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Then Yahweh said to me, "Apostate Israel has proved herself more upright than treacherous Judah.

[The] bellows are burned up, lead is consumed by fire. {In vain} {he keeps on refining}, but [the] wicked are not torn apart.

But you, Yahweh, you know me, you see me, and you test [that] my heart [is] with you. Tear them apart like sheep for [the] slaughtering, and set them apart for [the] day of slaughter.

But if they do not listen, then {I will completely uproot and destroy that nation}." {declares} Yahweh.

One moment I speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom, to uproot, and to tear down, and to destroy [it].

For I will set my eyes on them for good, and I will bring them back to this land. And I will build them and not annihilate [them], and I will plant them and not uproot [them].