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For who, [when they] heard [it], were disobedient? Surely [it was] not all who went out from Egypt through Moses?

And to whom did he make an oath that they might not come into his rest? was it not to those who went against his orders?

So that as it is clear that some have to go in, and that the first hearers of the good news were not able to go in because they went against God's orders,

Because of this, let us have a strong desire to come into that rest, and let no one go after the example of those who went against God's orders.

So the law which went before is put on one side, because it was feeble and without profit.

Now when these things were thus ordained, the priests went always into the first tabernacle, accomplishing the service of God.

But when the Messiah came as a high priest of the good things that have come, he went through the greater and more perfect tent that was not made by human hands and that is not a part of this creation.

He went once for all into the Holy Place [the Holy of Holies of heaven, into the presence of God], and not through the blood of goats and calves, but through His own blood, having obtained and secured eternal redemption [that is, the salvation of all who personally believe in Him as Savior].

For Christ did not go into a holy place which had been made by men's hands as the copy of the true one; but he went into heaven itself, and now takes his place before the face of God for us.

then He said, “Behold, I have come to do Your will.” [And so] He does away with the first [covenant as a means of atoning for sin based on animal sacrifices] so that He may inaugurate and establish the second [covenant by means of obedience].

And if indeed they had been mindful of that country from which they went out, they would have had opportunity to return.

By faith he went out of Egypt, not being turned from his purpose by fear of the wrath of the king; for he kept on his way, as seeing him who is unseen.

By faith they went through the Red Sea as if it had been dry land, though the Egyptians were overcome by the water when they made an attempt to do the same.