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The lot will put an end to disputes, and between powerful contenders it will decide.

For a fool living in luxury is not fitting, [any] more [than it is] for a slave to rule over princes.

The rage of a king growls like a lion, but his favor is like dew on the grass.

A hot-tempered person pays a penalty; if you rescue [him], you will do [it] yet again.

The craving of a man [is] his steadfast loyalty, and [it is] better [to be] poor than a {liar}.

A lazy person buries his hand in the dish, and even to his mouth he will not bring it back.

Cease to listen to instruction, my child, {and you will stray} from sayings of knowledge.

Take his garment, for he has given security [to] a stranger, and on behalf of a foreigner--take it as pledge.

The violence of the wicked will sweep them away, for they refuse to do justice.

The righteous observes the house of the wicked; he throws the wicked to ruin.

To a city of warriors, the wise ascends, and he will bring down the stronghold--its object of trust.

{All day} he craves a craving, but the righteous will give and not hold back.

Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise; you shall apply your heart to my teaching.

[In order] for your trust to be in Yahweh, I have made [them] known to you {today}--even you.

[In order] to show you what is right--sayings of truth-- [in order] to return a true saying to him who sent you.

Do not be with those who {give a pledge} {by becoming} surety.

If there is nothing for you to pay, why will he take your bed from under you?

When you sit to eat with a ruler, you shall surely observe what [is] before you,

To whom [is] woe? To whom [is] sorrow? To whom [are] quarrels? To whom [is] complaint? To whom [are] wounds without cause? To whom [is] redness of [the] eyes?

To those who linger over wine, to those who come to try mixed wine.

Do not look at wine when it is red, when it {sparkles} on the cup, going down smoothly.

Wisdom [is too] high for fools; at the gate he will not open his mouth.

He who plans to do evil for himself, they will call [him] "master of mischief."

if you say, "Look, we do not know this," does not he who weighs hearts perceive [it]? And he who keeps your soul, he knows and will repay humankind according to his deeds.

My child, eat honey, for [it is] good, and the dripping of the honeycomb [is] sweet to your taste.

Do not lie in wait [like] an outlaw against the home of the righteous; do not do violence [to] his dwelling place.

Do not fret because of the evildoers; do not envy the wicked.

For there will not be a future for the evil; the lamp of the wicked will die out.

Whoever says to the guilty, "You are righteous," the people will curse him; the nations will abhor him.

Do not say, "Just as he has done to me, so shall I do to him; I will pay back the man according to his deed."

As heaven is to height and the earth is to depth, so [is] the heart of kings--there is no searching.

Do not promote yourself before the king, and in the place of the great ones do not stand.

For [it is] better [that] he say to you, "Ascend here," than he humble you before a noble. What your eyes have seen,

do not hastily bring out to court, for what will you do at its end, when your neighbor puts you to shame?

Like the sparrow [is] to fluttering and like the swallow [is] to flying, so an undeserved curse does not go forth.

Answer a fool according to his folly, or else he will be wise in his own eyes.