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Now Simon’s mother-in-law was lying sick with a fever; and immediately they told Him about her.

And He told His disciples to have a small boat stand ready for Him because of the many people, so that they would not crowd Him;

but the worries and cares of the world [the distractions of this age with its worldly pleasures], and the deceitfulness [and the false security or glamour] of wealth [or fame], and the passionate desires for all the other things creep in and choke out the word, and it becomes unfruitful.

The herdsmen [tending the pigs] ran away and reported it in the city and in the country. And the people came to see what had happened.

And the woman, though she was afraid and trembling, aware of what had happened to her, came and fell down before Him and told Him the whole truth.

He gave strict orders that no one should know about this, and He told them to give her something to eat.

And He told them, “Wherever you go into a house, stay there until you leave that town.

For John had been saying to Herod, “It is not lawful [under Mosaic Law] for you to have your brother’s wife.”

The apostles [who had been sent out on a mission] gathered together with Jesus and told Him everything that they had done and taught.

In those days, when there was again a large crowd [gathered before Him] and they had nothing to eat, Jesus called His disciples and told them,

And they replied to Him, “We are able.” Jesus told them, “The cup that I drink you will drink, and you will be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized.

Then they came to Jerusalem. And He entered the temple [grounds] and began driving out [with force] the people who were selling and buying [animals for sacrifice] in the temple area, and overturned the tables of the moneychangers [who made a profit exchanging foreign money for temple coinage] and the seats of those who were selling doves;

Jesus said to them, “I will ask you one question, and you answer Me, and then I will tell you by what authority I do these things.

David himself calls Him (the Son, the Messiah) ‘Lord’; so how can it be that He is David’s Son?” The large crowd enjoyed hearing Jesus and listened to Him with delight.

But be on your guard; I have told you everything in advance.

I assure you and most solemnly say to you, wherever the good news [regarding salvation] is proclaimed throughout the world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.”

The disciples left and went to the city and found everything just as He had told them, and they prepared the Passover.

But go, tell His disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you to Galilee; you will see Him there, just as He told you.’”

They returned [to Jerusalem] and told the others, but they did not believe them either.