God may he with him.

For His disciples had gone into the city, that they might purchase food.

for thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: thou hast spoken this truly.

Do you not say, That it is yet four months, and the harvest cometh? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes and see the fields, because they are white unto the harvest

And when He came into Galilee, Galileans received Him, having seen all things which He did in Jerusalem at the feast: for they also came to the feast.

he having heard that Jesus has come out of Judea into Galilee, came away to Him, and continued to ask Him that He may come down and heal his son; for He was about to die.

Then the Jews were saying to the healed man, It is the Sabbath, and it is not lawful for thee to carry thy bed.

And the sick man did not know who He is: for Jesus went out, the crowd being in the place.

Then Jesus responded and said to them, Truly, truly, I say unto you, The Son is not able to do anything Himself, unless He may see the Father doing it: for whatsoever He may do, the Son likewise also doeth the same.

He was a bright and shining light: and you were willing to rejoice for an hour in that light.

But I have a testimony greater than that of John: for the works that the Father hath given me that I may perfect them, these works which I do, testify concerning me, that the Father hath sent me.

For if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?

Philip responded to Him, The loaves of two hundred denaria are not sufficient for these, that each one may receive a little.

I am the living bread, having come down from heaven; if any one may eat of me the bread, he will live forever: and the bread which I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.

But there are certain ones of you who do not believe. For Jesus knew from the beginning that there are certain ones not believing, and there is one going to betray Him.

But He spoke of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon, for he was going to betray Him, being one of the twelve.

After these things Jesus walked about in Galilee: for He was not willing to walk about in Judea, because the Jews were seeking to kill Him.