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This man lived among the tombs, nor could any one now secure him even with a chain;

And He could not do any miracle there, except that He laid His hands on a few who were out of health and cured them; and

Then He rose and left that place and went into the neighbourhood of Tyre and Sidon. Here He entered a house and wished no one to know it, but He could not escape observation.

Instantly they looked round, and now they could no longer see any one, but themselves and Jesus.

But in the distance He saw a fig-tree in full leaf, and went to see whether perhaps He could find some figs on it. When however He came to it, He found nothing but leaves (for it was not fig time)

He had still one left whom he could send, a dearly-loved son: him last of all he sent, saying, "'They will treat my son with respect.'

for they have all contributed out of what they could well spare, but she out of her need has thrown in all she possessed--all she had to live on."

Meanwhile the High Priests and the entire Sanhedrin were endeavouring to get evidence against Jesus in order to put Him to death, but could find none;

But Pilate could hardly believe that He was already dead. He called, however, for the Centurion and inquired whether He had been long dead;

But they, when they were told that He was alive and that she had seen Him, could not believe it.