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But some seed fell into good soil and yielded a crop that sprang up and increased, yielding thirty, sixty, or a hundredfold.

But those, on the other hand, who were sown on that good soil, are those who listen to the Word, and welcome it, and bear fruit, thirty, sixty, or a hundredfold."

And instantly the little girl stood up, and began to walk, for she was twelve years old, They were at once beside themselves with utter amazement.

While they were at the table, eating, Jesus said solemnly. "It is one of you who will betray me??ne who is eating with me."

But Jesus interposed, saying. "Are you come out to arrest me with swords and clubs, as if I were a robber?

A second time he continued to deny it. After a little the by-standers began to say to Peter again, "Surely you are one of them, for you are a Galilean."