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Let no man under temptation, say, it is God that tempts him; for as he is incapable of moral evil, he can't influence any one thereto.

PETER an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the foreigners dispers'd thro' Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, whom God the father has chosen in pursuance of his decree,

for to this end was the gospel preach'd to those, who are now dead, that after having suffer'd the loss of this frail life from men, they might enjoy an immortal life with God.

for now is the time when God will begin his judgments with his own church. now if he begins with us, what will the conclusion be to those who do not obey the divine gospel?

I formerly writ to you a short epistle, by Silvanus, I think, a faithful brother, to declare and testify to you, that the true dispensation of God is that to which you are attach'd.

for whilst this good man was among them, it daily pierc'd his virtuous soul, to see and hear of their detestable behaviour: this consider'd,

for if our conscience condemn us, God knows us better than we do our selves, he knoweth all things.

and every spirit that does not own that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not from God." this is that anti-christian spirit which you have heard was to come, and even now it appears in the world.

we are of God: he that knoweth God, heareth us; he that is not of God, heareth not us. by this we distinguish the spirit of truth from the spirit of imposture.

if we receive the testimony of men, the testimony of God is greater: now this is the testimony, which God has given us of his son.

he that believeth on the son of God, hath the testimony of God thereto: he that does not believe God, impeaches his veracity, because he does not believe the testimony that God gave of his son.

Now what is testified, is this, that God has given to us eternal life: and this life is by his son.

we know that a true christian will not commit such a sin, for he that is the child of God keeps upon his guard, so that the wicked spirit does not approach him.

Grace, mercy, and peace be with you from God the father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ the son of the father, in consequence of your sincere piety, and social virtue.

my beloved, don't imitate vice, but virtue. he that does good, is a child of God: he that does evil, is not acquainted with God.

to God only wise, our saviour, be glory, magnificence, power, and empire, both now and for ever.

I JOHN, who am your brother, and partake in the tribulation, in the reign, and in the patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony I gave of Jesus Christ.