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And the king of Egypt will call to the midwives, and will say to them, Wherefore did ye this word, and ye will preserve alive the boys?

And he will say, Who set thee for a chief man and judge over us? dost thou think to kill me as thou didst kill the Egyptian? and Moses will be afraid, and will say, Surely, this word was known.

And Pharaoh will hear this word, and he will seek to kill Moses. And Moses will flee from the face of Pharaoh, and he will dwell in the land of Midian: and he will sit down by the well.

And he the word for thee to the people: and being, he shall be to thee for a mouth, and thou shalt be to him for God.

Go ye, take straw for yourselves, from where ye shall find it; for not a word shall be taken away from your works.

And the urgers on will hasten them, saying, Complete your work; the word of a day, in its day, as in there being straw.

And the scribes of the sons of Israel will see themselves in evil, for saying, Ye shall not take away from the bricks the word of a day in its day.

And he will say, To-morrow. And he will say, According to thy word: for thou shalt know, that there is not as Jehovah our God.

And Moses will go forth and Aaron from Pharaoh; and Moses will cry to Jehovah, for the word of the frogs which he set against Pharaoh.

And Jehovah will do according to the word of Moses, and the frogs will die out of the houses, out of the villages and out of the fields.

And Jehovah will do according to the word of Moses; and he will remove the gad-fly from Pharaoh, and from his servants, and from his people; not one was left over.

And Jehovah will set an appointment, saying, To-morrow Jehovah will do this word in the land.

And Jehovah will do this word in the morrow, and all the cattle of Egypt will die: and from the cattle of the sons of Israel, not one died.

He fearing the word of Jehovah from the servants of Pharaoh, caused his servants to flee, and his cattle to the houses.

And he who set not his heart to the word of Jehovah, will leave his servants and his cattle in the field.

And watch ye this word for a law to thee and to thy sons forever.

Is not this the word which we spake to thee in Egypt, saying, Desist from us, and we will serve the Egyptians? For it is good to us to serve Egypt rather than that we died in the desert

And Jehovah will say to Moses, Behold me raining for you bread from the heavens; and the people shall go forth and shall gather the word of a day in its day, so that I shall try them, whether they will go in my law or not

This the word which Jehovah commanded, Gather ye from it, each according to the mouth of his eating: an omer for the head from the numbering of your souls, ye shall take each for those in his tent

And Moses will say, This the word which Jehovah commanded, Fill the omer from it for a preservation to your generations; so that they shall see the bread which I gave you to eat in the desert in my bringing you forth out of the land of Egypt

Now I knew that Jehovah is great above all gods; for in the word they acted proudly over them.

For when the word will be to them, they came to me, and I judged between a man and between his friend, and I made known the laws Of God and his precepts.

And Moses' father-in-law will say to him, The word is not good which thou doest.

Fading, thou wilt fade away, also thou, also this people that is with thee: for this word is heavy for thee; thou wilt not be able to do it thyself alone.

And they judged the people in all time: and it will be every great word they will bring to thee, and every small word they shall judge: and it will be light for thee, and they shall lift up with thee.

If thou shalt do this word, and God commanded thee, and thou shalt be. able to stand, and all this people shall go to their place in peace.

And they judged the people in all time; and the hard word they brought to Moses, and every small word they will judge themselves.

For every word of transgression, for ox, for ass, for sheep, for garment, for every loss which if this say is his: to God the word of both of them shall come; whom God shall condemn, he shall recompense double to his friend.

From the word of falsehood thou shalt go far away; and the innocent and the just one thou shalt not kill: for I will not justify the unjust one.

And see, and make in their pattern which thou wert seeing in the mountain.

And the sons of Levi will do according to the word of Moses: and there will fall from the people in that day about three thousand men.

To a land flowing with milk and honey: for I will not go up in the midst of thee; for thou art a people of a hard neck; lest I shall consume thee in the way.

And the people will hear this evil word, and they will mourn: and they put not each his ornaments upon him.

And Jehovah will say to Moses, Also this word which thou spakest, I will do: for thou didst find grace in mine eyes and I shall know thee by name.

And he will say, Behold, I make a covenant before all thy people: and I will do wonders which were not created in all the earth, and in all nations; and all the people where thou art among them saw the work of Jehovah: for it is a fearful thing which I do with thee.

And Moses will say to all the assembly of the sons of Israel, saying, This the word which Jehovah commanded, saying,