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Jehovah doth grant to you, and find ye rest each in the house of her husband;' and she kisseth them, and they lift up their voice and weep.

Verse ConceptsPeople KissingKissingMarriage, Restrictions ConcerningWeepingKissesgoodbyes

And Ruth the Moabitess saith unto Naomi, 'Let me go, I pray thee, into the field, and I gather among the ears of corn after him in whose eyes I find grace;' and she saith to her, 'Go, my daughter.'

Verse ConceptsGleaning

And she falleth on her face, and boweth herself to the earth, and saith unto him, 'Wherefore have I found grace in thine eyes, to discern me, and I a stranger?'

Verse ConceptsBowingGrace, In Human RelationshipsProstrationGratitudeLoving Foreigners

And she saith, 'Let me find grace in thine eyes, my lord, because thou hast comforted me, and because thou hast spoken unto the heart of thy maid-servant, and I -- I am not as one of thy maid-servants.'

Verse ConceptsKindnessMaidsSuffering, Encouragements Inreassurance