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Let us swallow them alive like Sheol (the place of the dead),
Even whole, as those who go down to the pit [of death];

She does not observe the path of life; her ways wander, [and] she does not know [it].

Indeed, what a man does is always in the LORD's presence, and he weighs all his paths.

These six things does the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

But whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks common sense and sound judgment and an understanding [of moral principles];
He who would destroy his soul does it.

until an arrow pierces his {entrails}, like a bird rushing into a snare, but he does not know that {it will cost him his life}.

A woman of foolishness is loud, simple, and does not know {it}.

But he does not know that the dead [are] there, in the depths of Sheol [are] her guests.

The merciful man does good to his own soul, but he who is cruel troubles his own flesh.

He who is steadfast in righteousness attains life,
But he who pursues evil attains his own death.

A person doesn't gain security by wickedness, but the righteous won't be uprooted.

The lazy man does not catch and roast his prey,
But the precious possession of a [wise] man is diligence [because he recognizes opportunities and seizes them].

The ransom for a man’s life is his wealth,
But the poor man does not even have to listen to a rebuke or threats [from the envious].

A sharp man does everything with knowledge, but a foolish man makes clear his foolish thoughts.

The king’s favor and good will are toward a servant who acts wisely and discreetly,
But his anger and wrath are toward him who acts shamefully.

The lips of the wise disperse knowledge: but the heart of the foolish does not so.

A divine sentence is in the lips of the king; his mouth does not transgress in judgment.

He who winks his eyes [does so in order] to plan perverse things; he who purses his lips will bring evil to pass.

A servant who does wisely will have rule over a son causing shame, and will have his part in the heritage among brothers.

He who does evil listens to lips of wickedness, [and] the liar gives heed to the tongue of mischief.

Excellent speech does not benefit a fool [who is spiritually blind],
Much less do lying lips benefit a prince.

An offering of money is like a stone of great price in the eyes of him who has it: wherever he goes, he does well.

Why does a fool have money in his hand
with no intention of buying wisdom?

One who has a perverse heart doesn't find prosperity, and one who has a deceitful tongue falls into trouble.

When a wicked man comes, contempt also does,
and along with dishonor, disgrace.

The slacker buries his hand in the bowl;
he doesn’t even bring it back to his mouth.

The wrath of a king is like the loud cry of a lion: he who makes him angry does wrong against himself.

Take the garment of anyone who puts up collateral for a stranger; hold it in pledge if he does it for an unfamiliar woman.

He craves all the day long [and does no work],
But the righteous [willingly] gives and does not withhold [what he has].

Thorns and snares are in the way of the perverse: he that does keep his soul shall be far from them.

If you [claim ignorance and] say, “See, we did not know this,”
Does He not consider it who weighs and examines the hearts and their motives?
And does He not know it who guards your life and keeps your soul?
And will He not repay [you and] every man according to his works?

Like the sparrow in her wandering, like the swallow in her flying,
So the curse without cause does not come and alight [on the undeserving].

As the door turns on its hinges,
So does the lazy person on his bed [never getting out of it].

Wrath is cruel, and angry feeling an overflowing stream; but who does not give way before envy?

In the transgression of an evil man there is a snare: but the righteous does sing and rejoice.

A slave cannot be disciplined by words;
though he understands, he doesn’t respond.

Whoever shares with a thief is his own enemy; he hears the oath to testify, but does not talk.

a lion, which is mightiest among beasts
and doesn’t retreat before anything,